We’re wading into the holiday season, folks.
You may be one of them goofy creative-types what wants to get his creative story gibber in the hands of a welcoming and eager audience. You want your work known. Promoted. Discovered.
So, here’s your chance, word-burpers.
In the comments, tell us about one thing you created: a book, a comic, a film, an app, a song, a yarn-beard for dolphins, whatever. Keep it under 100 words (bonus points if you keep it at 140-character Twitter-length) and be sure to offer us a link.
Everybody else: do scan the comments, see if anything sounds spiffy.
Go forth and share.
Randy Nargi says:
THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OF BANDER. Epic fantasy for folks who don’t like elves, dwarves, and dragons. Knock down, drag-out hardboiled fantasy, Jack Reacher meets Game of Thrones. Enjoy! http://amzn.to/VBwlYD
(thanks Chuck!)
December 12, 2012 — 8:50 PM
Reggie Lutz says:
Fork You is a novella about a wild child who survives the wilderness with a magical fork, which cooks any living creature to perfection. In an anthology called Panverse One, edited by the awesome Dario Ciriello.
December 12, 2012 — 9:32 PM
William Pepper says:
IN THE ST. NICK OF TIME, a sort of Santa Claus story, but for adults.
At Christmas, author Cameron Jones is beset by a depression that rivals fruitcake in density. His ex-wife is moving away with their daughter Holly, a sleezy reporter is dogging him and the foul-mouthed goldfish hallucination nagging him is no help at all. Cameron’s best friend Dogwater Hunt is a broke alien-abductee, desperate to prove Earth will be visited on Christmas by mysterious “Santa aliens.” Meanwhile, Santa himself ponders the absurd reality of his imaginary world – living on cookies, hanging with elves. “Do I really exist?” The answer could determine the future of Christmas. If you ever believed Santa was real, buy this book. Maybe he still is.
Available in print and e-book many places,including here:
and here:
December 12, 2012 — 9:50 PM
C.E.L. Welsh says:
Book One of The Wrecked Earth
In 2033 the Earth you know has changed.
Meteors fill the sky and pummel the Earth. Cities have crumbled or vanished in atomic fire. Mankind struggles to rebuild, but can barely survive. The old maps are useless. The old ways are dead. All that matters now is power…
Check it out at http://www.celwelsh.com
Thanks, Chuck!
December 12, 2012 — 10:41 PM
david james keaton (@spiderfrogged) says:
Thanks for the sandwich-board action, Chuck. My new thing:
FISH BITES COP! Stories To Bash Authorities is a takedown of police officers, security guards, firefighters, police officers, bounty hunters, military, organized religion, middle management, police officers, dyslexic paramedics with dog complexes, and more police officers. It starts off with a cop’s head getting blown off his shoulders and going on magical highway adventures! It’s a fable (has a rabbit foot key chain in it anyway). Linkage: http://www.cometpress.us/books/fishbitescop.html
December 12, 2012 — 10:50 PM
auroranibley says:
There’s so much amazing stuff here! Thanks Chuck, and everybody showing cool stuff!
December 13, 2012 — 1:25 AM
Jessica says:
Child of the Hive – slightly sci-fi adventure set in England in the very near future. So near future that things I wrote to show it was the future have now happened. Chases through the London Underground, fights, lots of things blowing up, a guy being hunted down by his brother’s best friend. It’s about a group of people who get caught in the middle of a conflict between two organisations and are forced to choose sides. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B004QZ9XOE/ref=as_li_ss_til?tag=chiofthehiv-21&camp=2902&creative=19466&linkCode=as4&creativeASIN=B004QZ9XOE&adid=1291PSHASAGFRDESRZNE&
December 13, 2012 — 4:05 AM
danastewart says:
Check out danastewart@wordpress.com for link to my short stories and good times for all
December 13, 2012 — 6:57 AM
David Grigg says:
Well, this year I created a whole new website dedicated to publishing my shorter fiction (flash and shorter short stories). It’s called The Narratorium (which is a kind of sideways Terry Pratchett reference), and it’s here: http://narratorium.com .
I’m trying to place longer stories with various magazines, and so far having some modest success doing that.
December 14, 2012 — 5:23 AM
Imelda Evans says:
I wrote a sweet little romance and Penguin thinks it’s a Grand Gift Idea (note capitals). Bottom right here http://goo.gl/QSfB9 or direct here http://goo.gl/VQ68a
Okay, I did it in Twitter length! Now I need more characters to say Thanks, Chuck!
December 15, 2012 — 3:56 AM
Brittany Melson says:
I just published a new short story called “Three Spirits and a Bottle of Vodka.” It’s a YA retelling of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol.” It’s a story of redemption, Christmas spirit, and love. It’s free on Amazon until December 19.
December 16, 2012 — 1:02 PM
Nicole Evelina says:
I’m not published yet, but I have completed the first book in a historical fantasy trilogy that tells Guinevere’s life story. (Book 2 is almost done in first draft form.) I blog about Arthurian legend, Celtic history, being a writer and other book-ish things at http:nicoleevelina.com.
December 16, 2012 — 7:45 PM
Rashda/Mina Khan (@SpiceBites) says:
I wrote multicultural & feminist short “Dead: A Ghost Story” about the immigrant experience from the POV of a ghost. http://amzn.com/B009TDD5FG TY Chuck!
December 18, 2012 — 6:32 PM
Jessica Meats says:
I’d like to shamelessly plug the kickstarter project for my new novella Omega Rising: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/166261591/codename-omega-omega-rising
I also have a traditionally published novel Child of the Hive available in hardback, paperback or kindle formats: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Jessica-Meats/e/B004FR312S/?_encoding=UTF8&tag=chiofthehiv-21&linkCode=ur2&camp=1634&creative=19450
December 28, 2012 — 7:03 AM
goaliemomextraordinaire says:
Looking forward to your posts!
May 4, 2013 — 11:58 AM
goaliemomextraordinaire says:
I am a yet-to-be published author and have been so for years. I came across your blog during a search for unique gift ideas for authors in an attempt to buy something for my office. Loved your list, you made me laugh. I have completed seven novels, the first three of which should have never seen the light of day, but it is all a learning process. I write Women’s Suspense and know I will be in bookstores soon; I am always in bookstores now that we have BAM here in our small town. I blog, I write, I am a proud ice hockey mom, crime scene cleanup technician, previous law enforcement officer and I am woman!!!
Happy writing! Lori Kolin Mofield.
May 4, 2013 — 12:05 PM
Kyoko says:
I just self-published my first novel on Amazon this morning. Oh, the horrors my mind has seen now that it’s out there for people to (not) read and review. Nevertheless, I’m a stubborn woman and I love writing so here it is. Kindle version (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E3HLHIK) and hard copy (http://www.amazon.com/Black-Parade-Kyoko-M/dp/1490911502/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374547052&sr=1-1).
And if you’re too skeptical or lazy to click the link, here’s a short description of the premise: Black New-Yorker Jordan Amador was just a waitress before she accidentally shot and killed a Seer–someone who can see and hear ghosts, angels, and demons. As penance, God gives her two years to help 100 souls with unfinished business cross over to the afterlife or her soul is bound for hell. At the end of her deadline, Jordan meets the handsome, sarcastic Michael–a poltergeist. And her life gets ten times worse.
Thanks for making this post, Chuck. I totally name-dropped you in the Acknowledgments of my novel–not to butter you up or anything, but because it’s been an honor and a joy to read all your writing advice and I honestly would not have finished/published this novel without your help.
July 23, 2013 — 4:21 PM
LexyWolfe says:
Must read fantasy series with myth, magic, epic story telling, a dash of romance and the odd dragon. http://lexywolfe.wordpress.com/the-book-shop/
November 28, 2013 — 8:41 AM
williamallenpepper says:
IN THE ST. NICK OF TIME is a holiday tale featuring Santa…but written for adults. When Santa quits, depressed writer Cameron phones, his foul-mouthed goldfish hallucination, and his alien-abductee friend Dogwater Hunt are suddenly the only ones who can save Christmas as we know it. If you ever thought Santa was real, buy this book. Maybe he still is. http://www.amazon.com/dp/0981864708/ref=cm_sw_r_udp_awd_T2FMsb1T4SJQE
November 30, 2013 — 10:18 AM