It’s been a while since I’ve abused you with a recipe and now I’ve been drinking and the alcohol demons inside my belly are whispering up through the shattered fissure of my acid-scorched esophagus and they are humming IT IS TIME IT IS TIME AGAIN TO PUNISH YOUR READERS WITH A SURLY, PROFANE-LADEN RECIPE FROM BEYOND HELL’S OWN CRADLE and so fuck it, here I am, telling you how to make chicken lettuce wraps.
Okay, I’ll admit, that doesn’t sound particularly bad-ass.
“Lettuce Wraps.”
Is it possible to say that in a bad-ass way?
Still not really, no.
Maybe it needs rebranding. A new name.
Yeah, no.
Getting closer.
Whatever, you know what? This will be so good, it doesn’t need a kick-ass name.
It just needs kick-ass flavor, and the way we do that is with a moist, steaming dollop of Guy Fieri’s DONKEY SAUCE. Ha ha ha, no, seriously, kids, don’t put anything Guy Fieri touched on your food, it’ll taste like those weird exxxtreme pubes he has on his face. That’s what those are, right? He just glues his dyed pubes up there around the taco-hole he calls a mouth?
Let’s talk about this food, and not Guy Fieri’s crotch-face.
This recipe is very customizable.
I prefer a life with options, and I like my recipes the same way. I don’t want to just follow an obvious list of ingredients and measurements. I want the freedom to choose, say, BISON GONADS instead of CHICKEN THIGHS. Because this is America and our freedom is so free it’s basically obscene so why not revel in it? If I want to use cabbage instead of lettuce, who will stop me? You? WHO RUN BARTERTOWN? MASTER CHUCKSTER RUN BARTERTOWN. LIFT EMBARGO.
Man, I’m starting to think that drinking during these recipes isn’t best.
Welp, too late.
Let’s get on with it.
You’re going to need:
SOME KIND OF LETTUCE. It needs to be the kind of lettuce you can fold up like a little botanical taco, a little purse held in the hand. This lettuce must work as a food receptacle. If you have some particular entanglement with a specific type of lettuce, hey, you do as you like. Iceberg is fine but has no flexibility. Romaine is long and holds up but again, same problem: it’s like scooping food into a spine and ribcage combo. I like Boston or butter lettuce.
SOME KIND OF PROTEIN. I use chicken thighs for this, not chicken breast because despite the titillating name, chicken breast is the dullest fucking protein outside maybe tofu. (Calm down, vegetarians, tofu is just fine, but we all know it’s a treacly flavor-sponge.) Chicken breast is the protein equivalent of off-white paint. Here, I want flavor. Which means I want fat. Which means I want chicken thighs. You can do something else, of course — pulled pork shoulder, ground beef, the sweetbreads of a census taker. Or hell, use chicken breast. I don’t care. Hate yourself with bland white meat. I’m not your mother, even though I dress like her and hide in your closet.
SOME KIND OF VEGETABLE. Pick one vegetable that will go with the protein into the lettuce wrap. Don’t get greedy — I said one vegetable. Hint: don’t choose onion, because that’s going in there already. Kinda. Sorta. No, I mean, choose another vegetable or veggie-esque product. Like, little oyster mushrooms or Shiitake. Or green beans. Or snow peas. Spinach. I don’t fucking care. Commune with your Personal Jesus and make a decision.
SOME KIND OF ONIONY THING. Lots of varieties of onion available to you. I prefer shallots in this instance because you get the flavor of onion and garlic together, and you can soften them nice and caramelize them or make them crispy as you see fit. By the way, “caramelize” is a poor term because it makes me think something is covered in caramel and that is a crass lie. You don’t promise caramel if there’s no caramel. You don’t do that to a person. That’s like waterboarding. It’s just like it. Anyway, other oniony things that work: sweet onions, red onions (which are better left raw here), spring onions, leeks, or ramps. Ramps, of course, which make every hipster foodie motherfucker like me basically juice our drawers every spring. They have a 17-minute window of existence at your local farmer’s market and THEN THEY GONE.
SOME KIND OF CRUNCH FACTOR. I like demanding that my lettuce wraps act as a divine symphony of unholy textures inside your crass, base, human mouth. I prefer nuts for this (ha ha ha no, not those nuts, you weirdo). You could do a “nut mix,” and you could throw a few Brazil nuts in there for the selenium. Cashews and mac nuts make for a nice addition. Sometimes I throw in a mix of sunflower seeds and pepitas. Or just the broken teeth of a fist-punched leopard.
Got all that covered?
Now, it’s time to assemble.
You will cook your protein in the manner of your soul’s yearning. When I use chicken thighs (six of ’em for two-and-a-half people), I grill them first for about six minutes on each side, making sure the meat is salted and peppered before it ever tongue-kisses the grill-fire. Then I let the meat rest to seal in juices (MEAT MUST SLEEP) before dicing it up to go into the pan.
While your meat is resting, you want to cook up your oniony bits. As noted, for me, diced shallots. Here again is another CHOOSE YOUR OWN CULINARY ADVENTURE moment as you can decide what oil you like best. I hear some weird things about vegetable oil, which is maybe true or which is maybe spooky anti-science bullshit, but whatever. Either way, vegetable oil for me is about as interesting as chicken breasts. Coconut oil imparts a nice taste, and olive oil is always a friendly option. Just make sure it’s real virgin olive oil, which is to say, produced by temple virgins.
Shallots. Soften. Or crisped. Whatever.
Then: diced chicken thighs into the mix.
So too must the vegetables go into the pan: punished because they’re vegetables and not meat.
Brown the meat, soften the veggies a bit.
Now it’s SAUCY TIME.
*oils beard, whips off pants, starts dance music*
Wait, no: sauce time. SAUCE time.
*washes beard, applies pants, turns on sensible music*
Into the pan goes:
A tbsp of rice wine vinegar.
A tbsp of tamari soy sauce.
A tsp of mirin.
Stir it up, let it cook for a couple minutes.
Then: hoisin sauce. Around a quarter-cup of it.
Mix, mix, mix.
Cook another, mm, say, five minutes.
In the meantime, it is time to clean your lettuce. I clean the lettuce because I assume it was touched by a hundred people before it ended up in my basket, including but not limited to: a flu-addled gopher, a syphilitic farmer, a just-masturbated produce stock-boy, ten sticky-fingered elementary-age school-children, and Guy Fieri. So: wash your lettuce. And then dry your lettuce.
Now: add the crunchy bits to the pan. You don’t need them to cook long. Also add one or two herbs: cilantro and/or Thai basil. Diced as you see fit, stirred around good, mmm. If you’re so inclined, squirt a little sesame oil in there before removing immediately from the heat (cooking too long after will soften the crunchies, take the flavor out of the herbs, and dull the sesame oil).
Scoop into a serving receptacle (bowl, dish, elk skull).
Put lettuce on serving tray (cutting board, plate, shell of a rare sea turtle you killed).
Now, assemble lettuce wraps.
Lettuce in your hand (or robot mitten or lobster claw or whatever ends your arms).
Spoonful of the yummy concoction into the lettuce.
Squirt some Sriracha or other favorite hot sauce atop it. So too with a little lime juice.
(Of course, limes are now being held hostage by Mexican cartels? What the actual fuck? It’s some kind of limepocalypse out there. Right now I can only buy the tiniest little shitbird limes and they’re like, a buck a pop? How the hell will I make gin and tonics now? And don’t say “bottled lime juice,” which is mostly just high fucktose corn slop. How dare you. How dare you.)
Fold, spindle, mutilate.
You should be hearing angels singing to a cacophony of loud electric guitars.
You may be sexually aroused.
You’re welcome.
Steph says:
I’m new here, but I just have to say, I have never enjoyed a recipe more.
May 21, 2014 — 12:28 AM
susan1859 says:
I’d gladly watch your cooking show- more recipes, please!
May 21, 2014 — 1:00 AM
Celine Jeanjean says:
To be pedantic, I’d have to say that caramelise is an accurate term. Because caramelising an onion is making it squirt delicious onion caramel all over itself. Onion caramel is definitely caramel.
That said, I’m with you on the waterboarding.
Have you tried a charred lime in your G&T? I was served that in a bar recently and it tasted lovely, quite different – although unfortunately the charred lime left what looked like cigarette ash in the drink. One to drink with the eyes closed.
May 21, 2014 — 1:14 AM
Veritas says:
Okay you’re just freaking hilarious. I love you dude. Not in the creepish -I stalk you on your way back home- kinda way, but in the -I use you to procrastinate from studying- way. It is completely different.
I digress.
I am trying that damn recipe. AND I’M USING CHICKEN BREAST. (or thighs – whatever is in the freezer, don’t judge me)
May 21, 2014 — 1:20 AM
NextInLine says:
I’ll have what she’s having.
Because yes.
Way to rock the sexy on a fucking lettuce wrap.
May 21, 2014 — 3:13 AM
it's still raw says:
Smut con carne! Thanks for the inspiration, I just had this for lunch.
May 21, 2014 — 5:46 AM
melorajohnson says:
I think it’s time you got yourself a lime tree/bush.
May 21, 2014 — 7:14 AM
Southpaw says:
Iceberg is not fine. I think that is the most shocking thing I’ve every read on this site. Iceberg is nasty. It tastes like watery cardboard, has no nutritional value, and scratches up the side of the intestines. I think it might be evil, created by the devil. Or maybe it’s just a cruel joke. We may never know…
May 21, 2014 — 8:42 AM
Cristina says:
This is how you recipe. Elk skull – perfect receptacle.
May 21, 2014 — 8:42 AM
Michael Berkey says:
I’m not reading this article simply because the last time I read an article like this here, I wound up buying a Chemex, resulting in awesome coffee for the last six…fuck, guess I’m going to go back and read this damn article, then.
May 21, 2014 — 8:54 AM
physicsjenn says:
In re: gin and tonics, my solution:
May 21, 2014 — 10:49 AM
authordjdavis says:
I cook my chicken breasts in a smoker with whatever wood I have on hand. It’s usually oak or maple, but my favorite is peat. Usually season them on both sides with sea salt, fresh ground black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and my mariachi pepper chipotle powder.
May 21, 2014 — 1:36 PM
Susan Cogan says:
Would anybody issue death threats if I dump this yummy glop into a tortilla?
May 21, 2014 — 2:26 PM
SmithCassidy says:
” Now it’s SAUCY TIME.
*oils beard, whips off pants, starts dance music*
Wait, no: sauce time. SAUCE time.
*washes beard, applies pants, turns on sensible music* ”
The rest of the post was chicken breast compared to the above.
And cilantro is a evil weed that secretly hates everybody, especially grandmothers. It should be purged from the world.
May 21, 2014 — 3:12 PM
How to Philosophize with Cake says:
I love lettuce wraps. They sound like some little diet food thing, but they’re SO GOOD. And because there is a vegetable in the title, they count as salad. Wow. Such health.
May 21, 2014 — 3:18 PM
Laura says:
“It’s some kind of limepocalypse out there. Right now I can only buy the tiniest little shitbird limes and they’re like, a buck a pop? How the hell will I make gin and tonics now?”
Thank you, Chuck. Thank you for getting to the heart of this matter.
May 21, 2014 — 3:54 PM
Susan says:
I want to know what you were drinking – need that NOW!!!!!
May 21, 2014 — 4:47 PM
Christine Ashworth says:
I giggled my way through reading this recipe. Now, of course, I need to make it. While sloshed. Cheers hon!
May 21, 2014 — 6:35 PM
decayingorbits says:
Lettuce wraps are a clever way to get leaf-eaters to consume meat. Which is a good thing. C’mon, I love animals. Really.
They taste great.
May 21, 2014 — 9:37 PM
webster says:
As a vegetarian I have to agree that plain ol’ tofu is pretty blah and way too mushy for a wrap. It can be improved by deep freezing, then squeezing dry, then marinating…but who has the time? Tempeh is the way to go, definitely. Chewy goodness.
May 22, 2014 — 3:06 AM
Jess says:
MMMmmmm. Yes I will be making this. Also love your love for Guy Fieri.
May 22, 2014 — 9:48 AM
WeS says:
Uh, this was AWESOME!!! Like the Forth of July in my mouth! Pretty sure this is a once a week thing from now on.
May 22, 2014 — 7:34 PM
BmoreGirl says:
Hmm. Filed under “Ramble” category. Reads more like a rant. Not sure I will make these, but I enjoyed the read. Yep–I am one of those weirdos who reads recipes like they are porn so I thank you for this. “Cancerous growl”. Brilliant.
May 23, 2014 — 7:40 AM
Kit says:
Made it. Ate it. Went outside and punched a squirrel. Beer may have been involved.
May 24, 2014 — 7:21 PM