Alert, alert. It has now been *flips number to ZERO* days since fresh discourse. In this case, blurb discourse — I’m guessing based on this (IMO) rock solid Esquire article by Sophie Vershbow that talks about the blurb system in traditional publishing being irrevocably broken.
First, I’ll note here that I did a whole blurb post slash FAQ two-ish years ago, and you can find that post right here. You may find it useful or interesting. Or not. I don’t know. Click the tantalizing link to discover your emotional reaction to it! Perhaps you will be fizzy with rage. Who can say!
Second, I’ll note that I don’t agree necessarily that this system is “broken” in part because it’s not really a system so much as it is an agreed-upon norm and practice that has, like many such traditions, wormed its way into book publishing not unlike a set of pushy, urgent roots. On the other hand, everything in publishing is kind of… mmm, if not broken, then chaotically janky. Publishing is a set of highly-complex but poorly-connected flywheels and dongles, and I think the poor connections between these aspects has only grown softer and jankier since the pandemic.
Here I figure I’ll talk a little about my feelings regarding blurbs, since the link above is more or less an overview, and also because the Esquire piece lays emphasis on how much authors hate them and how they are, quote-unquote, a plague on the whole enchilada.
My feelings on blurbs are like a freshly separated couple on Facebook:
It’s complicated.
First, I am honored to receive every blurb I get for one of my books. Some author with probably too little time on their hands took a hefty chunk of that too little time to read my book and then figure out something nice — arguably very nice — to say about that book. They were under no obligation to do so (and it is not, or at least should never be, an obligation), and I am infinitely thankful that they did so.
Second, I am honored to get asked to blurb a book. Someone for whatever reason thought my name and praise on their book would help it instead of, I dunno, marking it like a cursed sigil, and so it is genuinely a kind thing to be asked. Bonus: free book! Free early book! That no one has read yet! I fucking love free early books that (er, mostly) no one has read yet!
Third, I hate when an author has to ask me for a blurb directly. Not because I dislike them or their ask, but because I know that is very hard for them to ask, and then it makes it different for me to engage with the request, and worst of all, it makes me suspect that they do not have an agent or editor looking out for them. Because in a perfect world, that’s where the currency of blurbs should be earned and spent: within publishing. Someone representing the first author should be asking someone who represents the second author about a blurb. These official layers ideally pad everyone from the emotional entanglement of ripping out your heart and showing it to a fellow wordperson and saying “hey could you take a look at my heart and carve your praise into its meat, or you could instead just kick it under the bed where the cat throws up sometimes.” This is where the system is, or can be broken: when publishing is not handling the good work of making a book marketable at various levels. The publishing system all too often leaves authors swinging in the wind, and it can be real cold out there. (I note my fortune here that my editor handles these requests for my books deftly, and I appreciate it oh so very much because we put together a theoretical list of blurbers, it goes out, and I only get to see the good results.)
Fourth, I think blurbs represent a way to leave a light on and a ladder out for other authors. It’s hard for many of us, harder for many more beyond us, and successful writers have certainly been the recipients of kind words and praise from others in the past. Thus we pass it down. Not in a one-for-one currency (I blurb you, you blurb me) but in a larger, more general sense.
Fifth, and because of the last point, I can also feel that blurbs represent an occasional source of guilty obligation around the practice. I want to do my best. Books — writing them, selling them, hell even just getting them seen by readers — is fucking hard, and those last parts are getting harder. So, I always feel shitty not being able to blurb a book — or not being able to even read the book in order to get a blurb. So, I try my best, but I’m a slow reader, and I don’t like to read on screens now. Further, I have a TBR pile of already-published books that’s Babel-high, but I tend not to read from that pile if I have a “books to blurb” pile, but I aaaaalways have a books to blurb pile, and so blurbing has at its core a sort of ill vibe, a bad and unintentional feeling. It’s a me problem, not a problem for anyone asking. And I could get ahead of it by just turning on the NO VACANCY sign, but that makes me feel bad, and honestly, the blurb requests come in anyway.
But here is one place where the so-called system really does fail: authors are often given very little time to read and blurb a book. I’ve had blurb requests that require as little as two weeks to read a book and return a blurb. Maybe they expect me to do that in that time, or maybe they’re just hoping I’ll cobble together some very generic “wow book good go author many words make happy” marketingspeak. But that is not enough time. Six months. That’s enough time. Probably too long by some timelines, but you really need a lot of time to get this right.
So, should we eliminate blurbs? Ennh. I guess not, but it’s probably best we also don’t take them too too seriously, at the same time. Why? Listen–
Blurbs themselves are not going to be make-it-break-it for an author or a book, but they represent one of many theoretical points-of-contact for new and even existing readers, and the more of these points-of-contact that exist for a book, the better a shot that book gets. Right? Like, every blurb, every review, every BookTok video, every time someone has cause to buy the book for their bookstore or buy the book from a bookstore, that’s giving the author one more pinball for the table to try and hit a high score. Remove that and I don’t know that you address the blurb problem so much as you simply eliminate a point of access to give that book another chance at success. And success is hard. The Esquire article estimates that there are, what, at minimum half-a-million books traditionally published every year? This doesn’t include self-published books, either.
At their peak in 2018, I think the most movies released theatrically was under a thousand — so publishing is a crowded, crowded, crowded field. (I’m not advocating for fewer books to be published, because I know how that goes and who will get cut from that list.)
So with such a massive number of books coming out, finding as many hooks are possible for those books is key.
Blurb thoughts, complete.
Discourse beast, fed.
Now is the time I ask you to look away.
Look away, I say!
For now I will peacock my utter shamelessness to note that my upcoming book, Black River Orchard, has a phenomenal spread of blurbs from some truly spectacular voices, and I’m going to be additionally shameless and post those blurbs now, because I am a monster, but also because I die in the abyss if I can’t get people to read my books. Clap your hands if you believe in fairies, and pre-order books if you believe in authors.
The blurbs for Black River Orchard:
“Chuck Wendig is one of my very favorite storytellers. Black River Orchard is a deep, dark, luscious tale that creeps up on you and doesn’t let go.”—Erin Morgenstern, author of The Night Circus
“An epic saga that is at once a propulsive horror novel and a parable, a thriller and a cautionary tale, Black River Orchard is the immensely talented Chuck Wendig at his finest.”—Lisa Unger, New York Times bestselling author of Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six
“A gripping story of love and legacies gone rotten, deeply rooted in the landscape and as twisty and gnarled as an ancient apple tree.”—T. Kingfisher, USA Today bestselling author of What Moves the Dead
“This will undoubtedly be heralded as one of the finest horror novels of the twenty-first century.”—Eric LaRocca, author of Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke
“Enchanting, exquisite and dark, Chuck Wendig masterfully weaves a new horrifying fairy tale in Black River Orchard.”—Cynthia Pelayo, Bram Stoker Award winner of Crime Scene
“Creepy and insidious, Black River Orchard whets your appetite and then turns you inside out.”—Hailey Piper, Bram Stoker Award–winning author of Queen of Teeth
“Black River Orchard should come with a warning label: You’ll never bite into another apple without remembering this dark, demented, and genuinely frightening novel.”—Jason Rekulak, author of Hidden Pictures
“Dark. Visceral. Creepy. Smart. Deep. So red it’s dark brown. Chuck Wendig’s Black River Orchard slithers and shines, its dangerous belly full of dark magic and accusations. I’ve been a fan of Wendig for years, and this is his best novel yet.”—Gabino Iglesias, Stoker Award-winning author of The Devil Takes You Home
“An essential for horror readers, and buy it for new horror readers—it will convert them instantly.”—V. Castro, author of The Haunting of Alejandra
“Plucks your heartstrings and preys on your fears at the same time . . . High-stakes horror meets peak emotional investment means Total. Reader. Devastation.”—Sadie Hartmann, author of 101 Horror Books to Read Before You’re Murdered
“A fresh and unexpected horror feat, expertly drawing from the ancient, endless wells of our greatest fears.”—Premee Mohamed, Nebula Award–winning author of Beneath the Rising
Also I’m going on tour, and you can preorder the book from any of those bookstores to get a signed, personalized copy. Or nab from my local, Doylestown Bookshop.
Elizabeth Black says:
Wow. I mean WOW. Bad-ass blurbs.
Every post from you I see in my inbox, I know I’m going to laugh, be educated, and ALWAYS somehow feel… better. Ty ty ty.
September 7, 2023 — 3:44 PM
TR says:
I had the experience you wrote about in this post. An editor had me come up with a list of potential authors to blurb my first single title release (under a different pen name), then turned around and asked me to contact every author. My agent never stepped in to help. It was HORRIBLE.
September 7, 2023 — 4:33 PM
terribleminds says:
It’s a really hard situation — and no fault of the author, obviously, and no author should be judged for having to do that, because hustle gotta hustle. But it’s a shame that the system, so to speak, did not serve you there.
September 7, 2023 — 6:11 PM
Susan Frank says:
Some years ago, there was a VERY prolific reviewer, well-known in mystery circles. They wrote (badly written) reviews for many outlets, at least one per day, and often two or three, for an improbable amount of time.
When I saw books that used pull quotes from those reviews as blurbs, it would send me running away from that book and in the direction of the next one from my tbr.
Maybe that was unfair to the author. Probably was, given your insight into how blurbs *should* work but sometimes don’t. I feel like maybe no blurb is better than one from a dubious source.
And that’s my 2¢ worth, from a reader’s perspective.
September 7, 2023 — 5:21 PM
terribleminds says:
Ooh I don’t know who this is. I mean, it’s almost certainly not something the authors (or at least every author) was aware of — we’re often quite in the dark on stuff like this.
September 7, 2023 — 6:15 PM
Guinotte Wise says:
The following is the blurb for my latest book of poetry: (I read the esq. blurb deal and agree with CW it ain’t broken, but I’m lazy)
I didn’t go through the blurb-ask process this time around—but I did like this rejection notice from a top-tier literary journal about some poems I sent them from Taste of Red-Orange:
“Our staff especially admired these live-wire fusions of nostalgia, Americana, and experience in poems like “At a Stoplight at 75th and Holmes in Kansas City with Tennessee Ernie Ford, My Ford, My Girl and the KCPD” and the crop duster duet.”
Live-wire fusions beats a good blurb any day. And they said send more. I will.
September 7, 2023 — 6:00 PM
Lancelot Schaubert says:
I was never really going to draw attention to this, but since this is such a specific post, it seems the right place to do it.
It was actually this entire conversation back when THE HELP came out that spurred my own blurb trolling in my own novel. THE HELP seemed to have pages and pages of blurbs on the paperback version, first thing, and I though it was bordering on ridiculous. So I figured for my first novel, I had a lot of play room, so I would push this to the extreme.
The blurb trolling started out rather innocuous. Standard page and it had things like:
“BELL HAMMERS is written in a style not unworthy of John Kennedy Toole and William Faulkner – the vivid characterization of Southern ethnography commingled with stark, episodic spectacle breathes with the spirit of quintes- sential Americana. It is a text I would happily assign in an American Novel class and would expect it to yield satisfying discourse alongside works in the canon, whether beside the sardonic prose of Mark Twain or the energetically painful narratives of Toni Morrison.”
— Dr. Anthony Cirilla
“”Schaubert recounts a mischievous man’s eight decades in Illinois’s Little Egypt region in his picaresque debut. Remmy’s life of constant schemes and pranks and a lifelong feud with classmate Jim Johnstone and the local oil drilling company proves consequential. This is a hoot.”
– Publisher’s Weekly
Which is pretty standard fare. But then it started to devolve as they stretched on to include random folks from Goodreads that had peed their pants laughing or whatever, awkward stuff or more homey like:
“Bell Hammers by Lancelot Schaubert was the book I needed recently. I’d been struggling with anything I had picked up to read… until Bell Hammers.”
— High School Teacher + Librarian
Right after that, one of my best friends in the world — a random photographer to everyone else — who had already blurbed the book wrote:
“In the tradition of “Predator”, Plato’s “symposium” and “the Hardy Boys: Secret of the Old Mill”, Lance Schaubert has written a gold dream of existential steampunk romance. Again and again, I found myself delighted with the unfor- gettable prose, especially when it comes to the exploring the philosophy of decapitation. If you enjoy Louis L’Amour and Tolstoy, you’ll find this epic western saga a delight for the brain, the heart, and of course the tingly bits.”
— Mark Neuenschwander Award-Winning Photographer
And that’s where things went off the rails:
“Mark, you already did a blurb. You can’t do another blurb. Especially that blurb.”
— Lancelot Schaubert Author of Bell Hammers, this novel
“Hi honey, so proud of you!!! ❤❤❤ can I do a blurb???” — Lance’s mom
A retired nurse
“No, mom, this is… see what you started Mark?”
— Lancelot Schaubert Author of Bell Hammers, this novel
“Mark Neuenschwander’s work is a tour de force: he is the voice of his generation.”
— Colby Williams, author of the Axiom Gold Medal winning book Small Town, Big Money
“Colby?! Mark takes photographs. How can he be the voice? And why are you blurbing Mark in—”
— Lancelot Schaubert Author of Bell Hammers, this novel
“I’ve pranked 57 people since being inspired by the characters within and am now banned from many fine establishments including this novel.“
— Mark Neuenschwander Award-Winning Photographer
“I’m shutting this down. Right now. We have a novel to start and there’s far more stake here than my ego or your… your… blurb trolling of the aforementioned.”
— Lancelot Schaubert Author of Bell Hammers, this novel
Seemed like a chance, more than anything, of simultaneously having blurbs, making fun of the entire blurb pipeline, making fun of myself, and setting up the tone of the novel.
— L
September 8, 2023 — 10:12 AM