Real estate is fascinating. The buying and selling of houses. The buying and selling of homes — not just a place you rest your head, but for some, your heart. And then there’s the potentially criminal aspect. Or the callous capitalist aspect. And then if you contextualize it across genres — real estate horror, real estate […]
Search Results: “flash fiction challenge” (page 2 of 62)
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Did a big-ass storytelling thread today about people’s complicated reactions to THE LAST JEDI (don’t worry, next week it’ll be Marvel) — and I’m fascinated by the ideas of how we see heroism, and how hero characters are complicated or changed or tarnished — and the costs of sacrifice that have to go into being […]
Here’s the challenge this week: I want you to take the title of one of the following Stephen King books, and write a short story based on it. The trick is, your story should be entirely different — you’re divorcing the title from the novel from whence it came, and writing Your Own Damn Thing. (Bonus […]
Two words: “New life.” Lot of power in those two words, and a lot of ways to interpret them. I want you to take those two words, and use them as the basis for this week’s challenge — write a story using those two words as a springboard. Again, feel free to get creative — […]
This is a great Twitter account. You should go to it — the Magic Realism Bot — and therein you’ll find an endless array of story prompts. I’ve no idea if they’re actually written by a person with intention or somehow cobbled together by a wise and weird neural network (I’d guess the former, but […]
THEY FIGHT CRIME. Yeah, go ahead, click that link. In it, you’ll get two characters who are randomly paired together to fight crime. This is the basis for your next story. Now, the one change is — the two characters don’t actually have to fight crime. But you must include both characters in your story […]