[Note: some spoilers below. Mostly light. Comment section may be a spoilfest.]
As you may have noticed before, I like to take the stories I have in some way consumed with my grasping psychic tendrils and then I like to rip them apart like warm bread to see what seedy, grainy bits lurk within. The purpose of this is just to think a little bit about stories, their power, their mechanics — and since story is somewhat universal across all media and formats, I’ll do this with whatever crosses my path (example? My post on Prometheus: In Which The Gods Of Plot Punish The Characters For Their Precious Agency).
And so we come to Dragon Age: Inquisition.
For those who haven’t played a current era Bioware game like Mass Effect or Dragon Age, it’s important to realize that the thing you think is the game (level up! get weapons! punch dragons!) isn’t really the game. The game is the story. By which I mean, Bioware has done a very cool thing where the actual characters and plot are moveable. Throughout your gameplay you have choices that actually modify the course of the story — something that is a little bit putting together a narrative puzzle and Choose Your Own Adventure. Mass Effect in particular ensures that the changes you make in early games actually cascade to later ones (DA does this a little less successfully, I think, but it’s still there). Which means both game and story are neatly, if sometimes inelegantly, merged. It’s a wonderful effect and you don’t see a lot of it in gaming.
So, what lessons do we learn from DA: Inquisition?
Character Agency
You have actual agency in the story. This isn’t on rails. As defined in my post on character agency:
Character agency is, to me, a demonstration of the character’s ability to make decisions and affect the story. This character has motivations all her own. She is active more than she is reactive. She pushes on the plot more than the plot pushes on her. Even better, the plot exists as a direct result of the character’s actions.
Very few games actually give you something approaching genuine agency. Bioware gets as close as you can get, at present. It’s imperfect, of course — unless someone designs a video game that has as much narrative flexibility as a pen-and-paper RPG, you won’t see true agency represented. But this is pretty damn good.
And further, the other characters in the story have agency, too. They don’t just stand around and fiddle with their buttholes all day long — they want things and have agendas and secrets, etc.
Speaking of them…
Supporting Characters
The game understands that supporting characters are meaningful. Not just in the “they stand around waiting to support the hero” way. These are characters of agency and consequence. They are not always the heroes of their own tales, but they are fully-fledged and -fleshed characters in their own rights. They are characters who have already changed the world and will go on to do it again. You have (slight spoiler warnings here) characters who include: a world-renown novelist, two characters who might compete to be the head of one of the game’s largest groups, one character who may or may not be some kind of fallen god, one character who has a mother who may or may not be some kind of fallen god, and so on. These are the side characters. They support you. But they’re not just like, no-name no-fuck who-gives-a-shit characters. They are epic in their own right. But intimate, too! Sometimes you just have scenes or quests that are about who the characters are rather than based on some half-ass fantasy trope. If the game and in fact all the Bioware games get one thing right: it’s the cabinet of characters who travel with you.
The Game Plays Like A Novel Reads
It’s a well-paced, well-plotted story. It escalates well and it’s almost worth studying how it escalates — it even does the best that it can in terms of mitigating your own rise to power because, of course, there’s still the game side of things, where you level up and get bigger weapons. It’s a tricky balance, but it pulls it off. And it also measures out the sub-plotting and support character interaction throughout, so it’s not just a single plot shot straight to the end — it’s this mixed-up woven-in tale with lots of narrative braiding.
The Big Plot Fails Because Of All Of The Above
Ennnh. So. Yeah. Here’s the problem — the big plot is kind of a big ol’ poop noise. It’s not bad, exactly, but where the previous games felt a little nuanced in who you initially thought were good and bad guys, this is a pretty straight shot to, LOOK HERE IS A BIG EVIL MONSTER-MAN AND HE’S GOING TO DO BIG EVIL MONSTER-MAN THINGS SO HEY GO PUNCH HIM. And then the ending — again light spoiler warning — is pretty much HEY NOW’S YOUR CHANCE TO PUNCH HIM OH YAY YOU DID IT NOW THE GAME IS OVER. The game does such a good job telling the stories of the characters and institutions within the game that when it comes to the epic plotline, it feels completely dull. All the bad guys act like bad guys because bad guys.
Bonus Points: Diversity
This world felt a little less white and a lot less straight. The games have done well with diversity in the past, but here I feel like they’re making a bigger effort. That being said, I also found the in-world diversity somewhat lacking — like, no look at the abuses elves took in their alienages, no deeper glimpse at dwarven culture? But it does feature the first trans character I’ve encountered in a video game, and two straight-up gay characters (wait, can a gay character be straight-up? I SAY YES). Characters who are addressed as such and who are complete and compelling characters with, again, their own agency in the world.
Oh You’re Damn Right I Can Complain
I have a laundry list of complaints, many not even all that story-related, and I will put them here because I am a jerky-faced poo-head who likes to grouse about stuff sometime as is my right as a denizen of the Internet.
• Why, for the sake of Andraste’s Sacred Nipples, am I picking weeds and rocks? I guess I get it in the beginning, but eventually I’m the Inquisitor. Which is like — like what? Warrior-Pope? Fantasy President? I dunno. Point is, it’s like imagining Obama having to hunt and kill his own chickens, or expecting the head of Al Qaeda to go and make his own shoelaces.
• Also, how exactly am I harvesting actual ore and metals from rocks with my bare-hands? In Minecraft I at least need a pick-axe. This I just stoop like I’m gonna pass a stool, and then delicately pick an entire lump of iron from the mountainside. And then I put it where, I dunno. Up my ass, I guess. Inventory in games is always kinda silly because somehow between my four characters I can carry like, 40 swords if I want to. And infinite amounts of goddamn Spindleweed.
• For some reason, during cutscenes, my Inquisitor — a woman — walks like she’s got a load in her pants, or a secret tail. Kinda bow-legged, with tons of weird digital thigh-gap. Do I have hemorrhoids? Is being Fantasy President really stressful?
• Ugh so many laundry list quests. FIND 72,000 SHARDS. DISCOVER 40 LETTERS. KILL SEVEN RACCOONS, ALL OF WHOM MAY ALSO BE VENATORI WIZARDS. The world-and-local maps are loaded for bear with questing symbols by the thousand, and so many of them are impersonal, dumb, hunt-and-fetch quests. Sure, you’ve got a game that’s 100+ hours, but at least 47 of those hours I’m running around like a goon looking for a hundred-and-fifty magical goat turds to unlock the magical goat turd depository where I’ll have to kill seven revenants and — ugh. I’d much rather fewer quests with more impactful narrative.
• I am a fan of the epic game, and this one feels like an epic fantasy novel, but there’s this weird line that you cross, too, where I start to want the game to just be over already. And because the game is so variable in its story, it’s a game I want to replay. But I literally do not have another 100 hours to commit to this game, so it will go entirely unreplayed. Idea: keep making your A++ Dragon Age and Mass Effect games, but also introduce some interstitial story-only adventure games that operate similar to how The Walking Dead works. Bonus: have the story decisions there play out and cascade to the larger releases. Honestly, so many of the people I know who play these do so just to find out more about the characters (translate: discover how many of them they can sex up). Give us some story-based character games in between huge releases. Double bonus: let me write them because I said so. *gesticulates with grabby hands*
• I often out-leveled areas. While auto-leveling sometimes feels forced, here I’d stomp into a new region of Orlais thinking I was going to have a challenge only to discover that the bad guys possessed the toughness of rat farts. I’d clear through them the way a lightsaber bisects butter.
• And yet, some fights were seriously fucking hard, too. Dragon Age is puzzling in the challenge, because when I keep it on normal, things will seem fine but then I’ll suddenly get owned by like, a fantasy antelope or something. And boss fights are impossible on normal, so eventually I just jam the lever on EASY and coast through trying to get from one story point to another.
• No, I still don’t like reading on TV screens. I don’t care how compelling a read it is, I hate to read digital books inside a video game on a TV screen. That shit is onerous.
• This one was a lot better at inventory and making sure I wasn’t opening every barrel just to find a pair of torn pants that I could sell for a tuppence. But even so, dang. There’s only so much dumb armor and weapons and little treasures you can pick up before it becomes rote and dull. Just give me gold. Always give me gold. Because that’s its end game — I’m going to sell all this trash for gold. Don’t make me do that. Stop putting things in games that are not fun. You know what’s not fun? Trudging to a merchant to sell 52 spider rectums so I can afford a new staff for my mage.
• I still don’t understand half of what I was supposed to be doing with potions, tonics, grenades.
• I didn’t feel like this one had as many jaw-dropping choices as earlier games — these felt fairly down-the-middle, like the choices were mostly obvious. I’m a fan of when you get those choices that you have sit and stare at for five minutes because you literally cannot predict the outcome of either. This had some, but not enough, maybe.
• No game-breaking glitches, but lots of little ones.
• All told, my complaints seem major — but hey, I played. I finished. I have no time and no patience for mediocrity and yet, I persevered here and feel rewarded for it. The characters are amazing, the worlds fully realized (and in some cases, beautiful as anything I have ever seen in a video game), and for the most part the writing is heads and shoulders above what you get in other games. Worth it, with caveats.
Your Turn
What did you think of the game?
Who was your character?
Who did you romance / sex up?
Bonus: show off your character!
Double bonus: rank your favorite supporting characters from DA (this game or all of them!) from best to worst. Do this now or I will lock you in a room with Sera the elf so she can snark at you.
ivy says:
Good post. An aside: I once wrote a corporate report in which I summarised employees’ ‘sense of agency’. But there wasn’t a single employee, at either minion or executive level, that understood the term. So I had to change it. “What does agency mean?” They all asked. “Let’s say empowered, instead”. I was incredulous. Then I thought, perhaps that’s a symptom of my particular academic upbringing? For shame, I have been living in a bubble. But then I checked elsewhere: do you get what this term means? And everyone said yeah, why?
And here it is, again. Attached to gaming, and lit. Flipping character agency. You’re wonderful.
January 20, 2015 — 12:17 AM
Katherine says:
You took the words I might have said and said them more eloquently and with additional rat farts.
The only thing I would add is that the controls feel like they might be joyously straightforward on a console – but since I am in fact playing on a PC they’re just maddening. BUT. The storytelling is good enough that I am persevering through having to reposition my character seventeen times before finally being able to interact with something. Grr.
I played a human mage. (Because mage combat was so fun in Origins. It’s not that fun in Inquisition.)
I got jiggy with the overly stern Blackwall. (Because I saw a spoiler about him and kinda wanted to see how that played out.)
Favorite supporting character: probably Iron Bull. He should be such a boring stereotype and yet he’s totally delightful. Least favorite: maybe stodgy Cassandra. Or Vivienne, who I would argue is actually the queen of snark.
But if you lock me in a room with Sera it’ll still be terrifying. She’ll bewilder me to death with utter incoherence.
(Is it me or are the supporting characters getting rather more poetic in their dialogue? Not just Sera. Cole veered back and forth from exquisite to almost…too…overblown…. But I appreciate the risk Bioware is taking. “Hey, lets have a character that speaks almost entirely in image flashes from other characters’ streams of consciousness!” Yep, that could have gone so much worse. )
January 20, 2015 — 12:23 AM
cavalaxis says:
Okay, I have to defend the crafting. I’m on my second playthrough, because HOLY SHIT BALLS that sneaky fuck isn’t leaving my side the whole game this time. (And did you catch what he’s wearing around his NECK!? Well-played, Bioware. Well-played.) But I’m still gonna defend crafting, because as much as I like running from place to place wailing on things with fire and arrows, I need breaks. I need time to level my adrenaline levels. I need to run around and look at pretty scenery, collect 4000 shards, all the songs, and all the bottles. I am that rare gamer, the Gleaner. I Glean. It’s what I do. In Fallout 3 & NV, I had to check every mail box and every garbage can. I opened every locker and every drawer. Here, I get a great deal of satisfaction from picking through every chest and bookshelf, every burned out building and waterlogged cabin. I *live* for that shit.
And you know how DA:I pays me back? Not in loot, no. It pays in *banter*. There are plot points in the side banter between party members. First playthrough, I settled in with my chosen companions (because seriously, who couldn’t watch the Iron Bull & Sera show all day long? I would pay cash money for that.). But in between smash the green glowing holes in the space-time continuum, and getting my ass handed to me by the Hinterlands bears, I listen to Dorian and Sera (who against all elven tropes, is so very young) argue about how the old Elven gods must be demons because they lost to Andraste and the Maker. I get to listen to Iron Bull & Varric discuss just how IB came up with his name, and how if there’s a dwarf topside, not only does Varric know his name, the guy probably owes him money. I get to listen to Dorian trash talk Solas’s wardrobe choices. It’s pure GOLD.
I will say this about being over-levelled. It’s our own damned fault for feeling like we can’t leave an area until we’re Done. This game wants you to move on when you start to get bored, not when you’re finished finding All The Things. I was kind of disappointed with how deserted the set was after the Endgame. I was looking forward to going back and completing all the sets, but it felt like the street lights came on and everyone went home.
Did you do Dragon Age Keep, where you got to import your previous plot choices from the two prior games? I seriously had to do an hour’s worth of research just to know where I was starting in this game. (Again, my choice. I’m sure you can jump in blind and pick it up as you go along.)
In short, it earned my Game of the Year recommendation. And yes, the main plot could have been punchier, but I definitely got the sense that I was part of a greater overarching mythos. And perhaps more importantly, I really, really, *really* want to know what happens *next*.
January 20, 2015 — 12:29 AM
cavalaxis says:
ETA: Also, I played a human mage first time through, and I romanced the Bull, because he was the least pretentious of the lot of them. I loved all the characters though, and that’s the sign of a good story, when I can name each and every one of them. And know their quirks and their foibles, their strengths and their hopes.
January 20, 2015 — 1:10 AM
Kate says:
DRAGON AGE! Chuck, you are singing my song. I’ve been talking about Inquisition so much since November that I’ve run out of things to say or places to start, so have some characters:
Kawyn Lavellan the elf mage can’t weigh more than 80 pounds but if she wants to try to drink The Iron Bull under the table, sure, okay. You give it a shot, honey. http://41.media.tumblr.com/fba4f46a39f7350a81494f9689833265/tumblr_ngfvwvZ5T91tx10mco1_500.png
Then there was Cryda Trevelyan, who only stuck around the Inquisition to get her some sweeeet Cullen action. That boy is basically a golden retriever with a sword. The action was acceptable. http://41.media.tumblr.com/7de45407b02cdd8bd5165301ab0f74af/tumblr_ng8u752HGW1tx10mco1_500.png
And finally, Beåta Cadash, dorf-Quisitor, because humans are dumb and dwarves rules forever and Scout Harding needed a girlfriend and only the cutest in Thedas would do. http://41.media.tumblr.com/84ab4cb62b5957d437d15a1fc2efde84/tumblr_nfbwrp4SEF1tx10mco4_1280.png
Companions in order from best to least best (completely objective, inarguable fact): Merrill, Sigrun, Dog, Cassandra, Cole, Varric, Aveline, Sebastian, Vivienne, Shale, Sten, Isabela, Dorian, Morrigan, Solas, The Iron Bull, Bethany, Blackwall, Nathaniel, Wynne, Velanna, Carver, Zevran, Leliana, Sera, Oghren, Anders, Alistair, Fenris.
January 20, 2015 — 1:38 AM
David says:
My character, a human female warrior, tried to sex up Dorian only to learn later that he’s gay. Bastard played with my feelings. At least he apologized for that. Later I romanced Sophia. Anyway, I don’t know if you played the DLCs available for DA2, but Coryphius was actually an enemy already introduced–seeing him again was fairly fun and I thought him to be well-implemented. Not that I don’t agree with your general point of him being a one-dimensional bad guy.
Regarding the crafting system: I didn’t feel it at all. The search for crafting recipes and materials was annoying and often my self-made armor was surpassed by stuff found on the road an hour later–all that effort for nothing.
However, I found a real use for tonics, potions, etc. If you play on nightmare, they’re a necessity for bossfights. Take the dragon in the Hinterlands for example–I’d never have beaten that guy without fire resistance potions for the whole party. Also, the jar of bees does a ridiculous amount of damage early game and is perfect to clear out Rifts, even the more dangerous ones.
By the way, Cassandra’s hobby is the bestest, like for real. Couldn’t stop laughing when Varric reacts to it.
January 20, 2015 — 4:05 AM
cavalaxis says:
My favourite part of Jar of Bees is in the upgrade tree. The last ingredient: And Some Wasps… ~shudder~
January 20, 2015 — 4:08 AM
biowaremetacrit says:
AHHH I SCREECHED A BIT WHEN I SAW THIS IN MY IN-BOX! Mind if I link back to it on my bioware metacritique blog? And to answer your questions:
What did you think of the game? I think it was DA does Skyrim light. Some of the areas were the right size for open world, but others were too huge, and after a while got tiring to explore, or I had to literally cross the map to achieve a goal, turn it, lather, rinse, repeat. Also parts of it are poorly written, ie some character arcs make no sense, etc.
Who was your character? Well the first Inquisitor was a two handed Dalish warrior who was basically like yeah, ok Herald of Andraste, riiiiight. SURE I’ll go with it if it means you’ll stop trying to kill me for supposedly murdering the Divine.
The guy I am running now is a goody-two shoes, praise Andraste and the Maker type who has bought into being the Herald hook, line and sinker. Boy is he gonna have a crisis after the Fade.
Who did you romance / sex up? First Inquisitor Meneris (Dalish) went for Dorian, Second Inqusitor Hissra (M!Adaar rogue) went for Bull, current character Max (S&S Human) is going after Cassandra
Bonus: show off your character!
Max, my current Inquisitor
Double bonus: rank your favorite supporting characters from DA (this game or all of them!) from best to worst. Do this now or I will lock you in a room with Sera the elf so she can snark at you. (NOOOO, ANYTHING TO BE KEPT FROM BEING LOCKED IN A ROOM WITH HER)
Cassandra, Dorian,Leliana, Cullen, Iron Bull, Varric, Cole, Blackwall, Solas, Vivienne, Sera
January 20, 2015 — 7:36 AM
Eva Therese says:
I played as a male qunari and tried to hit on Sera. Only to get shot down with the line: “We have too much in common. We both like women.” Well played Bioware, well played. So I romanced Dorian instead. And it was totally fluff and adorbs.
I agree with you that the major quest became unimportant compared to just running around, listening to your companions snark at each other and going Oooooohhhh! at the scenery.
Also, I played the first two games on my PS3, then this game on my new PS4. So I used that Dragonagekeep thingy to import decisions. It works okay, but I can understand from my PC-gaming friends that there are far more choices with potential consequences than then ones you get to set in the keep. And that sucks.
And I have two minor quibbles, both of which I hope to see addressed by DLCs.
Firstly, I wanted somewhere to stash stuff I didn’t need, but didn’t want to sell for whatever reason. Preferably a weapons chamber, where you could exhibit some of the cool unique items. For instance, at one point King Alistair sent me a sword which used to belong to King Calenhad. Having read the books and stuff, I know this is a huge deal, but I had other swords that were more powerful and I ended up autoselling it. I would much rather have hung it on a wall somewhere. And I mean, you have an actual wine cellar, where the bottles you find during your adventures are stashed so why not a weapons chamber?
Secondly, I want a makerdamn mabari companion. Why is this so hard to understand Bioware? Dog, whom I called Cabal, was my favourite companion in DA:O. (This may or may not have something to do with the fact that he was the only companion why never disapproved of anything I did.) So yeah. Make with the Doggy DLC, now!
January 20, 2015 — 7:39 AM
Jessa Lynch (@chichenpizza) says:
All my characters named their dogs something different, too, depending on who they were. So my elven mage named hers Korcari, the human noble named it Griffon (“Does it have griffons in it?”), and my city elf named it KnifeEars. I WANT A MABARI.
January 20, 2015 — 10:17 AM
biowaremetacrit says:
Ah I am smart and didn’t think about html in the comments! Here’s the direct links to my Inquistors:
https://36.media.tumblr.com/fa4c30a691903e8d0fd498f6cf41156d/tumblr_nigf3lNcsL1qaqpoho4_1280.jpg Max Trevelyan
http://41.media.tumblr.com/7a34c351f2b76ca8876318ffa2050a77/tumblr_nhqfla9WDz1qaqpoho1_1280.jpg Meneris Lavellan
http://40.media.tumblr.com/1d761b135056b01fb5b127ee84b02352/tumblr_nhqfla9WDz1qaqpoho2_1280.jpg Eneryis Trevelyan
http://41.media.tumblr.com/5989c368f2f19b429a85090bee787563/tumblr_nhqfla9WDz1qaqpoho3_1280.jpg Hissra Adaar
http://40.media.tumblr.com/a36b6f6ec6a2943062274debdfbd2575/tumblr_nhqfla9WDz1qaqpoho5_1280.jpg Fellara Lavellan
http://41.media.tumblr.com/0f34c35daa784890c93c64165c28ba8c/tumblr_nhqfla9WDz1qaqpoho6_1280.png Melveris Cadash
January 20, 2015 — 7:39 AM
Jen Donohue says:
The potions/tonics/grenades thing was kind of obnoxious. But then I figured out how to open that third slot. And THEN I figured out that even though those measley healing potions were shared by everybody, the other two slots were based on individual. So I had Sera with pitch bombs and jars of bees, Blackwall with rockskin tonics and regeneration (which turned into AOE when you researched them far enough), etc. The crafting was interesting, but equipment in general plateaued far too early, because I’m finding purple shit that isn’t as good as the stuff I crafted three or more levels ago, and that sucks.
Gathering, well, I like gathering. Everybody in my household is like “Oh yeah Jen, I’m sure you need more deep mushrooms, what do you even use those for?” and then it turns out they’re used to upgrade….healing potions I think? Or was it the regens? But anyway, all my potions are upgraded. But I want more horsies and have no idea where they come from. Even though I walk everywhere so I can continue to gather and listen to my companions banter.
I have (haven’t finished yet) a dwarf female thief/rogue (I forget what they called it) that I went into Assassin with. And there is where I have a complaint; I like the further class things, but it took me FOREVER to gather the shit to do the Assassin unlock quest, for one, and for two, it took me 30 hours to figure out how to access the second level of hotkeyed abilities, and there are too many active abilities to have them all on the hotkey thing anyway, so even when I bought one of those thingers to clear and respend my points, I feel like I did it wrong and don’t have enough going on/to do. And it sucks to feel like you’re being stupid and doing it wrong.
But anyway. My dwarf female romanced Blackwall, which made his storyline stuff particularly rife with “OH GOD” and “how do we fix this?” I like Vaaric an awful lot (and had hoped to romance him, dwarves y’know), but he doesn’t let you romance him, and his conversation options dead end right quick whether you’ve done his quests or not. I also find Iron Bull quite amusing, and Sera is a hilarious nutjob.
January 20, 2015 — 8:08 AM
spiritof1994 says:
Jen – most of the horsies are gotten after you visit a new area or complete a major plot quest (I think?) you can buy them from the store at your stable. There’s also several you get from spending 10,000 gold at the guy with the stupid store on the 2nd level of Orlais (or well, you buy his stupid thing and then it opens up a war table mission and THEN you get the several)
January 20, 2015 — 9:18 AM
spiritof1994 says:
and of course by “Orlais” I meant “Val Royeaux”… it is too damn early…
January 20, 2015 — 9:19 AM
Jen Donohue says:
ooh, I need to furhter comb the Val Royeaux stores, then. I already bought the ones at Skyhold
(does anybody else sing that to the tune of “Skyfall” while waiting for your fast travel to complete? No, just me?)
January 20, 2015 — 2:27 PM
Jen Donohue says:
God, how did I forget to mention that I hate those bastards for taking my Mabari away? Why would you LIMIT OPTIONS THAT HAD BEEN PRESENT IN THE FRANCHISE FOR YEARS BEFORE NOW?!
January 20, 2015 — 9:37 AM
Jen says:
You can buy horsies near the stables in Skyhold. There is a buy/sell just outside of where Blackwall is. But I agree, walking is the way to go!
January 20, 2015 — 9:41 AM
Jen Donohue says:
I’ve bought all of those
But, somebody said there’s a store in Val Royeaux, so I’ll check there.
January 20, 2015 — 2:28 PM
urdith says:
I’m watching my fiancee make her way through DA:I, so I’m getting aspects of story and character more than the actual gameplay. That said, I think any of the dialog between Iron Bull and Vaaric should be recorded and animated as a short film. Their discussions on Vaaric’s novel was priceless.
January 20, 2015 — 9:11 AM
epalmerbrown says:
Interesting post. I loved the game, but then I think I’m the person they put all the weeds and rocks in for – I will literally pick up every single one and spent several hours pratting around crafting armour and weapons. Unlike you I had no use for gold.
My inventory bugbear was the ‘Valuables’ category. So I’m putting research items, some (but not all) master crafting materials, and what may be junk in the same category, and don’t know what I should keep or sell, but I have 3 different categories for the schematics I never look at. What?
I romanced Solas with a Dalish archer and spent most of the game waiting for him to admit to being a murderer or zombie or… I dunno, the weirdness was flagged up so early that the actual outcome felt like a relief after 100+ hours.
In order my favourite DAI characters were: Solas, Varric, Dorian, Cassandra, Cole, Blackwall, Cullen, Leliana, The Iron Bull, Morrigan, Krem, Josephine, Vivienne, Sera.
January 20, 2015 — 9:16 AM
Jen says:
Perfect timing! I just barely finished the game and I have opinions dammit! I loved it but there were a few things I found a bit disappointing, the main plot/ending being the big one.
I played a cute little elf mage, (a knight enchanter, which made the game on hard ridiculously easy) and romanced Solas, which I would recommend to anyone who likes lovely writing, compelling character insight, and having their heart torn into a million tiny pieces.
I love the combat, was fine with the controls, didn’t mind the collecting and liked most of the side quests. Crafting is a blast, and a nice edition to the series. I especially love naming my armor/weapons ridiculous things. But the ending was underwhelming as you say. No real twists and it wasn’t even very difficult (you can easily be over-leveled here). It was all the more disappointing to me because I actually do enjoy reading codexes on my little screen and I had worked out The Big Thing from the epilogue about 3/4 of the way through the game and expected it to come into play in the conclusion. Pfftt. Imagine my disappointment!
But without a doubt the greatest strength is in the characters. I loved all of them in their own way (especially Solas, Sera, Bull, and Cole) and I can’t wait for the next game!
Oh and if it’s banter you want, here almost 6 hours of it… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0zNyv_WdH0
January 20, 2015 — 9:25 AM
spiritof1994 says:
What did you think of the game? LOOOOOOVE it but agreed that the ending was very underwhelming especially for people like me who did basically all the missions pre-ending.
Who was your character?
Laura Trevelyan – rogue daggery assassin of snark
Drasta Cadash – two-handed warrior reaver of underwhelmed (I quit playing this one about 2/3 through game because I didn’t much like her or her romance)
Therras Lavellan – knight enchanter mage of “tactful but goody two shoes”
Who did you romance / sex up? *SPOILERS!!*
Laura – Blackwall, and after his big reveal I was 100% completely turned off from him for every future playthrough, because I brought him back to Skyhold and after judgment he was all “What about our relationship” and I said “we can keep it but let’s start over” because I was feeling very betrayed etc and then he just WALKS UP IN FRONT OF EVERYONE IN SKYHOLD AND KISSES ME and I was like “NOIPE NOPE NOPE”
Drasta – Sera and this relationship is bollocks and *raspberry* all over that
Bonus: show off your character!
I can’t
Double bonus: rank your favorite supporting characters from DA (this game or all of them!) from best to worst. Do this now or I will lock you in a room with Sera the elf so she can snark at you.
Dorian, Josephine, Cole, Cassandra, Iron Bull, Solas, Vivienne, Cullen, Varric, Morrigan, Blackwall, Sera, Leliana
(Leliana and Varric would both have been a lot higher if I were doing DA:O or DA2 lists but I was afraid I’d forget people so I stuck with DAI only – liked them both a lot more in their previous games)
January 20, 2015 — 9:29 AM
Jessa Lynch (@chichenpizza) says:
The thing is, looking back, I have complaints about the whole trilogy. Origins had the best story, from the variable beginnings to the OMG WTF ending, but some of the actual adventures (mage tower) and maps (deep roads) made me dread the replays. DA2 (aside from not having a cool name) tended to ignore its own consequences (WHY THE HELL IS BLONDIE STILL LIVING WITH ME GET OUT) and the companions felt less like blood-brothers and more like these guys you knew. Like one day you might take Aveline to punch bandits, and then the next day you might go get Pete and see if he wanted to pick up some dragonet wings at TTMIFridays. And we won’t talk about how many different fucking times I had to go back to the Storm Coast.
Now there’s DA:I which had an ending a little too much like clicking some ruby slippers together for my tastes. In this one, character definitely trumped story, by a mile. Which is cool with me, because I lurve writing fanfic for one very specific reason:
In fanfic, you get to answer the questions canon never did.
This game was all about characters, and yet the game wasn’t ABOUT characters. So there are gaps and hints and generalizations that were enough to make me want to crave something deeper. Et voila, fanfic.
Anyone who follows me on Twitter (I think 10 of them are real people, so not to brag but I’m kinda famous) knows I’ve been writing pornfic and it’s all about Iron Bull. Why? Because of an incidental bit of dialogue. We’re walking around some charmingly enspidered cave when someone says something and Iron Bull replies, “Yeah, the baker’s a spy. He had a knife up his sleeve. Most bakers don’t need those. And the knot on his apron was tied Tevinter-style. He’s probably Venatori.”
So here’s this big, muscled merc captain who we know from other ambient dialogue is banging his way through the entire city, who acts like he couldn’t give a shit even if he had five shits and there were shit-starved orphans staring at him with sad shit-free eyes, and he comes out with this offhand bit of dialogue that reveals he has a brain, and a good one. The more I talked with him or kept him around, the smarter, cannier, and more devious I realized this guy was. And if that was the case, why was the relationship so shallow?
One month and 62,000 words later, pornfic.
That being said, you might think he’s my favorite character. He’s not. Varric. Varric first, second, third. That wise-ass heart-of-gold little bastard wins my heart every time. He just cares so damn much, it breaks my heart. I’ll spare you the rest of the ranking, but least favorite is Vivienne. I’ve gotten partway into a couple of replays and the only reason I ever bring her along is so I can pick fights with her and tell her I’m not gonna do her personal quests. Yo, Vivienne, why don’t you magic yourself up some Elfroot-based Midol or something, rabid bitch?
And Eva, I hear you about the dog. I want my motherfucking Mabari, Bioware. I legit HATED having to kill all the wild ones.
January 20, 2015 — 9:32 AM
Jordan L. Hawk says:
*MAJOR SPOILERS* Loved the game, although I had a lot of the same complaints as you. That said, the destruction of Haven and the reveal of Corypheus shocked the hell out of me since I’d avoided spoilers as much as possible. And then the choice between Alistair (who my Warden had romanced) and Hawke (my favorite snarktastic character in the whole series) gutted me. Damn, that was as bad as the time Mass Effect made me choose between the quarians and the geth.
My first playthrough was Suledin Lavellan, Dalish Mage and all-around nice fellow. I was somewhat disappointed in playing a mage this time around after being spoiled in DA2.
Suledin romanced Dorian and it was adorable. Next time around I’m going to play a female qunari warrior and romance Josephine since I’ve heard her romance is delightful.
I’m kind of in love with all the characters except for Sera and Vivienne. I see what they were trying to do with Vivienne, I dunno, it just didn’t quite click for me. And I vote for Krem as “character I’d most like to see return as a companion in DA4.”
January 20, 2015 — 9:32 AM
Anthony says:
I loved the game. Corypheus was very straight forward, but they did a great job with everything around it. I was disappointed that some things I really wanted to happen didn’t. Like, it seemed very linear in how the Inquisition formed, got hit once, then just grew and out stripped Corypheus’s military might without problem. I kept waiting for the second setback to happen, and it never did which was disappointing. I was also waiting to be attacked at Skyhold by a dragon or something, but that also never happened and made me sad.
Beyond that, I got the feeling that Inquisition is meant less as a huge event like Origins was, and more like an Episode 0 or something to a show. The next big event is going to be whatever Solas/Flemeth are up to in that end scene, and this game set those pieces in motion, gave us a chance to meet Solas (perhaps so we can feel for the big bad next game?) and let us see how the Inquisition was formed and came to power. Why? Because now the world has three big international powerhouses (Chantry, Wardens, Inquisition) and that could be bad for all the Kingdoms who now have yet another militant organization trying to run things…
January 20, 2015 — 9:35 AM
@mostlybree says:
You know, I epic-level loved how many random sidequests there were BECAUSE I want to replay, and I am often too bored to replay games because I don’t want to trudge through the same sidequests every time just to level up enough for the fun variable parts. So on my first playthrough, about 8 hours into the Hinterlands when I realized “holyshit, I could spend the rest of my life in the Hinterlands” I just committed to not committing and did whatever random shit struck my fancy. And then I skipped half of the personal quests of the characters too, and left lots of areas only vaguely explored.
And now I’m playing it a second time, hanging with different companions, and it’s an entirely. different. game. Which… OMG. <3
(But the replayability of Bioware games is kind of a THING for me, because blah blah games blah blah misogyny blah blah I don't really have the emotional energy to dump into games by studios I don't trust to be trying. I'd rather replay a Bioware game than spend $50 and discover I just bought Raptetastic 3: Now With More LadyDeathKill. I go into a Bioware game planning how to make it last for a while, because I don't get a lot of big studio games that don't make me sad in my heartsoul.)
January 20, 2015 — 9:49 AM
Allie Z. says:
I played a lady elf mage, and at first I was sort of regretting it because it felt like a human mage would have had more stock in the story. But it definitely came around around the midpoint, what with the elven orb and abundance of characters that may or may not be fallen elven gods. I sexed up Solas, and halfway through I regretted *that* too. And despite the fact Solas breaks up with you every time you swap spit, the game doesn’t really let *you* break up with *him* outside of spit-swapping cut scenes. That part only sort of came around. (He really doesn’t understand the concept of a ‘gift.’ Like, no, Solas. I would not like for you to lay down some hard truths about the tattoos ON MY FACE that probably hurt like the dickens. Does this come with a gift receipt and return label?)
Not gonna lie, though. I’m sort of a fan of the weed-picking, metal-mining, kill-the-bear-and-wear-its-skin crafting system. The same part of me that keeps buying yarn for an already shamefully large stash gets all aflutter at the thought of adding silverite accents to my brand new druffalo hide trench coat.
I was less impressed by the in-universe diversity exploration, too. Alienage elves basically didn’t exist. Mages were pretty consistently painted as whiny assholes. Dorian tried to tell my elf protagonist that being a slave is basically the same as being poor, and there wasn’t sufficient room in the conversation options to encompass my rage. There was a lot of…IDK. I kept waiting for somebody, anybody, to tell Vivienne that she lived a life of incredible privilege within the Circle, and most people there didn’t get to be Duke Watchacallit’s mistress/personal adviser to the Empress or whatever. I kept waiting for somebody to acknowledge in a real way that the downtrodden people of Thedas might be tearing the world to bits right now, but that world they’re tearing apart? *It’s been really shitty to them.*
I have feels about this game. So many feels.
(PS: Despite that horrible running animation–which was in DA2, too, and I hated it both times around–let’s all take a moment to note that only three major characters bared excessive cleavage, and TWO OF THEM WERE DUDES.)
January 20, 2015 — 9:59 AM
Jessa Lynch (@chichenpizza) says:
Varric has the best cleavage in the game. Bar none.
January 20, 2015 — 11:13 AM
Allie Z. says:
So much truth in this statement. Such glorious cleavage, and it still hurts my heart that neither Hawke nor Quizzy was ever allowed to sex him up.
January 20, 2015 — 1:27 PM
Jessa Lynch (@chichenpizza) says:
January 20, 2015 — 2:01 PM
Dae says:
I felt exactly the same way re: in-universe diversity and issue exploration. DAI didn’t screw it up as badly as I was bracing for – I had Large Issues with the way DA2 handled things – but the stuff with Vivienne in particular drove me up the wall. The only banter I remember where someone got the last word on her being a blindly-privileged shit was one with Solas, and that was more about her being condescending to him personally.
I’ve also been really upset about the fandom’s reaction to Sera, because she actually *was* a window into how much of a shit sandwich your average commoner got to deal with, but most people seem to either have just written her off as batshit and ignored her, or actively hate her because of some problematic elements of her writing (which ARE there, don’t get me wrong, but these are usually the same people who will defend Anders and/or Fenris and/or Solas to their dying breaths…). If you bother to get to know her and pay attention to the implications of things, she presents a really solid commentary on how big the gap is between the economic haves and have-nots is in Thedas, just in terms of basic security.
January 20, 2015 — 2:19 PM
Allie Z. says:
I actually really liked Sera from that perspective. I think she *was* batshit, but I think you almost have to be batshit to be the one commoner who wiggles their way into circles of power, you know? She was definitely a counterweight, because outside of her we had…Vivienne, who rolled with the nobles hardcore; Cassandra, who was a noble; Varric, who was born to privilege; Blackwall, who was….not Blackwall, but…not common, lol; and then the Iron Bull, Cole, and Solas, who are outsiders in the regions you’re trying to exert control order over. You yourself are very likely another outsider.
And then you have Sera. Who said “oh, hey. those people you’re trying to rule? That’s me. And you don’t know shite.” I was definitely sad we didn’t get more of that. I think it could have come from a higher number of meaningful side quests. It made me miss the days of DA:O and all the more fleshed out side characters you could find everywhere you went. People like Dagna and Ruck or any number of other characters in Orzammar, or Danyla with the Dalish, or Shianni and Soris in Denerim. People who had stories and lives that you got to see, not just briefly interact with so you could hand them some elfroot.
One of my favorite Vivienne party banters was with Varric–she tells him she doesn’t understand why he lives like a peasant, and he corrects her and says he lives like a *rich* peasant. That’s an important distinction, and I wish we got to explore that more.
January 20, 2015 — 5:18 PM
Dae says:
All of that, yeah. I actually didn’t notice the relative lack of true peripheral characters who really grabbed you before, but you’re right. In DAI we have… Krem, Harding… and Minaeve, for me, though I haven’t seen other people talk about her much. I really liked Minaeve and thus far have failed to save her from the rout at Haven in both my playthroughs. x__x
And none of those are people you just run into in the course of questing. My all-time favorite peripheral characters are Shianni and Feynriel (the latter to the point that I have RPed him for… almost two years now. Wow. I was very sad he didn’t get an Inquisition cameo), and there’s definitely no one comparable in DAI.
January 20, 2015 — 5:47 PM
Allie Z. says:
I do really like that trio, but part of what makes me sad is they don’t have an arc, really. They just exist and you can talk to them a little. They have back stories, but not *current* stories, you know? Krem feels the most dynamic to me, but even he is mostly window dressing.
January 20, 2015 — 9:16 PM
Dae says:
(apparently I can’t keep nesting replies, haha, so here we go)
Right, exactly. You don’t go out in the world and find them and participate in their stories; they’re just there being cool and sounding cool. Whereas there was something really rewarding about helping those side characters in past games – seeing Feynriel off to Tevinter (that’s what happened and I shall not be told otherwise >_>), Dagna to the Circle, seeing Shianni made Bann.
TLDR, I totally agree.
January 20, 2015 — 11:10 PM
cetaillefer says:
I got sucked in. HARD. I started the game Boxing Day and only finished it this weekend because I wanted to do at least all the companion quests (except Solas because [Solas greatly disapproves]), and while I was there, hey, why not kill some dragons, and see what’s behind the shard doors.
(Spoilers for all three games below)
I have to say that nothing will probably beat the gutpunch of my DA:O ending – to be fair, how my game ended was apparently impossible (romanced Alistair, killed Loghain, made Anora sole regent, sent Morrigan packing, brought Alistair to the end-game fight, and my warden died killing the archdemon herself). I don’t know I’d ever played a game where the PC avatar self was ‘no revives allowed’ dead. This meant my DA:I world was a little screwed up from the get-go because I couldn’t import the way my game really played out. And for some reason, Hawke showed up with a really really shiny wig as a dude, so I didn’t feel as connected as I could have but it didn’t really matter overall because all the new (and old) characters were so compelling and fun, I didn’t care.
Dwarf Inquisitor because I like romancing everyone with dwarves and making Gaider cry. DLC with Varric and Dagna romances or bust, bioware >:(
Romanced Iron Bull for the same reasons Jessica mentioned – I was like “meh whatever” until I picked him up, and realized I actually really love Qunari lori, and the whole set up of how he honorably turned himself in to the Ben Hassrath when he felt himself going rogue, and how he cared for his mercenary team and his bantering relationship with Krem, and how he called Vivienne ma’am, and romances Dorian if your inquisitor doesn’t romance either of them and and and…
Definitely going to romance Sera or Josie next time!
I also liked how as you play (and how you play) changed the way you see old characters in a new light: how much more palpably earnest and heartbroken Varric really is, how ruthless and horrible Leliana can become, how much Cassandra softens towards you if you are honest with her, etc. If you had told me at the end of DA2 that Cassandra would be a fave character, I would’ve wondered what colour the sky is in your world.
I could go on; I think my biggest disappointment in the ending was the same kind that plagued my feelings about DA2 – what you accomplished or didn’t, or who you helped didn’t really affect the ending, just the set up for later games. No matter what you do in DA2, Anders goes through with his plan. No matter what you do in DA:I, the Solas revelation is relegated to a post-cutscene event. What if, depending on how you played, he killed you and stole the anchor? or killed the person you loved, or they died trying to protect you? or killed the potential Divine you had been setting up? It would’ve had the same effect as setting up the next game, but with the potential to be very interesting instead of just “Oh yeah, and then this happened.”
January 20, 2015 — 10:06 AM
Jen says:
I finally finished DAI on Sunday after 130 hours – and loved almost every minute of it (even the boring fetch quest stuff.) When I do it again, I won’t do nearly all the quests or collecting that I did in this one; I’ll focus as much as I can on the story (and the romancing, of course.)
I played a female Dwarf rogue, in homage to my very first character in Dragon Age Origins (RIP), who romanced the crap out of Blackwall – and stuck by through it all. Glutton for punishment, I guess.
As far as ranking goes…
Dragon Age Origins
Alistair (forever <3), Leliana, Oghren, Wynne, Zevran, Sten, Morrigan, Shale, Mabari
Dragon Age II
Isabela, Varric, Aveline, Merrill, Anders, Fenris
Dragon Age Inquisition
Blackwall, Dorian, Solas, Cassandra, Bull, Varric, Cole, Sera, Vivienne
January 20, 2015 — 10:26 AM
Kelly Jensen says:
I’m not done yet. My goal was to finish in time for PAX East so I don’t get spoiled on the ending, but it just isn’t going to happen. I’d have to play an hour a day between now and then and I ain’t got an hour a day to play. (I could be playing now, just so you know. Instead, I’m here reading blog posts…)
I have 57 hours invested and based on my style of play, it will be another 57 before I see endgame. At least. That being said, I agree with your comments on this game having too many time-consuming side quests, useless loot and crafting vortexes. Did you talk about crafting? Let’s assume you did, and that once you figured it all out, you lost 20% of your game playing time outfitting everyone in ghastly yellow plaid. Bit like reading blogs when you could be playing, only uglier.
So, yeah, re-playability is going to be a serious issue here, which sucks as one of the best aspects of a BioWare game is playing it again. And again.
Meet Felix Ingesson Trevelyan: (Incl. bonus picture!)
Totally in love with the freckles. But don’t let the cute smile fool you (or those shiny lips). He’s a backstabbing bastard. (Actually, he’s too nice for his own good, which is why his habit of sneaking up behind people and unleashing TWIN FANGS is so disturbing)
I wanted to romance Dorian simply because I want to see Dorian naked. But Felix refuses to be gay. Also, he wants to romance Sera, but doesn’t understand he needs a less between the legs and more atop the pecs for that one. He might spend his short, inquisatorial life lusting after Scout Harding. She does seem to like his flirting.
Speaking of all things inquisitorial, yeah, why the hell are we picking herbs? I would figure one of the farms we saved from roving whatevers could be paying tribute by now.
Rating the companions: Leliana, Leliana, Leliana. ’nuff said.
(Felix would like to romance her, but sadly she’s mourning my Cousland…and where is he???)
January 20, 2015 — 2:04 PM
Dae says:
First of all, I want to say I got linked to this article from Tumblr, and if likely future faithfulness counts, I am probably now a faithful reader of your blog.
Also I may have been reading most of it in a meeting and almost burst out laughing at an inopportune time.
Anyway! My general opinion of the game very much follows this post’s – part of the reason I enjoyed the post so much was the frank discussion of some of my biggest gripes (which most people in my corner of fandom didn’t have a problem with, so they all giggle at me when I go off on another rant about how much I loathe the fucking superfluous collection quests). But overall, I enjoyed the hell out of the game. The one point of opinion divergence I’ll mention is that I actually felt more emotional gravity in my decisions, overall, than I had in previous DA games, perhaps because they affected people and/or ideas I’d had 2+ games to get deeply invested in. (For instance – giving Morrigan the Well of Sorrows and seeing the consequences of that choice and the HOLY SHIT SHE DID THE DRAGON TRICK. It really wouldn’t have mattered if I hadn’t been utterly in love with Morrigan from “Well, well, what have we here” in DAO.)
My first playthrough was with a pragmatic F!Mage!Lavellan, and while I had gone into it planning on romancing Sera or Josephine, the shared magical and elven lore nerddom with Solas made him way too interesting to my character (and to me, let’s be honest) to resist, and I am REALLY glad I went with him first.
Probably my favorite meta-moment in the entire game series was figuring out who he really was about halfway through DAI. That kind of character puzzle is just absurdly engaging/rewarding to me.
My favorite supporting characters in the series are, in order: Morrigan, Solas, [tie between Zevran and Isabela], Leliana, Anders, Dorian and Cassandra. (Cass was a surprise for me in DAI. I expected a tense alliance but I never expected to end up adoring her like I do.)
My least favorite is Vivienne by a landslide, which saddened me. I went into the game expecting to worship her, but mage freedom is by far the issue I’m most invested in, and, well. It’s like talking to a fellow queer woman in the real world who’s misogynistic and homophobic.
January 20, 2015 — 2:07 PM
terribleminds says:
“Probably my favorite meta-moment in the entire game series was figuring out who he really was about halfway through DAI. That kind of character puzzle is just absurdly engaging/rewarding to me.”
Hells. Yes.
There are cookies.
*points to cookies*
— c.
January 20, 2015 — 2:23 PM
Dae says:
*happily munches cookies*
January 20, 2015 — 5:53 PM
pretendscious says:
I had relatively the same gripes with the game that you did, Chuck. That being said, I would still rank it as my favorite game of the year. I’m heavily invested in Thedas and have put several hundred hours into the series as a whole. I’m on my second playthrough right now, trying to get the last few PSN trophies I need in order to get that glorious Platinum penis pill, but also so that I can romance a certain magical egg. He’s just so charming!
My original Inquisitor was a human two-handed warrior. She really liked Orlais as a kid, wanted to be a chevalier, then she actually went to Orlais during the course of the game and changed her mind. Over all, she was happy to be a hero, even if there was a running undercurrent of anti-hero to most of her responses. Few heroes execute as many prisoners as she did…
She and Josephine were at odds in the beginning, but they made up in the bedroom. If you haven’t seen it yet, the – I think – final scene of the Josephine romance, with your and Inquisitor and her sitting in front of the fire, is super touching. I figured, noble warrior, noble diplomat, pretty good pair. And it turned out to be true!
I’m terrible at rankings, but my favorite Dragon Age companion is likely Merrill from Dragon Age 2. She’s such a sweetheart and she cracks me up, not to mention her story goes to some very interesting places, and I love that she was your place-holder companion in the Dalish Elf origin from Dragon Age: Origins. After that, it would be Morrigan, for sure. Then Solas and Dorian in equal standing. Apparently I like mages. A nod of admiration to Varric for being the person I wish I was.
Glad to see another writer enjoying BioWare’s reign on the RPG market these days
January 20, 2015 — 2:39 PM
leeannwrites says:
OH GOSH YES! There is nothing better than logging into my email account after a long day at school to discover that one of my favorite writers also plays my all time FAVORITE video games and wrote an entire post about Inquisition. Dragon Age is my life. Mass Effect too, but not so much because I haven’t finished the trilogy (I only just got my hands on a copy this past summer, shhh). But BioWare is wonderful. It’s the first thing since Harry Potter that has inspired me to write fan-fiction in my downtime (which I currently post on Tumblr, Wattpad, Archive of Our Own, and right on my WordPress if anyone is interested in reading it — mature audiences only, also this is your spoiler warning).
Anyway. I have a lot of the same complaints, although I think the tiny glitches in BioWare games are often endearing. My Inquisitor got down ‘n’ dirty with Cullen, and as the Commander went to swipe all the crap off his desk and lift my Inquisitor onto it, a random NPC walked through his office in the background. I was like, “Uh, Cullen, didn’t you lock the door before you…? No? Okay. Well then.” Also in the scene where you walk in to find Solas drinking tea, the cup was just floating. It was nowhere near his hand. He lifted his hand to his mouth like he was holding the cup but the cup was like a foot away from his face, just floating in the air. It was pretty great.
I also found the final battle pretty underwhelming, but that final cut-scene (if you didn’t have it spoiled for you, which I, fortunately, didn’t) was like “WHOA WHAT?!?!” so I liked that. It was the first BioWare game not to have me in tears in the end (which was a bummer tbh because I always like the catharsis at the end), although Dorian’s companion quest and Cole’s companion quest were both touching. Choosing between Hawke and Stroud was no contest; I didn’t get a wifi adapter for my console until my second playthrough when my boyfriend lent me his, so I wasn’t able to use the Keep to alter my Inquisition world. I had no idea other people were being forced to choose between Hawke and Alistair because of the choices they made in Origins. THAT would have been heartbreaking for me.
Which brings me to ranking favorite Dragon Age characters. I’ll do a top five to keep it short:
5. Solas.
4. The “generic blondies” all tie for 4th (Cullen, Alistair, and Anders) because they all stole my heart at one point or another and then tore it in half.
3. Flemeth because, well… she’s Flemeth. If I ever had the skill/money to cosplay, I would want to be her.
2. Cole will always have a place in my heart, sweet pumpkin that he is.
1. Aveline Vallen. She’s a badass.
Honorary Mentions: Wynne, Varric, Morrigan, and Dog. Because puppies. Also Ser Pounce-a-lot. Because kitties.
January 20, 2015 — 7:42 PM
wagnerel says:
Great post.
What did you think of the game?
I had some of the same issues, though I found that the boss fights got easier if I made some use of the tactical mode. I think people who played on the harder settings (I mostly stuck with normal, but switched to easy peasy for a couple of the dragons early on, before I learned to make better gear). Some people I know played it on nightmare, but I think they actually enjoy doing all their fights in tactical mode and taking an hour to complete each on in freeze frame mode.
I got tired of all those shards, and I never did complete a mosaic (it always seemed like there was one I missed in each zone, and there was no ability to make the map flag it as a quest location that I could see). Sometimes I spent way too much time wandering around trying to find my way up mountains or pinging my map trying to get stuff to appear. I wasn’t sure why some quest items were just out on tables and some only appeared if you did the search thing in just the right spot.
I loved the interactions between characters and the party banter too. Unlike past games, I mixed and matched my party makeup more, just because I wanted to explore that aspect of the game.
Who was your character?
I made a male mage and picked the void talent tree when the time came.
Who did you romance / sex up? Dorian. It just seemed to come naturally as the story unfolded.
Bonus: show off your character!
Eh, he’s nothing great to look at. Took me a while to master the interface. If I play again, I may have fun tweaking things more. Interesting about the female inquisitor having those weird gappy thighs. It’s one reason I often avoid female models in games–they so often have strange stick insect bodies with gravity defying boobs.
January 20, 2015 — 9:11 PM
athenagrayson says:
Hahaha, I mock you and your hundred hours. I am 28 hours into the game and I HAVE NOT LEFT THE CHARACTER CREATION SCREEN!
January 21, 2015 — 10:14 AM
Gary A. Swaby says:
Always been a big fan of these games, and I’ve said it many times. The story and lore of Dragon Age is way deeper than Mass Effect. With that being said, the Mass Effect games are probably better games in terms of actual gameplay. Nonetheless, both are important IP’s in the gaming industry, and they both have done a lot to push the envelope forward in terms of storytelling in games.
Honestly though, I don’t think Dragon Age Origins can ever be topped.
January 21, 2015 — 4:46 PM
skydomepins says:
just wondering if you ended up playing the Tresspasser dlc and if it changed your mind about the overarching plot at all.
November 13, 2015 — 12:13 PM
Lydia Scales says:
@Gary I disagree. Dragon Age has never come anywhere close to Mass Effect lorewise. Mass Effect has far more going on, far more cultures, races and their individual histories, conflicts and politics. With Dragon Age it’s been all about Mages vs Templars from the start, and this installment was lacking diversity more than the previous. To start almost all of the companions and people you meet in Inquisition were pro-chantry without any to counter-balance that. This game forced you to be pro-chantry despite it not making any sense for your character, even if you played a non-human you were pushed towards aiding the chantry. Character-wise I found this to be one of the weakest of recent Bioware titles. Bioware relied to heavily on comedy, and cheap internet memes. Inquisition felt more like a saturday morning cartoon a lot of the time than a serious rpg. Diversity is also good, when it doesn’t feel forced and in this game it was definately forced. Bioware retconned a lot of stuff (especially with the Qunari) just to pander
December 28, 2016 — 1:53 PM