The loss of Anthony Bourdain is staggering to me. I’ve said elsewhere, but I feel like Bourdain was the next evolution of Hunter. S. Thompson — a vicious, rigorous truth-teller, but far less performative than Thompson. And ultimately far gentler, in all the best ways. He was authentic and earnest and I’ll miss his voice, his writing, his everything.
He wasn’t just a chef, and he certainly didn’t write only about food, but I think connecting food to stories is one of the things he did, in a bigger, stranger way than you usually find with people. He really understood the cultural connections and ramifications of that.
So, that’s your job today, in honor of Bourdain.
Write a story and let it be about food, but about more than food, too. Connect the food to something larger. Reach. Extend your narrative muscles. Find out how food is about culture, about people, sometimes about safety, other times about transgression. Go big or go small, just go somewhere with it.
Length: ~2000 words
Due by: Friday, June 15th, noon EST
Post at your online space.
Drop a link below so we can read it.
Richard Thomas says:
Your comparisons to HST are spot on. Two men that influenced me in SO many ways. He’ll be missed. I’m just devastated today. He inspired me all the time. Showed me so much. Great observations here, Chuck. Sad day. Taking my kids to get some authentic ramen today to honor him.
June 8, 2018 — 12:24 PM
Maryann says:
I love your description, Chuck. I feel like I’ve been hit by a body blow, this on a day when we in Ontario woke to the news that Donald Trump Lite had been elected Premier. Anybody out there remember Toronto’s lunatic mayor, Rob Ford? Well this guy is his brother.
I loved how Anthony peeled back the societal layers as he and his companions made their way through whatever food they were eating. We are less for the loss of his voice.
June 8, 2018 — 1:19 PM
Shannon says:
I was already finished this when I got the notification in my email. Not sure if it fits the criteria but really want to share.
June 8, 2018 — 1:35 PM
legreene515 says:
Powerful and well-written.
June 15, 2018 — 9:28 AM
Nancy Scuri says:
I still am trying to wrap my head around all of this. We never truly know anyone’s inner life, but we must remember our shared humanity. I found an old blog post I wrote about Anthony, El Bulli, and the importance for tradition and creation under my old pen name.
June 8, 2018 — 3:08 PM
legreene515 says:
For some reason, I’m unable to comment directly on your blog. I agree–writers have to read. I’m not a foodie and don’t watch cooking shows (even though I love to cook), so it’s interesting for me to read how you tied together writing and cooking.
June 15, 2018 — 9:31 AM
Mozette says:
A real connection with us all.
June 8, 2018 — 11:22 PM
legreene515 says:
I loved reading this. The stories about the sticky buns and Nan Parker’s honeyed carrots were my favorite. I could feel the comfort feelings in this piece of work. Great job.
June 15, 2018 — 9:44 AM
Mozette says:
Aaaww the sticky cornflake biscuits… yeah … my dentist told me when I was going through my teen years and into my 20’s that they were the main cause of my cavities – not lollies of soft drinks/sodas – my Grandma’s baking.
That was until I brought in some of those biscuits for him and he realised why I loved them so much.
And I think we all have a relative like my Nan who thinks because you leave something on the plate, you hate it – but nope, that’s just not the case.
There was a food poisoning case when I was 15, but I wanted to talk about how much I love food, not the food I don’t like. 
June 15, 2018 — 7:55 PM
Nadie says:
Too much loss, this year; this is almost as big as losing my dad. I cook because Bourdain challenged me to, with every revelation about how humans – all humans – connect to, and through, the food they prepare and eat and share. He confirmed for me over and over again the universality of humanity, for all our differences – and that those differences were for celebrating, not despising or fearing.
Good Christ but we lost a necessary voice. I’m gutted.
I’ll try to scribble something for this one. I keep meaning to take up the challenges and I keep just… not… doing it. I’ll try for this one, though.
June 9, 2018 — 1:11 PM
therealauthoress says:
I tried my best!
June 9, 2018 — 2:38 PM
Mozette says:
Nice! I love your description.
Now I want to see South Africa.
June 12, 2018 — 10:58 PM
therealauthoress says:
Aww yay!! Thank you!
June 13, 2018 — 9:03 AM
legreene515 says:
Wonderful. I left a comment on your blog.
June 15, 2018 — 10:13 AM
Sam Brady says:
I wrote about food as ritual, community, and how those things can change. Please to enjoy!
June 13, 2018 — 4:28 PM
legreene515 says:
This made me laugh.
June 15, 2018 — 10:20 AM
Stephen McClurg says:
It was fun finally attempting one of these. Thanks for the space to do this and thanks to anyone who read it!
June 14, 2018 — 10:34 AM
legreene515 says:
I loved your descriptions with such few words. Really brought in all the feels.
June 15, 2018 — 10:41 AM
legreene515 says:
I went with a little Southern fiction as Southern food is a huge part of Southern culture. I hope you enjoy this piece about food, comfort, discomfort, and race.
June 14, 2018 — 1:42 PM
vacuumpackednarrative says:
Just under the 2000 words.
June 14, 2018 — 4:52 PM
legreene515 says:
Lovely and poignant. My dad has always liked Oreos, so this piece really resonated with me.
June 15, 2018 — 11:04 AM
Rebecca Douglass says:
Squeaking under the wire as usual, and cheating with a re-run as well. But we are prepping to sell our house and move, and writing fiction is kind of just a dream right now. Writing anything. But it’s a fun story, anyway.
June 14, 2018 — 11:46 PM
kiya_nicoll says:
I will join the squeaking crew as usual.
June 15, 2018 — 11:55 AM
Christopher Slagle says:
I am way late with my entry, but hopefully I can sneak in and a few people will find it. My story about food is titled “The Bitter Truth.”
June 20, 2018 — 9:37 PM
ellie81 says:
I just found this post now and had an absolute ball writing about a zombie who misses food. Like, not-brains food. Which is never something I thought about before but damn it’s fun
August 29, 2018 — 9:39 PM