The two winners, as chosen by YOUR VOTES, are:
#14 and #26!
#14 (Chris V.) and #26 (Erin): email me at terribleminds at gmail!
Plus, we have two random draw winners…
So, #18 and #3 are the random draw winners!
Mandy and Anthony, please hit me up at terribleminds at gmail!
Congratulations, nerdlingers. You guys brought it.
*rains geek particles down upon you*
*it’s really just glitter*
Julie Griffith says:
Yay,those were my favorites! Congrats to the winners and thanks for keeping nerdiness is alive and thriving in this world.
December 23, 2014 — 4:51 PM
J. Fryer says:
And now all I can hear is Shatner’s voice, “Mary. I swear. It isn’t. Mine.” Thank you for that.
Awesome work.
December 23, 2014 — 4:55 PM
itsfamilyjules says:
This made me giggle
December 24, 2014 — 10:11 AM
tambra nicole says:
Congratulations everyone! My hubby and I had so much fun we’re planning one for next year. I never realized what a nerd I really am. Feels good to be around others who understand. J. Fryer, I could hear Shatner’s voice when I viewed the entry. Loved it!
We have to do this next year. I’d be willing to donate for the prize(s).
December 23, 2014 — 6:00 PM
Toni Rakestraw says:
Congratulations, everyone! This was great fun!
December 23, 2014 — 8:12 PM
Erin says:
Wooo! I’m glad so many people liked “Away Team in a Manger” – we had a lot of fun setting up the figures and the ship. It turns out a manger – even a crappy one from Michaels – makes for a damn fine playset. My wife and I already set up several different scenes: we’re planning on keeping this tradition alive.
Congrats to #14, as well: I love the selection and poses of the figures.
I liked all of the entries – there were some extremely cool setups.
Thanks, everyone!
December 23, 2014 — 10:59 PM
Nils T. Devine says:
Congratulations Erin!
As a fan of the Mainlining Christmas blog that Erin and his wife Lindsay run, it’s been a treat watching them create a new one every day:
I hope they continue it next year.
December 24, 2014 — 2:58 AM
theotaylorr says:
Your Kick Ass Writer was excellent Chuck, so I asked for Double Dead for Christmas. It’ll be my first read for the new year and I’ll put my thoughts of it on my blog.
Kudos, Chuck! Keep on keepin’ on!
December 25, 2014 — 4:42 PM
gilleyvanweirden says:
Thank you everyone for the votes – it was a real joy for the wife and I to pull out the old box of toys and let them shine for the holidays. Kudos as well to Erin and the “Away Team in a Manger” which provided no end of giggles to us. It was a wonderful competitive field with so many great entries and we’re looking forward to seeing you all again next year (should our gracious hosts make this an annual tradition)!
December 30, 2014 — 12:30 PM