Last week’s challenge: “The Secret Door.”
I love a good opening line.
You lead with a great first line in a story, man, that’s just hooks you right away, doesn’t it? It’s like a key to a door. Opens up the world and your interest in it lickety-split.
So, that’s what I want from you.
I want you to write one opening line.
And then I’ll pick three.
And if those three people are in the United States, I’ll send them a copy of my book, The Blue Blazes, when it comes out. If you’re in the UK or anywhere else across the big wide world, you may have to settle for a digital copy, but I’ll make sure to get you one just the same.
Now, some rules:
A line means one sentence, not two, not three.
You get one entry, not two, not three.
Put your entry in the comments below.
I’ll pick three of my favorites by the close of Thursday the 11th (11:59PM) and then the following challenge next Friday will be for you folks to pick one of the three opening lines and write a story based on it. Which means you also might want to take a gander at these suggestions:
Shorter is better than longer.
Try too to keep in mind that you’re writing an opening line for other stories; the trick is to write something engaging while still writing a line that could apply to a great many styles and genres of story. Something that appeals and hooks in this case not just readers but other writers, too.
You’re writing lines for potential, is my point.
That’s how I’ll pick my favorites. Based on their potential to make interesting stories.
So! You’ve got a little less than one week.
One opening line. Let’s see what you’ve got.
Justin Paul Walters says:
The duck I ran over was almost certainly dead, but Yemi insisted that if I didn’t go back and put a coin in its beak, I would be next.
April 5, 2013 — 11:39 AM
Kathleen W says:
If stupidity was lethal, he would have been serving a life sentence for murder.
April 5, 2013 — 11:39 AM
Shonnerz says:
This is one of my favorites! It has my little gray cells working. Thanks 🙂
April 6, 2013 — 8:32 AM
themercerweave says:
She used to think she was a very lucky person, someone who always hedged against cursing herself with any bad luck at all.
April 5, 2013 — 11:48 AM
Ashley R Pollard says:
It’s all Big Dogs fault that I was on a mountain in Afghanistan when I died yesterday.
April 5, 2013 — 11:49 AM
Ryan Viergutz says:
BigDog! You should actually write this story and it should involve Petman and the snake robots too.
April 5, 2013 — 12:16 PM
joeturner87 says:
Knife in hand; I watched through the slats, as my wife made love to another man.
April 5, 2013 — 12:00 PM
mark matthews says:
Ever since he had etched into his wife with the tattoo needle, anger came seeping out of her pores through the cracks.
April 5, 2013 — 12:01 PM
Miranda says:
Earl Dunlap was a perfectly ordinary man, apart from his flaming orange hair, a penchant for intensely spicy food, and his robotic arm.
April 5, 2013 — 12:05 PM
Brad says:
Max sat amongst the dead, whistling to himself.
April 5, 2013 — 12:15 PM
Ben Dodge says:
Nice one!
April 5, 2013 — 7:06 PM
Robin Karlsson (@Robin_Karlsson) says:
Sometimes you’ve got to kick the darkness ’til it bleeds light.
April 5, 2013 — 12:18 PM
Soy says:
Lovers in a dangerous time?
April 7, 2013 — 7:08 AM
Veronica says:
Dad turns to me and says, “Get the fuck out, now, before I kill you.”
April 5, 2013 — 12:22 PM
The Holmes says:
The report on the screen says that I killed a baby.
April 5, 2013 — 12:24 PM
Mike G says:
Commander Eliot thought her great-great-great granduncle might be interested to know that they’d actually developed and mass produced a vorpal blade, though it went through Trither necks with pretty much no sound at all, which was moderately disappointing.
April 5, 2013 — 12:28 PM
brian says:
I just vomited so much blood.
April 5, 2013 — 12:29 PM
Ian Rose says:
One in the temple, point blank, and one more to the base of the spine, between the last two lumbars, just like all the others.
April 5, 2013 — 12:41 PM
T.J. (@tjloveless3) says:
In the back of her mind, Tiffany was very happy the family couldn’t see her current predicament.
April 5, 2013 — 12:48 PM
Philip Harris says:
Most of the time I can almost believe my wife is real.
April 5, 2013 — 12:48 PM
dagdha says:
The problem with being a contract killer is the lack of good old fashioned contracts.
April 5, 2013 — 12:49 PM
Anthony Laffan says:
I’m going to be honest with you here: it wasn’t the first time i’d woken up naked and handcuffed to a strange bed.
April 5, 2013 — 12:49 PM
Nicole Valentine says:
Finnegan Firth was the lopsided remainder in an unbalanced equation.
April 5, 2013 — 12:50 PM
Griffmoy says:
“One time, I saw Jimmy Fitts slap a dude so hard that three fingernails on his slapping hand flew off.”
April 5, 2013 — 12:51 PM
Bart Leib says:
When your smile is literally toxic, well, it just sucks to be you.
April 5, 2013 — 12:52 PM
137 minutes says:
As Malcom ran, he couldn’t help thinking that there should have been a lot more blood.
April 5, 2013 — 12:53 PM
Olivia Kelly says:
The trouble with being unable to shut out the world around you is that sometimes you miss something, and sometimes, that one, small thing is the bit that changes everything.
April 5, 2013 — 12:54 PM
Bill Cameron says:
For the second time in a week, I come over Shatter Hill at midnight and see fire at the crossroad below.
April 5, 2013 — 12:54 PM
Nicolai Grunnet says:
“You know it’s a bad day when you get out of bed and a hippo in a tracksuit, with the biggest set of breasts you’ve ever seen, asks ‘do you want to die?’”
April 5, 2013 — 12:54 PM
Jessie Peacock says:
If Jennifer believed we were eager to mop up her scarlet and gray fragments after that gunshot, she deserved exactly what she got.
April 5, 2013 — 12:55 PM
Kirby Crow says:
The beautiful thing about a bullet is you never know where it’s going to end up.
April 5, 2013 — 12:56 PM
swordsoftheancients says:
“When the world ends, can I finally tell you that I love you?”
April 5, 2013 — 12:58 PM
barrbarian84 says:
There is nothing more enjoyable in life than waking up on a scathingly hot and sunny day such as this, and knowing that it will be your last.
April 5, 2013 — 12:58 PM
Juan C. Romero says:
We buried aspiring gangster Roy Firecracker a week ago, but the man wouldn’t stay away.
April 5, 2013 — 1:02 PM
Tom says:
Hell sucks but Heaven’s not all that great either.
April 5, 2013 — 1:06 PM
Ryan Dalton says:
Andy never liked the taste of horse until one tried kill him.
April 5, 2013 — 1:14 PM
Jack Vanish says:
At the bottom of Chuuk Lagoon, near New Guinea, lie the bodies of thousands of dead sailors- and for a few moments longer, a live one.
April 5, 2013 — 1:15 PM
Gabe T says:
She was the kind of clever that nobody noticed.
April 5, 2013 — 1:15 PM
EditorEtc™ LLC says:
He’s toxic, he’s poison, everything he touches crumbles.
April 5, 2013 — 1:19 PM
Beth Christopher says:
I kept my crazy in a box, wedged deep between memories best forgotten, like having lice or fighting with Lance Decker in seventh grade.
April 5, 2013 — 1:22 PM
NeoAuthor (@NeoAuthor) says:
Women never scared the hulking guard, Amber terrified him.
April 5, 2013 — 1:23 PM
Blue Cole says:
The bell above the door jangled, and the hooded man entered.
April 5, 2013 — 1:27 PM
Melissa Stevens says:
There is always a moment in your late teens where the words you were going to say drop from your mouth like a pair of weighited stones, hitting the floor faster and harder than your heart in the same moment that you realize you were so very, very wrong.
April 5, 2013 — 1:30 PM
bibliomaniacal1 says:
Oscar Devlin was a blind man with a photographic memory.
April 5, 2013 — 1:34 PM
Girl Friday says:
The night was black as the inside of a coffin, and just as full of dead people.
April 5, 2013 — 1:39 PM
Samantha Holloway (@pirategirljack) says:
The coldest winter I ever experienced wasn’t the one when I lived in a box in a field; it was the winter I died.
April 5, 2013 — 1:40 PM
Andy decker says:
The Murdler was tall and thin and sorta curled forward like a long paint chip on an old door.
April 5, 2013 — 1:43 PM
Adam Woodlawn says:
Love this.
April 5, 2013 — 2:40 PM
Roger Scrafford says:
“You were naked!”
April 5, 2013 — 1:48 PM
Ilan Lerman says:
What if you wake up one day, and you’re the one cricket in the box that realises we’re all just lizard food?
April 5, 2013 — 1:54 PM
Brian Wethington says:
After twenty long years in the business, the most useful lesson I’ve learned is that blood is an excellent lubricant.
April 5, 2013 — 1:58 PM
Paul Baughman says:
Even in this era, when we know that humanity has changed–or been changed–-I am different.
April 5, 2013 — 1:58 PM
Ryan Viergutz says:
Hah! Take solace that you are in excellent company. 8)
April 5, 2013 — 2:02 PM
K.C. Beaumont says:
Getting an email from my high school girlfriend should’ve been exciting, but the fact that she’d been dead for almost fifteen years was a little disconcerting.
April 5, 2013 — 2:06 PM
jerome says:
The sun shone darkly, and the sky was streaked with black.
April 5, 2013 — 2:14 PM