Apple-Obsessed Author Fella

One Week Till Blightborn

You have one more week to pre-order Blightborn because, Lord and Lady, it’s out in a week.

Which means you have one more week to:

a) get my short story, “The Wind Has Teeth Tonight,” for free with your pre-order


b) maybe win a Kindle Paperwhite or some free books.

Details on the pre-order contest here.

You can pre-order right here.

(It’ll be out in Kindle, paperback, and hardcover from the first day of release.)

You might be saying, “Hey, but I haven’t read Under the Empyrean Sky yet.”

To which I say –> HEY LOOK HERE IT IS.

I will also note that you have a way to read it for free in digital, were you so inclined — Kindle Unlimited has its free trial going, and Under the Empyrean Sky (along with Kick-Ass Writer, incidentally) are part of that deal. So, you could totally just read the first book for free. Like a savvy book-shark. I don’t know what that means, “book-shark,” but frankly, I like it.
