Chuck Wendig: Terribleminds

Apple-Obsessed Author Fella

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Macro Monday Is Better Than Mackerel Monday


*hits you in the face with a mackerel*

See? Macro Monday is so much better than getting hit in the face with a mackerel. (Star Wars X-mas ornament macros at the bottom of this post.)

ANYWAY hey hi hello happy Monday everyone.

The weekend tried to rescue us from the banality of the week, but as always, it failed in its task and has retreated to its Party Crypt, where it will return again at the close of Friday to once more try to save us from the oppression of Monday’s brute squad.

Some quick news-tickled updates:

First, hey, that’s right, there’s a new episode of Ragnatalk in the offing. And I’m quite certain that this time we actually finish the last five minutes of Thor: Ragna

*receives note*

Okay I’m informed by my lawyers that we did not finish the movie and instead talked about post-New Year motivation and process and how to stay true to your goals and chip at them meaningfully? What fresh hell is this? Are we some kind of self-help podcast now? Jeez.

(More seriously, the podcast hits on some very real process stuff which may earn some fresh bloggery re: writing. Keep your grapes peeled.)

Next up: another podcast, the Big Beautiful Podcast, as hosted by Jamie Greene. I’m on it! Talking about writing and life and Star Wars and other stuff.

Lessee. What else?

Vultures drops next week! If you want an autographed copy replete with PERSONAL DEATH PROPHECY, you can nab one from Lets Play Books — they’ll ship it right to you. Otherwise, pre-order in print or eBook. Bonus: now available for pre-order in audio as well, hosted by series narrator, Emily Beresford!

Speaking of audio, you can also pre-order the audio for Death & Honey, the triumvirate of novellas by Kevin Hearne, Delilah Dawson, and yours truly. My story is a story featuring Wren, from the Miriam Black series, and nestles comfortably between the end of Book 5 and Book 6. Also, Subterranean Press is doing a limited print edition, with some signed and signed/lettered editions left. Check it out.




*kicks you out of the van*

*speeds off*

Welcome To My New Netflix Show

Welcome to my new Netflix show!

It’s called:


It’s a 13-episode season, each with a vital lesson at its heart!

Lesson One:

If an object sparks nostalgic regret and instills you with a curious mix of shame and forbidden pleasure, that object goes on a special shelf and that special shelf is called “your bed.”

Lesson Two:

If you can’t remember where you got an item or why you even have it that’s an opportunity to become friends with this mystery object.

Keep it close!

No, closer.


whispers: let it touch your skin

whispers: let it inside you

Lesson Three:

If you throw out an object someone gave you, they’ll know.

They’ll fucking KNOW.

And they’ll STOP LOVING YOU.

Lesson Three-Point-Five:

Never throw away a child’s drawings.

Not even the shitty ones.

Every time you throw away a child’s artwork, a child’s pet dies.

Lesson Four:

You only have enough books when you can build a castle out of them.

Yes, with a moat.


Lesson Five:

Clothes naturally move toward the organic superstructure known as “a pile.”

This is science.

Nature abhors a vacuum but fucking loves a pile.

Lesson Six:

One day you will die and the best gift you can leave for your loved ones upon passing is a house full of dubious objects containing questionable value, the kind of objects that would earn a sour face from any curator on Antiques Roadshow. Collecting things is sometimes about creating a physical burden to pass along to your family members BECAUSE THEY DESERVE IT











Lesson Seven:

Oh, yeah, you’re going to need more skeletons.

Lesson Seven-Point-Five:

Remember, if you can’t afford skeletons?

You can always make them.

Your house is a home and your home is a trap to any wayward soul or feral animal that finds its way in there! All a tomb needs is four walls, after all.

Lesson Eight:

You’ll fit into that sweater someday.

Remember, we all become skeletons in the end, and skeletons can wear most clothing without concerns over size or fit. Death is slimming!




Lesson Nine:

If you throw something out, that creates waste.

But if you keep it, it contains value.

As compost, eventually.

Eventually we all become compost, Judy.

Lesson Ten:

Yes, MORE books, who the fuck ever said to STOP buying books

Lesson Eleven:

No, don’t clean your desk that thing contains tax receipts from 1988.

And also dead crickets!

Which I don’t need to tell you are protein, Judy.

GOOD HEALTHY PROTEIN which we are going to need when the shit hits the fan. That time is coming, Judy. The dark times. The mad times. The times where those who survive are those who chose clutter, who chose to surround themselves with objects that can be uses as tools or food or gladiatorial weapons in the Wasteland.

Ha ha ha I’m just kidding, Judy.

Now use that barbed wire to bind these cat bones to that shovel.

Lesson Twelve:

The joy of purging? Ha ha no way Marie Kondo, we’re here to talk about the joy of binging! Binging my new Netflix show, of course. And also stuff. So much stuff. Binge all the stuff. Collect it. Eat it. Build with it. Build walls. Build towers. Build effigies to the ancient gods. The ancient gods who collected people the way you collect office supplies you’ll never need. Three staplers? Who the fuck needs three staplers? That’s right, Judy. You do. You do.

Lesson Thirteen:

Like the Pharaohs of old, you surround yourself in life and in death with a bevy of beloved objects, all of which are sealed up in your castle of books, your tomb of stuff, your temple of semi-beloved shame-stained garbage, and now you are protected from wolves and emotions and you have so much knowledge and nobody can hurt you now, Judy, nobody but Cousin Mary, now eat your crickets and clutch your Cat Bone Shovel tight, Judy, the hill mutants are coming, the hill mutants are coming


* * *

WANDERERS: A Novel, out July 2nd, 2019.

A decadent rock star. A deeply religious radio host. A disgraced scientist. And a teenage girl who may be the world’s last hope. An astonishing tapestry of humanity that Harlan Coben calls “a suspenseful, twisty, satisfying, surprising, thought-provoking epic.”

A sleepwalking phenomenon awakens terror and violence in America. The real danger may not be the epidemic, but the fear of it. With society collapsing—and an ultraviolent militia threatening to exterminate them—the fate of the sleepwalkers and the shepherds who guide them depends on unraveling the mystery behind the epidemic. The terrifying secret will either tear the nation apart—or bring the survivors together to remake a shattered world.

Preorder: Print | eBook

Macro Monday Wants You To Have A Cookie

Break is now officially-officially over for me — like I was kinda back last week, but our child remained off of school for the week so we were still half-assing it, more or less.

It was a good break.

We saw Bumblebee, which was actually a lot of fun — a G1 Transformers adventure which really, more people should’ve seen. It’s like A GIRL AND HER PONY, except, her pony is a Transformer? Whatever. It’s a blast. Also saw Mary Poppins Returns, which was also a lot of fun and full of the light and whimsy and goodness I sorta needed to get my 2019 started — it drags maybe a little in the middle, with maybe one song too many, but overall, a joy to behold.

Christmas was good. New Years was good. Nothing particularly exciting — I mean, sure, we accidentally cooked Santa in the fireplace (ha ha my bad) and on the New Year I fired a rifle in the air in the ANCIENT WENDIG WAY, and the rifle bullet took a chip out of the moon? But that’s okay, I’m pretty sure that’s where the secret Nazi base was, so, for reals, YOU’RE WELCOME.

There is, of course, news.

First, if you were looking to pre-order Vultures and you wanted a signed copy with a customized death prediction, well, once again Let’s Play Books has you covered. Click here and they’ll get you set up. (You can actually order any of the books in the series this way, btw.)

I should also note that Vultures — out January 22nd! Two weeks (and a day)! — is in some people’s hands already in ARC form, and a head’s up to those people: the book ain’t right. It’s the wrong version of the book, pre-edit, and though I don’t think it’s dramatically different, it’s got enough errors and such that I’m kinda disappointed people might be using it for review copies.

Be aware, regardless.

Wanderers, on the other hand, has a longer road to publication (July 2nd!) but that book has already begun to collect fancy blurbs from a series of wonderful authors — I’m sitting on a very nice collection of very kind comments, and the publisher has posted a few of these, so I’m going to post the first three here, too —

Wanderers is wonderful—a suspenseful, twisty, satisfying, surprising, thought-provoking epic of a novel. Chuck Wendig has taken his considerable talents to the next level. Dig in.”

—Harlan Coben, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Run Away

“Chuck Wendig’s latest Wanderers is a magnum opus of both storytelling and prose. Epic in scope, yet told with an intimacy that hooked me from the first page. It reminded me of a technological version of Stephen King’s The Stand—but dare I say, this story is even better: a post-apocalyptic horror story that bares the best and worst of humanity in all its rawest forms. Don’t miss this tour de force. It left me awed.”

—James Rollins, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Crucible 

Wanderers is a stunning epic that deftly weaves together a deadly pandemic, ideological violence, and environmental collapse in a way that feels both fantastically mysterious and very frighteningly plausible. Wendig’s tale brims with the irresistible dread of The Stand and prose as sharp and heartbreaking as Station Eleven, but what sets this book apart and will keep you riveted until the end is its deeply compelling cast of characters—courageous, terrified, flawed, but most of all, full of hope. Simply put, Wanderers is a masterpiece.”

—Peng Shepherd, author of The Book of M

So, I’m definitely vibrating a little over here.

You can pre-order the book in Print or eBook.

There also a new episode of Thor: Ragnatalk, where surely, surely, Anthony and I cover the actual last ten minutes of the movie and definitely don’t spend our entire time eating and reviewing New Zealand snacks. I mean, probably.

And that’s it.

Have a great week, weirdos.

In 2019: Persist, Persist, Persist

Usually, I do a writing-related resolution for myself and other writers if they care to borrow it — but this year, all I got is:

Persist, writers.

Your stories will outlast this peculiar, fucked-up moment in history, but for those stories to outlast, you first gotta write ’em.

I don’t know who you are or what you write: maybe what you need to write is raw escapism, or maybe your form of resistance and persistence demands you use your stories to tackle the hinky fuckery going on. But resist, and persist, with art, and with narrative.

You can do it. But it won’t be easier. I expect it’ll be harder this year just as it was harder in 2018 — harder than it feels like it should be. But that makes it all the more worth doing. Don’t let your stories be lost to this bullshit. Save them. Write them.


Persist. Forgive yourself. Write despite — or better yet, write TO spite. Embrace the game of inches and understand you won’t always sprint for miles. One word at a time, one sentence, one paragraph, one scene, a house built a brick at a time.

Some days will be harder than others. Turn away from the news when you can. Save time for yourself, give it to yourself as a gift before you give your time to anybody else, or to anywhere or anything else. Art hurts. Stories are squirmy. We live in strange times. Persist.

You need to do it. We need you to do it. Your stories are yours. Full of you. Full of what you believe and what you fear, brimming with your notions both conscious and unconscious, tied to all you’ve known, you’ve loved, you’ve hated. The world needs you and your tales.


There’s no map but the one you draw. No process of anyone’s you can borrow. You gain your groove by wearing it into the floor one micrometer at a time. It’s erosion. Water on stone to find its path. It makes it harder in times like these because we want it to be math. PERSIST.

You don’t know you can do it. You don’t know that you belong. You can do it. You belong as much as anybody. You’re an impostor, sure, because we’re all impostors, we’re all here unasked for, unbidden, uninvited, wearing our masks.

Persist anyway.

I worry for those just starting, just trying to begin — what a difficult time for you to try to start off on a creative path. But it’s vital you do it. We need your voice, your energy, your ideas. It won’t be right out of the gate. That’s hard. But true. And yet you persist.

Throw some of the fucks out of your fuckbasket. Autonomous functions get harder when we overthink them. Sleeping. Breathing. Writing is like that, too. Write anyway. Write without thinking too much, too hard. Offload your worry to Future You. Just write. And persist.

Bleed on the page if you gotta. Sing and scream. Be angry there. Be vigilant and sad and unsafe. Write madly and with undistilled fury. Write with love, too. Love for yourself even if you can’t see it. Love for the story and the process — even if you can’t feel it.


There’s no one way forward. Forward isn’t always forward. Sometimes it’s sideways and sidesteps: hinky, wonky, janky-ass backroads and short-cuts and getting lost in dark forests. Sometimes you go BACKWARD. That’s okay, too. Whaddya do?

That’s right, you persist.

Sometimes writing isn’t even writing, sometimes storytelling is about thinking, about chewing on something, it’s just you revisiting it again and again, slow-roasting it over hours, days, weeks, months, even years. Recognize that. Persist through it.

And writing is rewriting, too. It’s getting it wrong before you get it right. Sometimes it’s getting it wrong, then even WRONGER, then fucking it all up before you can see it, lined up like a line of crystals in crepuscular beam of sunlight. That’s how it is, sometimes. Persist.

You got this. You won’t feel like you got this. I don’t feel like I got this. I feel overwhelmed by it. I worry I’m not good enough or that I don’t belong. Every book is harder than the last. But I keep on.

And so will you.

Persist, persist, persist.

Into 2019. And past it.

Merry happy fellow word-herders, ink-slingers, penmonkeys.

2018, Meet 2019: The Year Behind And The Year Ahead

And so it comes to pass that the year is nearly over, and I am left feeling a bit blurry and hazy on what happened, and what could possibly happen next.

Were 2018 to have an epitaph carved into its headstone, it would read:




I could get into a litany of profanity over world events, but I think it’s succinct enough to say: shit was real hinky in 2018, and 2019 probably isn’t looking any less hinky. That’s it. That’s all I’m gonna say about that, right now.

Personally and professionally, 2018 was a very, uh, curious year — generally speaking, I put out a handful of books every year, usually three or four, and I often write the same amount, too. This year? I only put out one book: The Raptor & The Wren. And I didn’t even write a book. I mean, okay, I did monster edits and rewrites on the very big book, Wanderers. I did edits on Vultures, the sixth and final Miriam Black book. And I wrote 80k on a new book, tentatively titled The Book of Accidents. I wrote a novella. I wrote a bunch of comic scripts, most of which you’ll never see —

*gives Marvel the side-eye*

That bit actually made quite a lot of news, which was bizarre.

And had a… movie made out of tweets between Sam Sykes and I?

I started a podcast about Thor: Ragnarok? With the inimitable Anthony Carboni?

I met Levar Burton?

See? 2018 was just fucking weird, man.

The good news is, I spent 2018 not actually feeling burnout — for the years prior, I’d been galloping parallel to the riptide current of total burnout, and though I never succumbed to it, it was pretty close. So, 2018 helped me reclaim some energy, and focus what energy I had on the books in front of me, which was good.

And that means 2019 sees those books come out.

Vultures, in January. (Preorder in print or eBook!)

And Wanderers, in July. (Preorder in print or eBook!)

Closing out Miriam’s story is satisfying and heartwrenching in equal measure — and though I have no idea if I did her story justice in the eyes of the audience, I feel happy with where I took that story. I’ve planned her story’s end for a while, and this is roughly always where it was going, and hopefully it feels earned. If it doesn’t… um, sorry? Can’t fix it now! *nervous laughter*

With Wanderers

Yow, that’s a bigger, unrulier, much trickier book. I didn’t have a hard time with it, exactly — it came pouring out of me, as I’d been chewing on parts of the book and other disconnected ideas for years. It all connected suddenly, and out came this book — both an artifact of this time and also one that, ideally, separates us from The Now and still gives a story that is relevant no matter when you read it. The thing is, the book was so damn big. Kudos to Del Rey for letting me write the book as I needed to write it — and for letting me keep it that way, too. I’m excited for people to read it. I’m sitting on (/humblebrag) a number of unusually amazing blurbs, and I’m feeling really fortunate right now.

Hopefully I’ll bring Book of Accidents home in an equally satisfying way. It’s also a weird book? Squirrelly. Tricksy. A little more straight-up horror for me, kind of a ghost story that becomes something more than a ghost story, or something separate from one and… well, I don’t want to give much of it away. Just know that it’s a curious specimen. It is weird to be sitting at a point in my career where I can see, looking back, looking at the present, looking forward, how my writing has shifted into what might be considered a new phase? Both of output and process? And even career?

Shit, I dunno.

We shall see.

As to what else 2019 brings? No idea. I’ll travel a good deal for Wanderers, I hope. Maybe I’ll pop in your area, I dunno! OR EVEN YOUR HOUSE, LIKE AN EVIL SANTA CLAUS IN JULY. I’ll know more as the new year clicks into place.

I think that’s it for me.

More as I have it.

It’s nearly game over, 2018.

And 2019, we’re watching you. No sudden moves.

Friday Newsplosion: Hey, Look, It’s Wanderers

So, here’s a thing — yesterday, Entertainment Weekly released their 50 Most Anticipated Books of 2019, and uhhh. *checks again to make sure it wasn’t a dream* It looks like Wanderers is on that list. I have never been on such a fancy list, nor do I ever anticipate being on one again, but for this precious moment in time, I share a special kind of literary interstitial territory with the likes of Samira Ahmed, Erin Morgenstern, and Margaret Atwood, so I’m just going to breathe deep, savor the moment, and try very hard not to barf on myself.

Also, the book is starting to go out to authors for blurbs, a rolling boil of that, as it were, and we’ve already gotten some incredibly kind blurbs back from folks, and I’ll be showcasing some of those in the new year. I am honestly very fortunate and super, super glad this book is actually working for people, because, whew. It’s been a journey.

Reminder: you can pre-order Wanderers (out in July, moved up a week to July 2nd) in Print or eBook.

I hope you like it.

What else?

The Mary Sue did a feature on six Star Wars characters they’d love to see get spin-offs, and three (!) of those six are from Aftermath, so that’s pretty fantastic.

After the new year I should also return with a pre-order for the last Miriam Black book from Let’s Play Books that gets you an autographed copy and a customized DEATH PREDICTION ooh-la-la you will be the fanciest folkperson on the block, what with your artisanal demise prophecy tucked in your pocket. You’ll make all your friends and enemies jealous.

Finally —

Episode 12: The Loki Awards is up at Ragnatalk, where Anthony Carboni and talk only about the greatest film ever made, Thor: Ragnarok, and maybe we’re supposed to cover the final ten minutes of the movie, but also, maybe we don’t do that and do something else instead. No spoilers! Go listen.

And I think that’s it.

Posting will be light next week because

*checks calendar*

It is some kind of HOOMAN HOLIDAY.

ANYWAY here have a cool macro photo of spraypainted noodles (from an ornament made by my child a couple-few years ago). Happy holidays, humans.