What’s that? How is it being a writer right now? An author? Ha ha, yeah, man, yeah, no, it’s fucking great, everything is super cool right just, just really chill and what is it the kids say? Skibidi? It’s all coming up skibidi. Skibidi toilets all the way down, dude.
Yeah, no, check it out, right? So it’s like, publishers always threw us to the wolves a little but — but then there was Twitter, which was this rickety platform we could all stand on and squawk like angry blue jays about our books. Except then I guess that got bought by an apartheid-huffing man-boy billionaire who I think instantly turned it into an antisemitic NFT or something, and so Twitter stopped being a thing. But that’s fine, because now there are a hundred different little online fiefdoms, several of which are governed by the same callous, insane algorithms that have long governed readers’ absolute inability to find what they’re looking for at Amazon, right? Which is fun because, you know, if you have 10,000 followers, any post you do is probably only going to see, max, 1000 of those people, which is — which is really just perfect, it’s exactly what you want. You don’t wanna reach everybody who follows you, that’s fucked up, I mean, haven’t you ever heard of the Scarcity Model? Bingo, yeah. You need to be scarce as an author — just, like, a secret presence, a shadow on the wall, a whisper in the ear as if from The One Ring. If everybody who subscribes to you actually has to hear from you, that’s too much, just way too much. This way it feels special when they do see something you post! It’s like Christmas. But Christmas can’t be every day or it isn’t fucking Christmas anymore, yanno?
But whoa, here’s the real corker, right — so the people, the humans, they’re having a harder and harder time seeing you, right? And you, the also human author, are having a harder and harder time reaching them, yeah? What’s cool is, though, you still get to reach the robots. And the robots, they’re fucking everywhere, man, they’re crawling the internet like bugs, and they’re just gobbling up content left and right, just chewing it up like termites. Then everything the robots chew up gets turned into this paste, yeah? Like, a spackle? A content spackle? And they fuckin’ barf it back up in different places, so that’s cool because I guess they call that exposure or something. The molecular material of your writing and art is kind of in everything, then, like how we’re all made of stardust and shit? Yeah. Yeah. It’s cool, it’s great, and no, no, there’s no attribution or anything and no, nobody is paying us for that — ha ha, yeah, they’re just stealing it, but it’s not really stealing so much as it is like, being inspired by, because robots can totally be inspired, right? Probably? I think it’s nice. It’s all just glue for the internet–
Oh! That reminds me, the other cool thing about the robots is that, speaking of inspiration, they’ve been super inspired to just grab hold of all your informational searches across Google and make up their own creative writing answers to real questions. Like, someone asked how you stop the cheese from sliding off your pizza and the new Google Robots were like, “We got this, you put non-toxic glue on the pizza,” and it was like, what? Whoa. That’s wild, just fucking wild, and if you try to figure out why it said that, you can track back its inspiration to one person, a guy on Reddit named Fucksmith, and that’s pretty awesome. For so long we’ve been told in all our pop culture how even just one person can change the world, and look no further than this very situation — the robots were like, “Hey, you got a question, we got our main man Fucksmith to answer that for you — we dug a decade deep and found him in our brain vaults and we just scooped him up and now he’s the go-to guy for all the information. Fucksmith says you should eat yard mushrooms and give sick raccoons big sloppy open mouth kisses to cure them and that the best kind of condom is the kind you make at home with arts and crafts, probably. Who knows what wisdom Fucksmith’s ancient words can offer us? The Fucksmith Scrolls are gonna save us all.” And that’s why it’s like, really cool that the artbarf robots are hoovering up all our shit because one day someone’s gonna ask the robots to tell them a story and the robots will just tell them your story, like, word for fuckin’ word. We’re living immortal on the fury road, man, welcome to valhalla, buddy.
Plus, the Fucksmith AI is out there also ready to answer our questions, too, because us writers need the internet for more than just marketing. We ask it questions for research and now we have all the best research available — it’s been masticated and regurgitated by the termites, all of it tinged with the wisdom of Fucksmith. It’s great. Nothing can go wrong there. The other day I was like, “How does gravity work?” and Google was like, “elf piss,” and I’m like, great, that’s exactly what I figured. And I put it in a book.
I mean it won’t matter eventually anyway because nobody is hiring writers, they’re just paying for the robot sauce, and then hiring ‘editors’ at a cut rate to scoop up the robot sauce with their bare hands and try to sculpt something out of the raw slurry, but for now, yeah, I got my new space opera coming out with the elf piss ships, I just hope people read it, yanno?
Oh, yup, no doubt, we still need the net for marketing, sure, sure. Yup. And it’s like, that’s fine, because Twitter died, and then the publishers are like, “It’s fine, we have a plan, our plan definitely wasn’t just Twitter,” and I believe them even though they kinda winked at me? Like a little secret wink? Like someone who says, “It’s okay, I didn’t just poop a little poo lump in your Cheerios,” and you’re like, “what?” and they wink a little at you? It’s like that.
Still, though — yeah, no, yeah, due diligence, and it’s like, “I def believe you, publishers, but like, what plan?” And they muttered “TikTok,” and then said something about “reels,” and I said, anything else, and they were like, “nah,” and that’s good enough for me, so I guess now I have to make video content if anyone wants to see me. Which is fine. I mean, right, yeah, I’ve trained to write books, with words, and my ideal state is actually hiding in the darkness like an eyeless cave squirrel but if they say I gotta get on the AI-gobbling Tokstagrams and do a little dance or be a fun comedian and also learn video editing to make movies, then, sure, yes, I’m going to do that, because I am informed that the alternative is to — *checks notes* — starve.
I mean, ha ha, yeah, no, I’m 48, this is the ideal time to start doing Fornite dances online so people will buy my books. No, I know! I didn’t think I could get more cringe but I can definitely get more cringe, turns out.
Anyway! It’s great, it’s going great, I’m not worried about any of that. Sales are down, sure, sure, and okay, yes, paper prices are up, and I think advances are going back down again and oh right it’s an election year where it’ll just be even harder to get heard over the din of poisonous noise, not to mention Fucksmith’s increasingly loud instructions to slather our smashburgers with poison ivy and rubber cement, oh and also if we make one wrong move online the parasocial relationships we’ve been inadvertently cultivating will suddenly flip over on us like a janky four-wheeler, crushing us underneath even as its engine revs louder and louder, ha ha, oh man, it’s fine, it’s definitely fine. Nobody ever says anything wrong online where it’ll haunt them eternally. Plus I think the internet is straight-up breaking? So whatevs. Anyway, I gotta head out, good chat — what’s that? Oh yeah I got a meeting with myself, just to be alone with my own endlessly unspooling loops of intrusive thinking about my future and how one wrong step will doom us all and how it doesn’t matter anyway because soon every last one of us including our children will be drowning in a boiling ocean of microplastics and bird-flu, so yeah, let’s do this again. Have a good one. Okay. Okay. Witness me. Ha ha. Yeah. Cool, talk to you later.

tony says:
If it wasn’t so serious…
May 30, 2024 — 2:07 PM
JackieH says:
Witness. Shiny and chrome.
May 30, 2024 — 2:12 PM
Andrew Toomey says:
Ugh. Thanks for that. I was already feeling awful and hopeless, but this just gave me a REASON to cry, so, you know “awesome” as we say in America. Meanwhile listen to my pathetic music noises in the link? KTHXBAI
May 30, 2024 — 2:13 PM
Laura Dodson says:
It’s astonishing to me that search engines are willing to sacrifice the accuracy of search results to ‘profit’ from AI. Google AI pulling information from Reddit, the shit post epicenter, is just really a bad business decision. Almost, like the Google bigwigs, never so much as spent 10 minutes on Reddit.
May 30, 2024 — 2:17 PM
Judy Black says:
God what a mood.
May 30, 2024 — 2:21 PM
James Ball says:
My feelings exactly.
May 30, 2024 — 2:23 PM
Jen Merrill says:
Well, this is certainly the counterpoint to the ART HARDER MOTHERFUCKER I’ve been chanting lately.
May 30, 2024 — 2:34 PM
Amarand says:
Creating art is good for the soul. It’s probably good to keep arting even if literally no one else is seeing it.
May 30, 2024 — 2:56 PM
Teague de La Plaine says:
The harder we art, the invisibler we become to the botz!
May 30, 2024 — 2:58 PM
TheConfuzzledWriter says:
Perfectly put.
Gods, I hate how everything is becoming a mock dystopian version of itself.
June 5, 2024 — 8:03 AM
Joshua AH Harris says:
This is so on-point and, for me, completely timely. I’m getting ready to publish my second novel and have been researching ways to get the word out. This especially struck a cord:
“…so I guess now I have to make video content if anyone wants to see me. Which is fine. I mean, right, yeah, I’ve trained to write books, with words, and my ideal state is actually hiding in the darkness like an eyeless cave squirrel but if they say I gotta get on the AI-gobbling Tokstagrams and do a little dance or be a fun comedian and also learn video editing to make movies, then, sure, yes, I’m going to do that, because I am informed that the alternative is to — *checks notes* — starve.”
Spending hours, days, weeks making a book trailer (who even heard of such a thing!!!!!) and then discovering that no one gives a shit, well, that’s the definition of wasted time. For a serious author, modern self-promotion is denigrating and violates the basic rules of humility that I grew up with. Your emails, Chuck, are my inspiration for email marketing; I drafted my first potential shot in the dark this morning. I am hoping my little blasts into a more personal ether will feel more authentic than the pants-around-my-ankles videos I’m being encouraged to produce by the “marketing gurus,” their endless podcasts, and the mind-rending overlord algorithms to which we find ourselves bowing down to, each day more and more.
May 30, 2024 — 2:36 PM
Barbara says:
whoa. this.
May 30, 2024 — 2:37 PM
Ellen Silvers says:
Dark, dangerous, and mostly accurate: your inimitable brand, Chuck!
To pile on the fun, did you hear about that list some SJW put together to out all the pro-Israel writers? Nothing like a good list to amp up the antisemitism, right? McCarthy 2.0, here we come!
May 30, 2024 — 2:38 PM
Tracy says:
Wow, Chuck. You’re really having a bad day. But you def got some good similes and metaphors going there: Then everything the robots chew up gets turned into this paste, yeah? Like, a spackle? A content spackle? And they fuckin’ barf it back up in different places… I liked that one a lot.
Lemme know if you want the link to the job posting I got on WhatsApp to write content to train AI so that I never get paid to write content again. (Oh wait, I deleted it, my bad.) The sad thing is, some writers are probably doing just that, but yeah, okay, at least for now they’re getting paid for that content.
May 30, 2024 — 2:48 PM
Amarand says:
We should totally be paying you for this content here, Chuck. Did you ever consider making a Patreon?
May 30, 2024 — 2:51 PM
Tara says:
I second this suggestion.
May 30, 2024 — 6:55 PM
larryhogue says:
May 31, 2024 — 9:26 AM
Cheryl says:
Not Substack ,pls. Not Medium.
Patreon’s ok, if you go that direction.
My 2 centimes.
June 2, 2024 — 9:55 AM
Teague de La Plaine says:
Hilarious! I was just going to post this EXACT SAME ranticle on MY blog. Way to Google-AI my shit, Chnurk!
May 30, 2024 — 2:56 PM
Joshua AH Harris says:
Funny (not funny), I just wrote a long tirade/comment about being forced to bow down to algorithms for self-promo glory and now I think my comment was put in the penalty box by the AI overlords that I was complaining about.
May 30, 2024 — 3:10 PM
zer_netmouse says:
And thank God none of us have a family to support in this mess. Ammiright? Because that would just be, like, too much. A little too much.
May 30, 2024 — 3:27 PM
Debi Gliori says:
Fist bumping ya through my tears. Every. Word.
What a total clusterfuck we’re making on our beautiful blue green planet.
May 30, 2024 — 3:44 PM
Melissa says:
*waves weakly in small-time artist solidarity*
Worst. Dystopia. Ever.
May 30, 2024 — 3:56 PM
Tara says:
I love you, Chuck. I hope you have only the tiniest amount of microplastics in your testicles, and the merest hint of forever chemicals from 3M in your tissues (two things I read about just this week).
May 30, 2024 — 4:12 PM
Michelle says:
Thank you for this genius dose of sarcasm. It’s where my headspace is at. I write/edit internet articles. (Sweats profusely)
I’m attempting the one thing I swore I’d never do – go back to healthcare. Even they’re like “How DARE you try to work for us again even though we’ve been crisis hemorrhaging workers and claim me we need warm bodies over here!”
I’ll probably survive this somehow. Maybe.
May 30, 2024 — 4:28 PM
christine chrisman says:
how do you make so serious, so funny? ugh
May 30, 2024 — 5:00 PM
Amy Marie Ayres says:
What is this wet stuff on my cheeks? Oh right it’s old people tears.
May 30, 2024 — 5:07 PM
Ina says:
I hope those guilty verdicts brought a little relief to the hellfire that is current writer life
May 30, 2024 — 5:24 PM
nella randone says:
Oh boy, for a minute there I thought I’d eaten moldy toast. If this wasn’t so depressing I’d be laughing my head off. I agree with it all, that’s the sad part. No catastrophizing in this little gem of an essay. I wish. You’ve given me an idea though. As a retired dancer turned writer, i can possibly put my past skills to work on Tik Tok. Not sure how yet, I’ll have to done a mask, shyness is something I’m good at. Maybe we should write material on acid just to confuse AI. Oh wait, that could be entertaining and we don’t want some unimaginative entrepeneurial type to use it, in the weird offchance that it becomes a hit. Oh well, back to pen and paper. That’s the only way to hide it from those thieving bots. All the best. And here’s hoping that democracry is still alive in the US post November.
May 30, 2024 — 6:39 PM
Michael Theodore Desing says:
Soo… I teach English 8, and spent the week ranting to my students about this very thing…. and was met with their collective ambivalence as to how utterly, profoundly unhuman it is to just take thousands of years of human creative effort and steal it and repackage it mixed in among theories that the earth is flat and can we really be sure the moon isn’t just made of cheese… it’s depressing. Their dominant thought is only that it will do their homework for them, so how bad could it be? And I tell them that it’s going to take their jobs and replace them with nothing, and the kid who wants to be a mechanic won’t get to be a mechanic because the computer will fix the cars because the cars are made of computers and it’s all just A.I. and the world won’t need him. And they shrug because at least it’s doing their homework so they have more time to play cookie clicker – which is a game where you click on a cookie to get more cookies to click on more cookies to get more cookies in an infinite loop. And they are quite entertained. Who needs art and literature and philosophy and actors and musicians when you have friggin cookie clicker, amiright? And skippidy toilet. We’ll always have skippidy toilet. A.I. cannot take THAT from us.
May 30, 2024 — 7:38 PM
Steve Fey says:
Glad you’re not bitter, Chuck!
May 31, 2024 — 1:53 AM
larryhogue says:
Have you ever thought about Substack? Some of your pals are on there. Pahluniak. (sp?) Kushner (Ellen, not Jared!).
May 31, 2024 — 9:29 AM
Teal Chimblo says:
Chuck, I just want to thank you for being one of my favorite humans. Its a short list. Basically, just you and Margaret Atwood. And, for the confirmation that gravity is the natural result of elf piss, cuz I’ve been thinkin’ that was it for a while.
Black River Orchard is rocking my world. Thanks for writing it with your own brain and hands and heart.
May 31, 2024 — 10:11 AM
Adriana Pridemore says:
1000% agree! Like reading the inner monologue of every writer.
May 31, 2024 — 11:33 AM
Michael Strickland says:
I loved this rant, even though I hate everything it describes. In fact, the rant inspired me to share my own thoughts on AI and enshittification:
The Wisdom of Chuck Wendig and F*cksmith AI
May 31, 2024 — 12:52 PM
christophergronlund says:
Clearly, this should just inspire us all to try even harder to have our unique voices heard!
I’ve grown so tired of that one…and hurt for friends who initially believed that’s all it would take to overcome the glut of so much automated and algorithm-appealing content.
May 31, 2024 — 1:32 PM
Spencer Hixon says:
I just published my first book (A Sinister Love).
I get to navigate all this with NO followers. yay.
AI also took my previous writing job. you can’t be a freelance writer nowadays. All the jobs are taken by AI users in 3rd world countries asking for a pittance that it just far too low for me with a higher cost of living.
And I’m worried the bots are going to steal my things, but let’s face it… they already have.
I don’t want to have to start competing again every other writer AND storytron2000.
May 31, 2024 — 9:56 PM
Glen says:
I think Peter Clines has a…. Well not optimistic, but a more grounded take on it.
As someone who’s somewhere between an accountant and computer programmer I know the so-called ‘AI’ revolution is going to die along with the other not so revolutionary things being pushed by California VCs and their goons. It’s just a matter of surviving until they implode, like how at work I’ve been prevaricating and delaying on requests to ‘save money with AI’ from the PHBs until the bubble pops.
Elon is doing a great thing for society. He’s proving that no one man should have that much wealth and power, and that for the good of society, we need to go back to heavily taxing and regulating the ultra-rich and their businesses.
In the meantime I see a lot of people doing like me, getting off social media entirely, switching to RSS and forums, and hitting cons again. I find my books at the library and by word of mouth or following publisher sites and magazines like Locus.
June 1, 2024 — 2:21 PM
Kay Camden says:
There was a time not long ago that I actually had the thought, “maybe someday I can quit my day job and write full time.” It’s moving so hard in the opposite direction now. And so quickly. Like, quicker and quicker each day toward recliners with built-in toilets and Brawdo, It’s What Plants Grave. Are people even going to have the attention spans for novels in 10 years? Gosh I feel old. Is this what it feels like to be old?
June 1, 2024 — 2:54 PM
Vesúvio says:
Hey Chuck,
I *sincerely* believe it’s time to organize and end capitalism before it destroys us.
This is why Marxism-Leninism is gaining traction again.
The most effective way to resist is by supporting each other through institutions and communities organized by the people, and for the people, using our collective strength to bring about radical and lasting change.
In a more rational society, we wouldn’t be preoccupied with how technology is driven, nor would it be driven in the same way. However (as the CIA has demonstrated in countries worldwide) this society cannot be built through liberal democracy. People have tried and ended up murdered or swallowed by neoliberalism. In the USA, the two-party system is essentially just a good cop/bad cop routine.
And if you still think communism was the ultimate evil (as I once did), I recommend reading the works of Mark Fisher, China Miéville, Michael Parenti, Jodi Dean, and especially the Italian philosopher Domenico Losurdo.
June 4, 2024 — 6:36 PM
Kelly Justice says:
I mentioned to a large group of booksellers last year that the ABA needed to take a position on requiring member bookstores to only carry books by humans and not bots and we needed to do it yesterday. Just lots of nods and “hmmmm”s.
Guess we’ll let the megacorps drive this bus too…
June 7, 2024 — 8:40 PM
Stephen says:
Or maybe build an email list? Your site probably gets a metric shit tonne of traffic and you essentially own your email list (As long as you back it up regularly) Email is still king for creatives and businesses in general. I’m sure you’ve mentioned you’ve worked in advertising before. So yeah. Get to it. Build that email list and email them cool musings daily. Oh and you can sell them books too.
June 22, 2024 — 4:19 PM
terribleminds says:
I haven’t worked in advertising, nope. And I do have an email list — subscribing to this blog is pretty much exactly that. It’s a good list!
June 26, 2024 — 10:32 AM