Apple-Obsessed Author Fella

Macro Monday Gets Moist

I issued a photo challenge last week to Paul Weimer and Sarah Chorn last week about capturing a dandelion macro — a dandelion gone to seed with waterdrops. I’ve seen such beautiful photos and I’d never been able to capture one myself that I was really happy with. And then lo and behold, we had one of those rains that was less a rain and more a persistent mist, and whenever that happens, I tend to get very interesting waterdrop shots.

And so, I hunted up a dandelion and finally got a couple photos I like:

So, yeah. There you go.

What else is going on?

Reminder that I’ll be in Cherry Hill, NJ this week talking STAR WARS.

Speaking of Sarah Chorn, she did a fabulously nice review of Zer0es at her blog — “This book is full of ideas, and complex insights into our global economy and many situations that have faced societies around the world, and plenty of science woven in to keep you happy. In some ways this is a David and Goliath story, and it is so very well done. The giant and the little guy, in conflict, as told only the way Chuck Wendig can tell it.” And given recent news, the book becomes all the more relevant, ahem. If you’re now frothing and flailing and wondering how you get the book, well, behold your local bookstore, or hey what about here?

Also, looks like Invasive ARCS are starting to make their way into the world

Did you see that I’ll be at the Orlando Book Festival on June 18th? COME SAY HI.

And I think that’s it.