Empire’s End is now out in paperback.
(Indiebound | Amazon | B&N)
I don’t expect this to be the end of my Star Wars journey — at least, I certainly hope it isn’t. With a story in the upcoming From A Certain Point Of View charity anthology landing, I’ve got at least one more trip to a Galaxy Far, Far Away that I can talk about.
But I have some thoughts.
Uncomfortable thoughts.
I started writing the Aftermath trilogy in March 2015, and finished writing the first draft of the third book in July of 2016 — months before the election, but also in the midst of the very contentious campaigning. I had no idea what was coming, but in a way, I probably should have.
The Aftermath trilogy serves as a pivot point between the two cinematic trilogies — the so-called Original Trilogy and the newest one that began with The Force Awakens, and that fulcrum point is really the fall of the Empire and the rise of the First Order. The Empire has long served as a galactic sci-fi stand-in for the Nazis, and I think it’s safe to say that the First Order is a neo-fascist resurrection of that, just in better haircuts and nicer outfits, much like we see now the surge in white supremacy. Our current crop of nationalists and neo-Nazis wink and shrug and pretend they’re not the incarnation of the Third Reich, but then they get the same Nazi prick haircut and they stomp around with military rifles and they shout Nazi slogans and pretend they’re hipsters doing it for irony’s sake when really, they’re earnest as anything.
And some of them make me think a little of Kylo Ren: a stung, weak, radicalized man with Daddy Issues, who idolizes the glory of an Empire past, who has tantrums and is a bully and yet knows in his heart of hearts that he can (and will) be beaten by a woman. He pretends to be more powerful than he is. He has a lightsaber that fizzles and spits — a weaponized mirror of his own emotional state. He is angry. He is petulant. You could half imagine him thinking of the rest of the world as full of snowflakes and cucks, even as he melts down at the slightest insult, even as he falls to Rey’s saber — into, you guessed it, a pile of snowflakes.
But in the Aftermath trilogy, he’s just a baby — first in Leia’s womb, then born in the world at the end of Empire’s End. All his potential is there, both the potential to be a force for good, and the potential to be a force for darkness. Both equating to the potential for change, good and bad.
And I think too to Mon Mothma in that serious, a beleaguered politician, a woman who has had to make difficult decisions and who has been punished for them in the media — you cannot rule a galaxy, or even a small part of it, without accumulating some baggage. It means she cannot simply spout platitudes and slogans and win an election: she’s stained by the realities of the office, marred by the imperfections of the role, nearly doomed by hard choices.
And then I think about the reaction to the books — yes, yes, I know, some people didn’t like Aftermath because of the writing, or the present tense, or the fact it was not immediately and directly about the principle three characters, and I get that, and I hear you and I’m sorry the book did not satisfy you on those fronts. But I also think about the tweets and emails I still to this day get about how people are mad about Sinjir and Conder, or mad about Eleodie Maracavanya, or mad about Rae Sloane — and these emails are 99.9% of the time from people who appear to be… well, stung, weak, radicalized men. Maybe they don’t know who they are or where they’re headed, but they’re the types to call you a snowclake and a cuck, even as they melt down from safely within the confines of their mother’s basement, even as they yell at you online near a pull-out couch-bed full of rifles and pistols. They want me to know that their complaints about my novel aren’t about the LGBT stuff or the Grand Admiral who is a woman of color, but rather, about ethics in HoloNet Star Wars journalism, dontchaknow. About how well actually, zhe and zher are not words, dontchaknow, no no, we’re not Nazis, just grammar Nazis, but also, didn’t Hitler have some cool ideas, hey, come check out my Twitch stream, my podcast, no, no, that Swastika and pepe frog are just ironic, I’m just a funny ol’ silly ol’ troll?
Then I think about the prequels, and how — no matter what you felt about their storytelling — they predicted some of our political realities, too. Sinister forces lining up, spinning crises not to bring us together but rather as an excuse for greater war, to stir up fear, to seize power. To destroy our safeguards — and our guardians. Guardians who were themselves wildly imperfect and eager to lend a hand in their self-destruction. In the prequels, those manipulations and falls-from-grace were more overt (and arguably, appropriately more cartoonish), but easy enough to find some parallels in the last two decades.
I think about how Rogue One landed right after the election — here came a movie about the peak of the Empire’s power, and how a small but focused resistance found a crack in the mantle to exploit. And how those character sacrificed to free a galaxy from authoritarian rule.
I think about Rey and Finn and Cassian and Jyn and Poe, I think about Sinjir and Conder and Rae and Eleodie, and I think about how white guys (like, well, me) are no longer finding pop culture to be as perfect a mirror for them as it used to be. How they are not reflected as constantly — their narcissism, long fed so achingly on the food of that reflection. But that reflection is now complicated, it’s changed, and to them feels like a damaging, howling void even as it seems to uplift others at their expense. And these men feel lost and alone, even though pop culture still shows them Luke, Han, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Superman, Batman, Greens Lantern and Arrow, Flash, John McClane, John Wick, Star Lord, Iron Man, Captain America in or out of his Hydra guise, Thor, Spider-Man, Jack Sparrow, Harry Potter, and *unfurls list that’s a hundred years long* on and on. After so long of having not to share, we’re being made to share. That excites some people. And it enrages others. Because children don’t always like to share. We no longer have the mirror to ourselves. We no longer have toys that are ours and ours alone. We’ve been told for so long that we’re special, and here comes Star Wars to say, maybe not just you, maybe we’re all special, maybe we can have toys for a lot of people and stories for a lot of people, and wouldn’t that be grand? To some, that’s amazing. The chance to widen the doorway, to see more than just yourself in the glass. Others hear that and they just want to break the mirror.
If they can’t have it all to themselves, then nobody can have it.
That’s the Empire.
That’s the First Order.
Maybe we’re living just a little bit of Aftermath right here, right now.
And maybe we need Star Wars more than ever.
I don’t necessarily mean as an instruction manual, but I do think there are lessons in there that go deeper than just some GOOD VERSUS EVIL battle — even when those lessons actually are, hey, sometimes it really is good versus evil. Sometimes oppression is oppression, and evil is evil. Sometimes resistance and rebellion are necessary. Sometimes governing is hard but that doesn’t mean government is bad. Sometimes government is taken over by sinister forces, and other times we fear sinister forces so much, we end up inviting them inside, like vampires we ask to come inside because we are afraid of werewolves. (I know, I’m mixing my storyworlds here; apologies.)
I don’t mean to suggest Star Wars does not yet have work to do on itself. I think it’s time to see some LGBT representation on-screen, not just in books or in comics. I think we need it confirmed, up there, in bold colors and with love on display — a refutation of the hate that goes on off-screen. But I think too that the great people behind Star Wars are there for that, they’re here to do the work, and they’ve shown that they’re willing to listen and show a galaxy that includes, not excludes. And that’s another reason we need it.
What I hope is, this tumultuous (and if I may, particularly stupid) era of politics ends up being a footnote — we see that rocky, broken speedbump fast receding in our rear-view even as Star Wars sticks around, through 40 years and onward another 40, showing us not a utopia, but instead revealing t0 us a world that can break and be broken, but also one that can be mended by friendship and resistance and by striving to do good in the face of the worst evil.
Thanks to those who have read the trilogy.
Thanks to Star Wars for having me. Thanks to Del Rey for taking a chance with me. Thanks to the fans for sticking with me.
I hope my journey isn’t done there, but even if it is, it meant everything.
Fran Wilde says:
your concerns have piqued my interest even more in this star war thing… just sayin’
August 29, 2017 — 11:06 AM
terribleminds says:
It’s like Luke Skywalker said IN THE REVENGE OF THE EMPIRE, “There hath always been a Stars War.”
August 29, 2017 — 11:07 AM
Fran Wilde says:
So I should start with the Christmas Special I keep hearing about?
August 29, 2017 — 11:12 AM
Sean Burnside says:
The one with Space Monkeys was the best…
August 29, 2017 — 11:32 AM
terribleminds says:
August 29, 2017 — 11:33 AM
Fran Wilde says:
I haven’t heard of … really?
August 29, 2017 — 11:42 AM
inkgrrl says:
Yup. Flying pandas too. They weren’t CALLED flying pandas, but you know how it is.
August 29, 2017 — 6:01 PM
Fran Wilde says:
… I have questions
August 30, 2017 — 1:34 PM
Elizabeth Kearney says:
Exiting the theater after “The Force Awakens,” I wondered how could everyone not see the parallels between fictional Empire and Trump’s neo-Nazi leanings? But then it occurred to me that probably EVERYBODY identifies with the Resistance, even today’s neo-Nazis. The Empire can stand for Obama, feminism, multiculturalism, whatever it is that scares the white boys that day, and they can just as easily see themselves as the plucky Resistance fighting Evil, despite all those multicultural faces….
August 29, 2017 — 11:23 AM
Sean Burnside says:
I have to wonder if this is what it felt like, right before some yellow-eyed man-child led his jackbooted minions across the collected throat of the Republic.
August 29, 2017 — 11:31 AM
Keith says:
If you don’t get to write a Luke Skywalker novel, I will throw a Kylo Ren style tantrum that will make many stormtroopers wince and chuckle uncomfortably and shrug to each other.
August 29, 2017 — 11:34 AM
Pamela says:
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about while we’re all unique we’re not special. And I think this is hard for some people to understand.
August 29, 2017 — 11:35 AM
terribleminds says:
I love this, well-said.
August 29, 2017 — 11:57 AM
Dustin says:
Very nice, and I agree. We are ALL unique, but no one should feel entitled, either.
I love your heart, constantly on display here, Chuck.
December 6, 2017 — 1:47 PM
TerryMarchion says:
Hey Chuck — I’m just finishing empire’s end — and you’ve written a good three books — personally, I LIKE the diversity you’ve presented. I may be in the minority, but I found it refreshing to have a story told from the points of view of people that weren’t the big three. It shows the flavor of this universe in a way that gets overshadowed otherwise. People will always nitpick the writing, the present tense, the overuse of similes (:P) — but overall, the books are totally enjoyable — and isn’t that the point?
Thanks for all you to, man . . .
August 29, 2017 — 11:42 AM
David Wilson says:
One thing I liked about Rogue One is there isn’t a hint of romance in the entire film. The closest the male and female lead get is hand on top of hand as they sit on the beach waiting for death. For a hollywood film, this is incredible. I love Baz and Chirrut as well. It is clear they are an asexual couple.
August 29, 2017 — 12:29 PM
Tim Adams says:
There’s something to be said for the power fiction has to engender empathy and overcome prejudice. Because of your books, I am no longer filled with hate and rage when I think about battle droids. #notallbattledroids #MisterBones
August 29, 2017 — 1:16 PM
terribleminds says:
August 29, 2017 — 1:22 PM
Jemima Pett says:
Well done, Chuck. You’re a star 🙂
August 29, 2017 — 1:44 PM
Ron Salsig says:
Just reading your blog here, sounds like you’ve done well with Star Wars storylines, detail and plot. But I wonder if you’ve strayed from the original purpose of the Star Wars saga. It all began when George Lucas met Joseph Campbell, and Lucas became convinced there had to be a way to bring religious myth into the 20th century. After all, our current religions are all at least 2,000 years old (Christ, Buddha, etc). So he wrote Star Wars to bring spirituality into contemporary story. The “force” is Lucas’ way of doing that, how it would look in our world.
In any case, I’ve always liked your work
August 29, 2017 — 2:30 PM
terribleminds says:
Some of the Campbellian stuff has been overblown, though. Further, Lucas has long been a political entity, and Star Wars is an implicitly political universe. The prequels — which, remember, Lucas made — are explicitly political.
August 29, 2017 — 3:08 PM
wizardru says:
I think it’s worth noting that Lucas is prone to historical meddling not only in his work, but in his memory of the creation of it. Even a cursory glance of early drafts of The Star Wars show that it was a work in progress that evolved and not something that sprang from the head of Lucas (or Campbell or Kurosawa or anyone else), but a large-scale collaboration that was AWARE of the heroic journey…but was just as much as pastiche of Samurai Movies, 30s sci-fi serials, pirate movies, war movies (especially movies about busting dams) as anything else.
Star Wars isn’t necessarily ABOUT something…unless that something is ENTERTAINING AN AUDIENCE. Lucas’ two biggest creations are recreations/remixes of things he loved as a child. There’s nothing wrong with that in the slightest, but I don’t maintain any illusion that Star Wars has a central theme in the same way I might say that Doctor Who does (interested parties are directed to Craig Ferguson’s Lost Opening on Youtube, i.e. “Intellect and Romance triumphs over Brute Force and Cynicism”).
August 30, 2017 — 1:21 PM
Ron Salsig says:
I talked with Lucas before I wrote this post. (yes, I know him, he lives in my area and i first met him when he was in Alameda, staring at those cargo-loading cranes on the Alameda-Oakland estuary, his inspiration for those four-legged mechanical war machines). His memory was very good, especially regarding his inspiration for the whole thing, from JC. He wouldn’t really remark on Chuck’s SW books, citing that he’d sold the copyright for that series. But he did state that he’d read some of Chuck’s other books, and he liked them very much.
August 31, 2017 — 2:14 PM
T. Straker says:
Lol. Hilarious as always 😉
August 29, 2017 — 6:09 PM
Tom says:
Great post, Chuck. Thanks for being here for us.
August 29, 2017 — 6:58 PM
Mario A. Escamilla says:
Thank you so much for your words! They mean a lot! Representation means a lot and I hadn’t thought so until I saw Diego Luna speak his dialogue with an accent! There was my compatriot in a frigging Star Wars movie! Fortunately I got over it quickly and was able to see Cassian Andor on the screen for the rest of the movie, but I’m so glad to live in this age! I would’ve never thought it possible when I played Star Wars with my older cousins who always took the main characters for themselves…
August 29, 2017 — 9:20 PM
Rachel Rush says:
I love this post.
I’ve been thinking that the reason we need diversity in the media we consume isn’t so much that women and minorities deserve to see themselves represented (though of course women and minorities do deserve that!) as that it can teach empathy to those in the privileged group. Women and minorities have long had to see the world through the eyes of straight white men, as straight white men feature in most of our media. But the reverse isn’t true — straight white men haven’t had as much exposure to seeing other people as protagonists, and the reactions of many of them when presented with a non-straight-white-male protagonist demonstrate why that’s a problem.
We do a disservice to women and minorities when we pretend they don’t exist, or that they only exist to serve as an accessory to a straight white man’s story. But we’re also doing a disservice to straight white men in failing to teach them how to see the world through the eyes of others — in other words, how to live in the world they actually inhabit.
August 30, 2017 — 10:15 AM
B. Blue Marbe says:
Good points. I often see these straight white men screaming into the void about how [underrepresented group] is ruining [whatever media] by [getting underrepresented cooties all over it] and I’m reminded of the coddled only children I knew as a kid who had never been made to share with anyone else, but they damn well knew how to make a fuss whenever the other kids weren’t sharing “enough” with them.
September 1, 2017 — 11:27 PM
Melissa Ann Paris (@magickislife) says:
Well said. Also you did a beautiful job with the books. It took me days to move on after finishing after Empire’s End.
August 30, 2017 — 10:33 AM
terribleminds says:
Thank you!
August 30, 2017 — 10:58 AM
Dirck says:
May it be a speed-bump indeed, or perhaps that last dip at the end of a wash-board length of gravel road before the start of pavement and smooth travel. Even if one is a male straight white guy (present!), greater diversity is rather more interesting and a useful reminder that we aren’t more important. Heck, we’re not even so numerous.
PROFOUNDLY aside the actual point: “The Empire has long served as a galactic sci-fi stand-in for the Nazis, and I think it’s safe to say that the First Order is a neo-fascist resurrection of that, just in better haircuts and nicer outfits, much like we see now the surge in white supremacy.”
It was shortly after I became a little pre-teen Star Wars fan in the summer of 1977 that I realized this: the depth of evil in a regime is in proportion to how spiffy the uniforms are, with the silver-highlighted black of the Waffen-SS as a prime example, although the splendid red serge of Imperial Britain could also be offered up. I became slightly less worried about the USSR then, given the goofy hats of the officers, and I will start to seriously worry about US international intentions when officers below Colonel stop looking like unmade beds in the field. The outfits aren’t nicer, they’re just newer.
August 30, 2017 — 11:23 AM
decayingorbits says:
When our current Resistance stops being terrified of shouted words and seeing inanimate objects as existential threats, then maybe the First Order and what it stands for will be defeated once and for all.
September 1, 2017 — 9:16 PM