And so, it happened.
We have dog.
It did not happen like we anticipated. We’d been hovering around a specific set of dogs for a week or so — two got ruled out by one local shelter because they won’t adopt non-puppies out to people with kids. That left us with a couple pit-mix puppies, a mastiff mix (2-years-old), and a German shorthaired pointer (4-years-old). All of them shelter dogs in some capacity (the pointer was taken out of a shelter by the shelter trainer for rehab, as he broke his leg; his rehab was complete).
We met the pointer first.
We really liked the pointer. It wasn’t that “love at first sight” thing you ideally want to have — the pointer wasn’t precisely affectionate because the pointer, above all else, has job to do. SNIFF SNIFF RUN RUN BIRDS I KNOW THERE ARE BIRDS HERE I WILL GET THEM FOR YOU HOLY CRAP BIRDS.
That sort of thing.
Still — the pro’s were all there. The con’s, quite few. The toddler and the pointer got along. Our taco terrier, at least outside, got along with him pretty well. He was an active dog, but I was excited at the prospect of having a gun-dog. So, we kinda thought we had a decision. We were actually dreading going to see the others because, well, we didn’t want to be swayed by OMG PUPPY LOVE IS THE BEST LOVE or OH NOES THEY ARE IN A SHELTER WE HAVE TO SAVE THEM ALL LIKE SUPERMAN.
We arrived and they said, “You’re here to see Bridget, Belinda, Bowser, and Peaches.”
And we were like, “No, we know nothing of this ‘Peaches’ you speak about.”
And they said, “She’s a lab mix puppy.”
And we said, “Whatever. She probably sucks. But we’ll see her anyway just because she’s on the list. Go. Bring out this dog so that we may dismiss her swiftly! Chop-chop!”
And they brought out this dog.
Lab-mix? Maybe. She’s very red. Very lean and rangy. A narrow dog, if you will, narrow like a fox. She was (is) six-months-old, and was… fairly calm for a puppy. Happy to sit. And lay. And follow us around. And play, but not in an over-indulgent “puppy” way. She was great with B-Dub. And B-Dub dug her in turn.
My wife, I think, had already fallen in love, and I was fast on the way.
Still, we said, “Yes, yes, she’s very nice, bring us one of the other puppies. DO SO NOW.”
Then came Bridget (or Belinda or one of the other Go-Go’s, I forget), a pit-mix puppy. Very sweet. Very rambunctious. Three-months-old. And the first order of business was jumping into B-Dub the way a shark hits a seal and sending him flying backwards onto his ass. He wasn’t hurt — it was just grass (AND BROKEN GLASS HA HA HA HA okay no), but it was enough of a shock. He wept. They took the dog away.
We knew we had to have Peaches meet our current dog, the insidious taco terrier.
So, we went home. Got the chi-fox.
She and Peaches did not have an immediate love for one another (Tai, the taco terrier, was out of her element) — but soon they both fell in lockstep behind us as we walked around the play-yard, as if they had always known one another.
We told ourselves that there was no way we were going home with a puppy that day. Not gonna happen. Needed a night to sleep on it. That, after all, was the prudent decision.
But we knew, too, that Peaches could go away lickety-split. She was sweet, lovable, and huh, a shelter puppy. Shelter puppies always go first. Always. It’s the law of the concrete jungle. Totally adoptable, this pup.
My wife said it was time. This was the dog.
I agreed. Out of all the dogs we’d seen, she was the one I could see us having to the end of her days.
And now she’s home.
She has the official name of “Peaches,” or “Miss Peaches,” or “Princess Peach,” but that may change. We’re noodling Kismet, Pumpkin, and Lula. Kismet is nice, because hey, it was indeed kismet that we met her. Though, Kismet also sounds like a stripper name? (As do Destiny and Karma.)
Her first night was mostly good. Slept first half of the night away, I took her out, then she crashed out on my legs as I slept the remainder of the evening on the couch. She snoozed there the rest of the night.
So, welcome home, Princess Peach, Ye of Kismet, She of Pumpkin Color, Lula the Lordess of the Wendiglands.
We bought a puppy.
Oh, fuck.
Misa says:
I repeat that she is gorgeous. Look at those eyes – LOOK AT THEM! (Oh, wait; you did.)
September 21, 2012 — 9:15 AM
Eddy says:
“Peaches” is also a stripper name. Or maybe that’s only in Georgia.
September 21, 2012 — 9:18 AM
Kirby Crow says:
Now you have to edit your bio (dog(s)), but hey, PUPPY! I like Lula, if only because Lula is a name you can give, well, anything, and it can mean anything or sound any way you want. Lula the cupcake seller and Lula the pirate executioner sounds equally valid. Also Lula the stripper but I think she’s found in the skeevier joints, the ones where “lap dance” means you wake up in the alley with a bump on your head.
Congrats on PUPPY!
September 21, 2012 — 9:20 AM
Anna Silver says:
September 21, 2012 — 9:23 AM
Karen says:
Coonhound, shepherd & maybe beagle? I’m betting not much lab, tho. She’s adorable! And she looks super smart. Congratulations.
September 21, 2012 — 9:25 AM
Carrie says:
Beautiful puppy! She looks a lot like my in-laws’ lab mix: very sweet, loyal, playful, obedient dog. Labs and lab mixes are just awesome.
September 21, 2012 — 9:26 AM
Ashley says:
She’s precious! I’m so happy you got a puppy. I had a lab mix and I fell in love with her the moment I saw her. But my ex got her in the break up. Anyway….
I love the full name of “Princess Peach, Ye of Kismet, She of Pumpkin Color, Lula the Lordess of the Wendiglands.” So Princess Peach for short but the full name…yeah, it totally works.
September 21, 2012 — 9:26 AM
Fred Kiesche says:
It shall be Kismet! Chop-chop! You have no choice!
Our Lab mix is the one that cleaned my shelf of Ted Sturgeon hardcovers, by the way. Yes, we still have her. There were a number of factors involved, one of which was…boredom. We now give her three walks a day (plus shorter ones in the yard only), between 1-3 miles each time. Wears her out (stops the boredom) and is good for us.
Good luck and conga-rats!
September 21, 2012 — 9:28 AM
Beth L. says:
Awesome! Congratulations on the new member of your family!
September 21, 2012 — 9:47 AM
Kathleen Cassen Mickelson says:
Oh….that dog has the same look in its eye that caused us to bring home one adorable and possessive dachshund about five years ago. My daughter named the dog Truffles (after the chocolate kind because of the dog’s coat color). Should have named her Troubles. But she sure did grow on us.
September 21, 2012 — 9:54 AM
Nazarea says:
OMG, she’s adorable!! Yay puppies!!!
September 21, 2012 — 10:07 AM
Imelda Evans says:
Whatever you call her, I think her nickname should be pumpkin. Because of her colour and because she is so adorable that she absolutely needs a nickname! It won’t confuse her. My experience is that dogs will accept any name that produces food when they respond. My darling girl responds to ‘dog’, and ‘mad animal’ as well as her name.
Congratulations! You have a puppy as well as a toddler!
September 21, 2012 — 10:22 AM
Molly Dugger Brennan says:
Lula, definitely. It meets all the very best dog name criteria. It is two syllables, ending in a vowel, which makes it easy to yell and it will carry well across dog parks. Also, it is not overly cute or meaningful, another plus. Congratulations on your new family member. I wish you all much happiness.
September 21, 2012 — 10:26 AM
Virginia says:
It’s all in the eyes. Peaches has soul. I’d say part-beagle soul. My dog, Marcos of universal breed has the same eyes and has many beagle tendencies. She looks older than 6 months > Shelters usually say 6 months when they have no idea. Age can always be a surprise. I adopted Marcos from NYC Animal Control via a rescue group when I heard a 16 yr old dog had just been surrendered.. That’s what captured my heart – 16 and sentenced to a shelter death.Sob Sob. Well, 5 years later he’s either 21 or 11 or 12 like the vet estimates.
September 21, 2012 — 10:45 AM
Bill Bridges says:
I say keep “Peaches”, but that might be my confusion about all the streets named Peachtreee down here in the ATL.
I do say beware what you name a four-legged person, because they tend to live up to it. My niece named her foundling kitten Xena, and well, she is a warrior princess now, as she lets you know by swiping at you if she’s miffed for one of many incomprehensible reasons. My niece wanted to name another kitten Kali, but I nixed that — I don’t need Thugees around the house.
September 21, 2012 — 10:45 AM
Beth Christopher says:
Peaches (or whatever) is very stinking cute. Congratulations!
September 21, 2012 — 11:38 AM
Hobbes says:
I vote Princess Peach, that way you can teach her awesome Mario commands and call her treats 1-Ups.
September 21, 2012 — 12:42 PM
Rodrigo C. G. Rocha says:
My grandfather had a pointer, “Bala” (means bullet, in Portuguese). We killed a lot of stuff with she, specially quails.
Pointer’s are great dogs, great with children, but they need lots of exercise.
I vote against Lula. He was Brazil’s corrupt president:
September 21, 2012 — 12:58 PM
Jess Haines says:
So many kinds of cute! What an adorable dog.
September 21, 2012 — 3:31 PM
R Thomas Allwin says:
Lean you say?
Not lean and a-thirst, I hope…
Congratulations, and I vote for Pumpkin! (just wait until after Halloween…I predict it will fit her by then…)
September 21, 2012 — 3:35 PM
terribleminds says:
We have a name.
That name is: Loa.
As in, Mauna Loa.
— c.
September 21, 2012 — 4:02 PM
Kristina WRight says:
Congratulations on the new edition! We’re just now starting to consider a dog for the family after losing our 15 year old dog last year. So much to consider with a 1 and 3 year old, though. Your quest has further inspired me!
September 21, 2012 — 4:05 PM
Peter Hentges says:
This post has an insufficient number of puppy pictures. Please rectify.
September 21, 2012 — 4:08 PM
Susan Spann says:
Now I need a puppy, dammit.
Seriously, though…she’s beautiful, even if those eyes do bode ill for the continuing survival of your tennis shoes.
September 21, 2012 — 5:16 PM
Jessa Slade says:
Oh, you all are fooled by those fine eyes. Look deeper. Look deeper… She is plotting something.
Fortunately, she now lives with a writerly sort, so plotting is fine.
Congrats, Loa, on finding new peeps!
September 21, 2012 — 5:17 PM
Jenny Hansen says:
I agree with Peter! More puppy pics please.
September 21, 2012 — 6:22 PM
Lynna Landstreet says:
Congratulations on the new addition to your family! I actually thought she was a dachshund at first from the photo, but I think that was mainly from the photo angle (and the shape of her face, which is a bit dachshund-ish). But looking more closely, I can see that her legs are probably longer than that…
I’m surprised that the one shelter wouldn’t adopt non-puppies out to people with kids – I would have thought that, if anything, it would be the other way around! Puppies tend to be highly rambunctious and unaware of their own strength (like Bridget), and sometimes bitey. The one dog thus far who’s ever really scared my son was a puppy who chased him around in circles trying to nip at his ankles. It was only playing, and I’m sure it didn’t intend him any harm, but he didn’t know that… Adult dogs are usually calmer and gentler, though of course it depends on the particular dog.
On the name… Well, my associations with the word “loa” don’t have anything to do with volcanoes. I am now picturing your dog performing some kind of Vodou ceremony…
September 22, 2012 — 1:51 PM
Kristina L. says:
Mauna Loa as in the macadamia nut brand?
Totally adorable dog. She’s sweet. She’s smart. She’s up to something, I just know it…
September 24, 2012 — 12:20 AM
Amanda Makepeace says:
She perfect!! I’m glad she found you and your family.
September 24, 2012 — 2:35 PM