“Plucked From The Pages Of History” is the prior week’s challenge, and I ask — nay, demand! — you go check it out. Right now. No, no, I’ll wait.
Revenge. Powerful topic, innit? To strike back. To give what they got comin’.
To pay a debt that burns deep in the heart like a smoldering coal.
So, that’s what I want you to write about.
Here’s the trick, though — it is such a potent subject, and yet I want you to increase its potency by compressing the story’s density like the aforementioned coal until a sharp and deadly diamond is formed.
You do not have 1000 words.
You only have 100.
And again, we’re talking a complete story in 100 words, not a poetic exercise, not a vignette captured in time, not the beginning of a story or just its ending. The whole kaboodle. An entire tale.
Doesn’t matter what genre. Crime is an easy one, but don’t feel married to that. Fantasy? Sci-fi? Erotica? Whatever you want, throw it at the wall, see what sticks.
From that bunch I’ll pick a favorite and that winner will get a copy of my newest writing-related e-book in PDF format. REVENGE OF THE PENMONKEY. Chock full of inkslinging goodness.
I still prefer you post the 100 words at your own site, but if you don’t have one, you can deposit the tale in the comments below. Make sure to link to your story if posted elsewhere.
You’ve got the usual week. September 9th, by noon EST.
Now, get to sinning. It’s time to enact your vengeance.
I have chosen.
Not one, but five favorites. As always,a hard choice, but that’s life in the big city.
The five (all of whom need to contact me to procure a free copy of ROTPM):
Bob Bois
Samantha Mathis
Jess Hartley
CY Reid
Amber (she of “Raising The Stakes”)
Hit me at terribleminds [at] gmail [dot] com or use the Contact form above.
Thanks, peeps!
Jim Franklin says:
Well, If I had trouble getting a whole story in 1000 words, this was even more of a stretch.
Hopefully, this is actually a complete story though. I feel my previous entry’s weren’t.
Anyway that’s enough glazed-eye, dribbling for me. Here it is…
September 2, 2011 — 8:43 AM
Abhishek Boinapalli says:
is my link!! Eagerly waiting to see what 100 words can make!!!
September 2, 2011 — 9:06 AM
CY says:
Here you go, sir.
September 2, 2011 — 9:09 AM
Nicholas Olivo says:
Here’s my attempt – http://nicholasolivo.com/2011/09/02/100-words-on-revenge/
BTFO, everyone!
September 2, 2011 — 9:29 AM
Darlene Underdahl says:
I think I’ll put this one in the comments. I’m calling it MARIE. I’ve known lots of problematic Maries in my life, usually a mish-mash of nationalities, but always with an Italian father. (Daddy issues?) And yeah, I’ve cut more than one off at the knees.
Marie was usually the smartest person in the room, but she ran into trouble around inspectors and engineers. She compensated by telling lies. She didn’t realize her hatred for the Vietnamese engineer came from her father, but she was determined to undo him.
The wily inspector made sure she was in the bathroom when Marie arrived to comb her hair. “The Vietnamese engineer is eating raw meat. I couldn’t do that.”
Marie ran howling to management. They arrived to view the consumption of ripe watermelon, provided by said inspector.
“Marie lies so much, she needs therapy,” the inspector sighed sadly.
And this is how I got so weird:
September 2, 2011 — 10:25 AM
Sigil says:
Hi all,
Here’s mine. What a bunch of happy campers we are.
September 2, 2011 — 11:29 AM
Darren Goldsmith says:
Thought I’d have a go… http://bit.ly/qYBmEL
September 2, 2011 — 11:55 AM
Kyrsten Bean says:
That was a fun way to do my daily writing. Though mildly disconcerting.
Cotton Ball Explosion http://thestifledartist.com/2011/09/02/flash-fiction-challenge-cotton-ball-explosion/
September 2, 2011 — 12:10 PM
Penrefe says:
Here’s my little attempt: http://www.penrefe.com/2011/09/02/flash-fiction-challenge-100-words-on-the-subject-of-revenge/
September 2, 2011 — 12:11 PM
Kathlyn Hawley says:
Here’s mine of a 100 word story of revenge and mistaken identity.
September 2, 2011 — 12:12 PM
Rich Friedeman says:
Here’s mine.
September 2, 2011 — 12:29 PM
Sarah Olson says:
I’m slightly disturbed by what I wrote this week, but here it is (100 words exactly):
September 2, 2011 — 12:41 PM
Mark Horejsi says:
This is not autobiographical in any way. I didn’t start drinking my vodka with diet coke until after University.
September 2, 2011 — 12:47 PM
Louise Sorensen says:
Boy are you guys ever fast! I just got here and was dismayed to find that the word limit was 100. Then I broke my own rule by reading other peeps stories B4 writing my own. B/c I had no idea how to write a complete story in 100 words. Now I’ll have to think about it. *stilldismayed*
September 2, 2011 — 1:00 PM
Louise Sorensen says:
Luckily my write brain kicked in and I got something. Will post later. Amazing how the brain works. : )
September 2, 2011 — 1:37 PM
Louise Sorensen says:
Here it is, not at my usual louisesor.wordpress.com
We Are Not Stars L. Sorensen Sept 2, 2011. 100 words
“You are, without a word of a doubt, the clumsiest creature on the face of the earth.”
“Mother’s right, Punkin. You’re not worth ten thousand a year.”
“I’m going to go on record as being against the purchase of this house.”
“This new house is really big, Punkin. I think you’re houseproud.”
“Honey, you hafta understand. We’re not the kind of people who ever become famous. We are not stars.”
“Great screenplay. Welcome.”
Dear Ms.P., The Foundation and I would like to thank you personally for your great generosity…
September 2, 2011 — 2:01 PM
Jared 'contagonist' Domenico says:
September 2, 2011 — 4:29 PM
Jerry Bloomfield says:
Here we go:
September 2, 2011 — 5:52 PM
Brenda says:
Putting this in the comments because I don’t want my players to find it.
The cold knife bit into Guinevere’s shoulder, barely missing her heart. It still broke.
“Why?” she asked, her life seeping between her fingers.
Arthur towered over her in the snow, his hands stained red. “I was never good enough for you,” he yelled. “You took my heart and crushed it.”
“I didn’t,” she said. Red roses of blood began to bloom in the white abyss around her. “It was mutual. We agreed.” Guinevere’s vision wavered. “I loved you. Why?” she asked again, tears freezing before they fell.
“You love me,” Arthur said, his eyes dead, “but you love him more.”
September 2, 2011 — 6:16 PM
Lari says:
Wow! Great challenge. Here’s mine. >:D
September 2, 2011 — 7:13 PM
Amy says:
Hi! Here is my little nugget of flashy goodness.
September 2, 2011 — 7:13 PM
Carl D'Agostino says:
They say getting even makes us just as evil as our oppressor. That the obsession makes us sicker as these plans and thoughts become the dominant part of our conscious thinking. Subconscious as well. In dreams. They say this allows our oppressor to retain power over oneself because his act monopolizes our thoughts and allows him his satisfaction to grow in our thoughts . He hurt us. He is our focus. He owns us and has reduced us to slavery extending the brutal reality of what he did. I win when I let my thoughts of him die.
September 2, 2011 — 7:44 PM
Chloe Dungate says:
And here’s mine!
September 2, 2011 — 8:33 PM
Lily Cooper says:
Gently, quietly, he crept through the woods making barely a sound. He could see his prey just in front of him despite the nearly perfect camouflage. He softly put one foot down in front of the other, always careful to keep himself unnoticed. This wasn’t just for him. It was for the others, forever lost, and his family.
When he was within a few feet, the great stag bent his head and charged forward. The hunter heard his charge and turned just in time to see the twelve point buck gut him.
September 2, 2011 — 8:56 PM
Kat W. says:
September 2, 2011 — 9:38 PM
Douglas says:
September 2, 2011 — 11:50 PM
Gary Weller says:
100 words is a helluva thing Chuck.
Semper Fidelis
September 3, 2011 — 12:42 AM
Becca Harris says:
100 words is a kick in the teeth. Nice way to make a person delete every bit of nonessential fluff, though! Here’s my try. A bit darker than my usual, but it spoke to me.
September 3, 2011 — 1:25 AM
Thomas Skogholt says:
A flash from Norway:
September 3, 2011 — 6:15 AM
A.E. Arcangioli says:
Here is mine:
September 3, 2011 — 9:46 AM
Daniel Ritter says:
Shaming the High Wequat
September 3, 2011 — 10:49 AM
Dave Versace says:
I couldn’t pass this one up. Here’s my stab: : http://www.otherleg.com/lexifab2/?p=850
September 3, 2011 — 10:58 AM
oldestgenxer says:
This was easier than I thought, and more painful. It’s a true story. I was 15. There’s a short list (about 5) of people I hate. After 30 years, this is still one of them.
September 3, 2011 — 12:57 PM
Laura W. says:
Here’s my story! I like flash fiction. Shorter is better, in my opinion (says the girl who’s only 5 ft. tall).
September 3, 2011 — 1:28 PM
Judd says:
Despite my cold gut-engine and weak arm-pistons, I dragged myself along the floor to the coal bin. The servant was bashing me with a broom and calling me names.
“Useless tool! Ungrateful wretch! Broken beast!”
Fifty pounds of crushing pressure stopped the noise.
The sun was nearly up by the time I dragged myself up to the maker’s room. It was resting, eyes closed, wheezing like a bellows.
“Wake up, maker. I have an important decision and I need help. Life or death, maker? Life or death?”
“You aren’t alive,” it said.
“I wasn’t talking about me.”
It died.
September 3, 2011 — 1:37 PM
Timothy Bacon says:
No place to post this so in the comments it goes:
Jones lowered the thermal imager. A dozen rebels were still secured down the street amidst the rubble.
He was tense and cobra-coiled after the frenzied charge through the devastated city. Sanders had taken one in the throat and screamed silent and wet. Taylor had lost half his head and stumbled around like a zombie before dropping.
No choice left. He would have to call an air-strike. He thumbed his squawk pad.
“Bring down the vengeance.”
The Banshees blasted low through the concrete canyons, releasing a barrage of scatter bombs. The world flared white as the lucky ones were vaporized instantly.
September 3, 2011 — 2:21 PM
Jess Hartley says:
Thanks for running this Flash Fiction challenge, Chuck! Tinkering with a complete concept in 100 words was really a nice change from the “gotta get X thousand words written today” type writing!
September 3, 2011 — 2:52 PM
JDBrophy says:
See REVENGE Flash Fiction
September 3, 2011 — 4:16 PM
R.L.W. says:
My entry is called “Pillow Talk”
September 3, 2011 — 4:26 PM
Shawn Westmoreland says:
Kill it with Fire.
September 3, 2011 — 5:25 PM