Two more things: first up, I finished the first draft of my next horror novel, THE STAIRCASE IN THE WOODS, and it rolled up at just over 100,000 words. Which for me is pretty slim! I don’t think I’ve written an adult novel that short since… maybe Invasive? Even Zer0es was like, 125k.
I expect it’ll come out in the first half of 2025 — April, I think, is the current plan, but that can change depending on a whole unholy host of factors. So don’t quote me on it. So! Its off to the editor, Tricia at Del Rey, and she’s the bee’s knees and will know how to kick it into its ideal nightmare form.
Also, I’ve had my pitch approved for my next middle grade, tentatively titled DO NOT OPEN THAT DOOR. (It’s weird how my books tend to carry little things over from their previous narrative entrants — and I guess here the parity is in architecture. Staircases! Doors! Don’t go up them! Don’t open them! Ahhhhh!) I don’t want to say more about it yet, except it’s not really explicitly horror, but is meant to evoke the eerie fantasy of stuff like Labyrinth, or Miyazaki’s work, or Neverending Story. That otherworld kind of eerie, you know? Now I guess I have to write it? Are we sure there isn’t just a way to reach into my brain and squish it onto paper? Well, dangit.
Also, third thing is, the anthology I announced being a part of earlier, New Demons, I sadly am pulling out of at present. I’ll let you know if that changes. I’m still writing my story for The Stand anthology, and I think it’s pretty all right (set in Colorado!) so more as I know it.
Grace Filer says:
I would do anything to get an arc of The Staircase in the Woods!
March 21, 2024 — 11:54 AM
terribleminds says:
Won’t be ARCs for a good long while yet, so keep your grapes peeled!
March 21, 2024 — 1:47 PM
Travis Durham says:
Happy to get to visit Bucks County again in your work. Invasive was a good book – easy to pick up, hard to put down, nice storyline without being too verbose. That book was perfect for someone who is like me, who has a hard time reading too many chapters in a given day.
March 21, 2024 — 12:18 PM
terribleminds says:
Also, part of the magic is SHORT CHAPTERS. Like candy! Delicious chapter candy!
March 21, 2024 — 1:48 PM
HalfshellVenus says:
Damn, you’re on fire with the output! Just finished “Black River Orchard” last week, and it was impressive to see how much of your heirloom apple-tasting passion (and unexpected research) wound up in that book. It clearly NEEDED to be written!
And thanks for the nod to Gravensteins in there, which are still my favorite apple. 😀
March 22, 2024 — 3:38 PM
Alex Mitnick says:
High Rocks is the best! I hike there often. I love your work! I’ve read nearly everything and can’t wait to dive into The Staircase in the Woods!
December 3, 2024 — 2:20 PM