Apple-Obsessed Author Fella

Search Results: “CHALLENGE” (page 99 of 103)

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Tell Us Three Things About Blackbloom

Tell me three things about Blackbloom. Three status quo things. Can be about anything at all: religion, commerce, society, creatures, history, diplomacy, culture, geography, climate, whatever. Can be very broad or very specific. Feel free to incorporate what we already know. Deadline is December 9th, by noon.

Matt Forbeck: The Terribleminds Interview

Matt Forbeck is one crazy dude. Crazy like a dude with a powerful brain parasite that serves him and provides him awesome creative powers in its symbiotic grip. What hasn’t Matt written? He’s written novels, games, comics, designed toys, penned whole encyclopedias. I don’t think he’s missing much on his resume except maybe “HVAC instructions” and “Communist manifesto.”

The Geography Of Blackbloom, Part One

With those 100 words, describe a place in the natural geography of the planet — think about how Earth has Everest or the Grand Canyon or the Hawaiian Islands or whatever. Go nuts. Go big. Go weird. Blackbloom is not a world for timidity. Note, however, we don’t want to talk about cities. The cities of Blackbloom — which are sentient and can communicate — will get their own challenge.

The Gods Of Blackbloom Are Chosen

This week’s challenge — The Geography of Blackbloom! — is live. You people? You’re killing me. What with your awesome (and oft-conflicting) entries. Killing me. Took me hours to sift through the killer options for gods and goddesses. But, I think I’ve nailed it. Some early comments: While the more fictional and non-encyclopedic entries were […]

Blackbloom: The First Ten Things

It’s a good time to pick my ten choices from the Blackbloom challenge, choices that help cement the true nature of Blackbloom — this is Blackbloom’s genesis, when order is forged from chaos, reality birthed from raw void. So why not jump the gun by a day and get this thing going?