Apple-Obsessed Author Fella

Black River Orchard Pre-Order Giveaway


BOOK STACK goes to Leah Adams

SHIRTS go to Chris Wolff, Paul Morello, Debbie Gruchalski

POSTCARDS to Tess Lecuyer, Paige Holland, Matthew Warnock, Alessandra Daudt, Jessica Judd, Jinks B, Jennifer Kristiansen, Katie Hoole, Matthew White, Beth Callaghan, Julie Brown, Megan Casilio, Sara Kuhns, Kevin Pech, Donna Sheerbrick, Paul Willett, Thomas Martin, Annie McAndrew, Courtney Cantrell, Margo Hardyman, Cynthia Butler, Amanda Evers-Bellace, Gretchen Hackard, K Moody, Mila Dean

Emails have gone out, if you don’t get one, hit me up at the email address in this post — congrats! Wooo! Welcome to the cult! I mean what cult!

It is nearly harvest time, friends — the days are getting shorter, and the apples are growing red and ready to burst on the trees. Which is to say, Black River Orchard is almost on bookshelves (less than three weeks ahhh holy crap), and so it is time for a pre-order giveaway.

If you pre-order the book and send me evidence of that pre-order, you have the chance to win some neat stuff.

The neat stuff is:

One person will win a buncha my books, including but not limited to: the UK hardcover edition of Black River Orchard (for you collectors out there, because the cover is quite different and equally awesome), the UK paperback edition of The Book of Accidents, paperback of Gentle Writing Advice, paperback of Wanderers, paperback of its sequel, Wayward, a paperback of my middle grade spooky book Dust & Grim, and a hardcover of You Can Do Anything Magic Skeleton. I will sign and personalize these, if you’d like!

Three other people will win Ruby Slipper Paxson Family Orchard t-shirts (black) in the size of your choosing. (There’s no taste like home!)

And then twenty-five of you will win a weird skeletony-appley postcard from me to you, and on this postcard I will make up an entirely new evil apple: an heirloom variety from the dark orchard inside my mind.

(Art on postcard by Michael Walsh.)

So, how does this work?

You, a person in the United States (as this is only available to you, sorry), pre-order Black River Orchard from your choice of bookstore in whatever format you prefer. (If you need a place from which to preorder, I might recommend a signed/personalized copy from Doylestown Bookshop, or from any of the stores I’m visiting on my tour.) But any book store or merchant will do, and yes, it’s perfectly ok to preorder in hardcover, e-book, audio. (Links to other places to pre-order right here.)

You email me proof of this preorder to me at terribleminds [at] gmail [dot] com, ideally in some sort of screenshot format. You must, must, must title this email with the subject header: BLACK RIVER ORCHARD GIVEAWAY

This enters you into the giveaway.

As much as I’d like you to preorder a hundred copies, only one entry counts per person.

You have until 11:59PM EST on Sunday, September 24th to enter.

I will randomly draw the 29 names on Monday, September 25th. (First name gets the books, next three get the shirts, remaining picks get the postcards.)

I will announce those winners here in this post — I’ll edit the post, and pop the winners at the top. I’ll also email the winners, and you’ll need to give me your mailing addresses when I do. Because, y’know, that’s how I get the stuff to you. Otherwise I’ll just duct-tape it to a mourning dove and hope it gets to you, I guess. (Legalese: no mourning doves will be harmed in the engagement of this contest.)

I will mail the packages out when I am back from the first leg of the tour, likely the week of October 9th. (Also, come see me on tour. At many of the stops we will be eating strange heritage apples from local orchards.)

And that’s how it’ll go.

The days grow dark.

The fruit grows sweet.

Take a bite, and maybe win a thing.

Drop questions in the comments below.