Apple-Obsessed Author Fella

Nattering Nabobs Of Netherworldly News

As ever, once in a while it becomes essential to upend a vital news post upon ye weary heads, whereupon I tell you the things I’m doing, the places I’m going, the stuff I’m, er, stuffing? Whatever. Anyway. Here’s what I’m working on, here’s some scheduling updates, and all that pizazz.

*jazz hands*

The Staircase in the Woods

Here’s where I’m at on that — the second draft was a mighty undertaking, a real Ship of Theseus rebuilding of the book that weirdly saw me scouring and abrading a lot of it to refinish its many surfaces while also leaving the book fundamentally the same? It’s the weirdest edit I’ve ever done, and thankfully, it worked. Before heading off to Portugal, I got notes back from the editor, and somehow it looked good?? Just a few more tightening tweaks, which I did, and just turned in. So, its third draft is off to the races.

I’ve also seen the cover and it may be one of my most favoritest covers of all my books. It’s so good and so spooky and so mysterious and I adore it.

That, to be revealed, soon.

I thiiiiiink the book comes out in April of 2025.

Don’t quote me on that, though. Things change! Chaos reigns!

Speaking Of Things Changing

My middle grade, Monster Movie!, will be coming out a tiny skoosh later — September 24th. Reason is to accommodate schools and school visits later in the school year, as the first week of school is less than ideal to release a book! Who knew! You learn something new every day.

Where Wendig??

July 27th! You! Me! The mighty Jess McHugh! We can be hunted and tracked to our location at VORTEX BOOKS AND COMICS in Columbia, PA. Brian and Mary are kind enough to let me come by and yammer about horror and apples and what-not, and I get to accompany the wonderful Jess, so this should be a gosh darn hoot.

Aug 3rd! My goodly local, Doylestown Bookshop, has put together a super slick day of horror called DARK INK, featuring a number of astonishingly cool scary writer types like Sarah Langan, Paul Tremblay, Clay Chapman, Rachel Harrison, Nat Cassidy, Adam Cesare, Todd Keisling, Brian McAuley, and more — er, more including me! I’ll be hanging out and doing a story doctor session with Clay and a panel with Clay and Paul and this should be awesome. Check out the whole schedule here.

Sept 14th, Milford Readers & Writers Festival in Milford, PA! No schedule yet but I’ll be there! Doing something! Tap-dancing? Erratically gesturing? Eating pie? Who can say? Books might be involved.

Sept 26-29, I’ll be at the Colorado Gold Writers Conference, giving a little story doctor session and a keynote. It’ll be a hoot. Hope to see you there.

Oct 1st, I’ll be with Delilah S. Dawson to help launch Kevin Hearne’s newest, Candle & Crow, and we’ll be at Anderson’s Bookshop in Naperville, IL. Event starts at 7pm, see you there.

Oct 2nd: Kevin, Delilah and myself will be at Boswell Books in Milwaukee, starting at 6pm.

Oct 3rd: The three of us again at Mystery To Me Books in Madison, Wisconsin, starting at 6pm.

Oct 4th: Our final trio appearance, this time at Minneapolis at the Barnes & Noble, technically in Roseville, MN! 6pm.

Then, I thiiiiink I’m at the Harrisburg Book Festival Oct 9 – 12th. Not sure of specific dates/times yet. More when I know it!

And I’ll also be likely doing an event or two in and around Monster Movie! release — more when I know about that, too.

Horned Lark Press

Speaking of Delilah and Kevin, the latter has started to consolidate our cool publishings under Horned Lark Pressand you can grab four of his Meaty Mysteries for $44, which also includes novellas by Delilah and myself if you’re so inclined. This is in print! They’re in print! Holy crap!

What’s Next?

I’m working on the next middle grade now — which is less horror and more a weird fantasy in the vein of, say, Labyrinth? Still spooky at times. And then it’s time to pitch some new books and see if my publisher can be tricked into giving me money for them. Fingers crossed!

Monster Movie Reviews

Kirkus said, in a review I mostly dislike, “…along with creating a monster creepy enough to squick even hardened readers out, Wendig expertly ratchets up the terror and suspense to a feverish pitch.”

Publishers Weekly said, in a review I really like, “In this gleefully off-kilter ode to late-night B movies and classic kids’ horror tales like Goosebumps, Wendig (Dust & Grim) skillfully tempers terrifying events with a tint of absurdity, playing them against Ethan’s all-too-relatable worries. It’s a fast-paced and intense adventure that never loses sight of its human elements.”

Oh! And there’s also a Goodreads Giveaway going on for the next two weeks.

And that’s it!

There’s probably more!

I’m probably forgetting it!

Okay goodbye!