Please behold this vital list of THINGS YE NEEDS TO KNOW, like for instance, where will I be this weekend (spoiler: NYCC), some news about Dust & Grim, a light little tour preview, and more.
First up:
Yes! I’m going to NYCC this weekend. I’m vaguely terrified! It’s probably a bad idea! I really need to figure out how to get a mask to cover my entire beard. Can I wear a hazmat hood? We shall see. My schedule is as follows:
FRIDAY 12:45PM – 1:45PM
PANEL: Authors on the Best Advice They Ever Got
PANELISTS: Peter V. Brett, Terry Brooks, Wes Chu, Delilah S. Dawson, Naomi Novik, Chuck Wendig (moderator: my excellent editor, Tricia Narwani)
Location: Lit Room 1B-02
FRIDAY 2:00PM – 3:00PM
POST-PANEL SIGNING – Authors on the Best Advice They Ever Got
Location: Autograph Area
SATURDAY 12:00PM – 1:00PM
SIGNING at Penguin Random House booth
Location: Well, duh, the Penguin Random House booth.
So, that’s that.
What else?

WELP, Dust & Grim has been chosen as B&N’s October Monthly pick for young readers — which means the book gets some very nice placement and is in fact deliciously inexpensive at $6.99. You can grab online or in stores!

I will be going on tour for Wayward — it’s not final yet, so dates and times are TBD, but the loose tour, Good Lord Willing and the COVID Don’t Rise, will be PA (Doylestown) to GA (Atlanta, Eagle Eye) to Asheville (Malaprops) to Charlotte (Park Road Books but hosted at Queens University) to Richmond (Fountain) to Alexandria (B&N). Those should be launch week or before (Doylestown is likely the Saturday before launch, I thiiiiink), and then I’ll do a couple local dates in December (Let’s Play Books on 12/4, B&N in Bethlehem/Easton 12/10). I ask that everyone mask at these events if possible. I’m boosted, and you should also get your bivalent booster immediately, as Omicron is still ripping, and new Omicron subvariants are rising, and the bivalent booster protects against Omicron specifically (BA4 and BA5, I believe, in particular). COVID is still a thing!
Also, please note, if I’m not coming to your town, it’s because of personal reasons, as in, I don’t like you personally and have chosen to punish you directly as a result. (This is not true. I do not set my tour dates, but rather, work with the publisher to get those places and dates chosen. This tour is focused largely on the South. Which is exciting as I get to visit some stores I’ve never gone to!)
Right now, I’ll be doing signed, personalized copies of WAYWARD through Doylestown, but I also expect that some of these other stores will have their own opportunities for such. Presently, feel free to nab at D-town; they will ship.
Wayward is out 11/15.
Kirkus gave it a starred review.
Hope to see you soon.
I finished my Evil Apple book. Well, first draft, anyway.
I have a new middle grade in mind. We shall see.
Starting to conspire what the next adult horror-ish will be.
Have an introduction to write for a talented horror author, so that’s an honor, and I better get on that ASAFP.
I think that’s it?
More as I have it.
Patrick says:
I’m a quick drive to Richmond if the tunnels aren’t against me so I hope that Richmond holds. Also you and Terry Brooks? Together? It’s like growing up me and current me colliding at an event I’ll miss.
October 5, 2022 — 4:23 PM
Beanster says:
I am so excited about “Wayward” ! I adore your writing and opinions and appreciate you sharing your talents. Just got my paralegal a copy of the Book of Accidents for her reading pleasure. Keep up your excellent work and words. Cheers
October 7, 2022 — 4:49 PM