I set that as my 7AM reminder this morning.
I set it because, I dunno, maybe up until this point I’ve been hanging onto a loose and fraying thread that clearly, surely, some savior force would come in and reverse what was coming. The vote would prove to be rigged. The “OMG RUSSIA DID IT” investigation would advance to the point of no return. Obama would rip off Comey’s mask and reveal Old Man Giuliani underneath, who would’ve gotten away with it if it wasn’t for you crazy Millennials. Joe Biden would challenge malarky-havin’ Comrade Dumpkov to a ski contest on the K2 and he would win the day against the rich punks for all us underdogs and underachievers. I dunno what the fuck I thought was going to happen. Probably nothing, but maybe something.
Yeah, no.
No one is coming. Our plane crashed, and we’re alive, and no help is on its way.
That sounds dramatic, I know, especially to people who think this isn’t a big deal — but we’re staring down the barrel of a president whose stated intent is to sand down nearly every foothold we’ve gained in the last several decades. Worse, he’s got the run of the table with a Congress who has already begun their monstrous rending and flaying. Everything’s on the chopping block: women’s rights, health care, the free market, arts, humanities, science, education, national parks, bald eagles, anyone who has ever been marginalized, you, me, all of humanity, the whole fucking planet. Pounds of flesh cut from those who cannot afford to lose them, and given over to the vampire kings above us who want to bleed us all dry. It’s not dramatic to think that, at the very best, we’re going to experience an existential tumult over the next four years. At the worst, I dunno. At the worst we get hill cannibals, probably. Nuclear hill cannibals.
No one is coming.
But we are alive.
And we are together.
That means something. I don’t mean that in a glib, WE ARE THE WORLD way, I don’t mean it to be some kind of shallow sing-a-long. I mean that our president — the one who comes with the biggest winking-butthole-asterisk of all time by being a president who won by losing, who won with the help of shady Kremlin no-good-niks, who won by surfing to the White House on a churning tide of sexual assault and racism and inane non-policies, who still hasn’t filled most positions, who wants to fill his cabinet with the swamp monsters he exposed by draining the swamp — our president is way the fuck outnumbered. This is our asterisk president. This is a president who we didn’t earn, who didn’t win, who has a historically low approval rating and a historically high disapproval rating. He works for us, and we outnumber him by heroic numbers.
That’s a real thing. That’s truth. It’s not arguable that he’s surrounded by a miasma of illegitimacy. He can earn his way out of that — he can clear the fog by doing right for all Americans, not just the richest among us — but let’s be clear, the likelihood of that happening creates betting odds no gambler would take.
No one is coming.
But we are alive.
And we are together, and we can save each other.
You’ll say to me now, what does that mean? What does that mean, we can save each other?
My honest answer is, I don’t yet know. Not really. Because I don’t know what’s coming down the pike. I know the next four years will be contentious, but I don’t know if they’ll be ruinous or simply bizarre. But here’s what I think it means.
I think it means we can be there for each other. And we can be kind. We can help each other up.
It means we can use what power we have to help those who have less power.
It means making each other laugh, because oh Sweet Saint Fuck, we’re gonna need to laugh.
It means staying involved, and keeping up the pressure, and using our voice and our vote not just for our behalf but for the behalf of our neighbors.
It means sharing the things we love: art and books and movies, quotes and images and ideas.
It means knowing who our enemies are, and pointing our metaphorical weapons to those outside the trench, not to those hunkering down in the mud alongside us.
It means kitten pictures and dog videos and other forms of random comfort, and of course what I mean is otters, because fuck yeah, otters, you can’t deny the healing power of otters.
It means turning an ear to listen and offering a shoulder to cry on and letting people just wordlessly shriek at or near you for as long as they need it.
It means working around the system to find new ways to keep each other afloat — it means giving money to the ACLU or Sierra Club or it means demanding our companies do better for us even when our government won’t, it means finding loopholes and trapdoors that help us to help each other, it means empowering others to do the work when it’s work we can’t do ourselves.
It means harnessing the one-two-punch power of Critical Thinking and Empathy, which not coincidentally are also the names of each of Uncle Joe Biden’s malarky-thumpin’ fists.
It means being good stewards of this planet because we all share it, and no matter what the administration wants you to believe, it’s our responsibility not to fuck it up.
It means creating art and telling stories because stories have power, stories help us through, stories provide a narrative for those of us now and those who come later.
It means helping ourselves and practicing self-care because sometimes before you help someone else with their oxygen mask you gotta make sure yours is on nice and tight.
It means whatever it means going forward.
I’ll be here at the blog and online if you wanna swing by and say hi. Hope you’re doing okay. Fuck the inauguration. Go to a protest. Check out a museum. Read a book. I’ll see you on the other side.
p.s. fuck international fascism
hccummings says:
Oompa, Loompa, trum-pa-dee-to
I’m going to loot this nation from you
Oompa, Loompa, doom-pa-dee-dump
Kneel down and bow before President Trump
What do you get when Putin’s a pal?
A leader who’s bought and bad for morale
A pussy-grabbing whiner in an orange skin-suit
A man who speaks like he’s a low-IQ brute
Believe me I have the best words
Oompa, Loompa, trum-pa-dee-pow
Fascist bigots have savior for now
But we will stand and fight every damn day
‘cause the Oompa Trump-a can’t have his way!
January 20, 2017 — 8:49 AM
prosateuse says:
*polite smattering of applause*
January 20, 2017 — 10:29 AM
Ellen M. Gregg says:
This made me laugh out loud, even though it’s painfully true. Thank you! 🙂
January 20, 2017 — 10:45 AM
Kate Pavelle says:
Awesome! May I post it on FB? Is credit to HCCummings okay?
January 20, 2017 — 11:10 AM
hccummings says:
You may, thanks for asking. However, I have an illustrated version going live on Twitter at noon, so you might want to wait for that one (it’s all one glorious image). @hccummings
January 20, 2017 — 11:15 AM
Stephen Carver says:
Solidarity. Peace. Resist… Hang in, anyway, go play with your kid – that’s what I’m doing today. (Nice post, by the way, you are one of my key go-to sites when in need of a civilised lift. So thank you.)
January 20, 2017 — 9:00 AM
Wendy Christopher says:
You know a President’s going to be bad news when he picks NIGEL FARAGE and MICHAEL GOVE to be his Best British Buddies. I mean, Jesus – there’s getting in with the wrong crowd and then there’s THAT -!
Stay strong, Good People of America. We believe in you.
January 20, 2017 — 9:07 AM
Fiona says:
I feel your pain. We have survived a ass of a President who has looted and continues to loot our state coffers, who has filled his ranks with supporters who all feed at the same trough. I understate the extent of the corruption.
The only way through these times was to be aware of the space we as individuals fill. We can only be responsible for our own areas of influence – spread the love and hang on to the thought that the wheel will eventually turn.
After 8 years, it’s turning for us. The media have kept digging, the good men and women are standing up and the voters have realised that their vote actually does count. The tide is turning against the slippery toad. The poor have gotten poorer, the education systems are collapsing amongst many other state institutions but the people have the will to turn it around. And that’s what you can hang on to. You can make a difference even when you feel it’s too overwhelming.
Like here, and over in the USA, you’re right when you say the good people outnumber the bad.
January 20, 2017 — 9:07 AM
Kathleen Moran says:
See hccummings above.
January 20, 2017 — 11:54 AM
Jen Merrill says:
Needed this today, oh wise penmonkey. Fuckin’ A, bubba.
January 20, 2017 — 9:10 AM
boundbeautifunk says:
I know this sounds crazy, but when I read articles yesterday about the possible defunding of the NEA, PBS, NPR and the NEH, I felt a little bubble of hope. Not because of the proposed budget cuts, of course. I just remember being a kid in the early nineties, just figuring out what this whole politics thing was all about, and watching my mother and father leaning on a desk, drafting letters to save the NEA and PBS back then when it was under attack. My parents joined the ACLU and our local NPR station in those years, remaining members for over twenty years. My mother used a CASSETTE TAPE to record NPR stories off our radio and mailed them to our representatives in little padded envelopes… for YEARS. They subscribed to two newspapers in addition to our local one. While my brother and I had extracurricular activities, she’d bring a basket of last week’s newspapers, all marked in red pen, and clip them for later filing. She and my father would gather around the computer late at night, drafting letters together.
I feel hope because watching my parents in those years is what made me an activist voter, not content to punch the ballot and forget about it until the next election. They showed me the worth of participating in a representative democracy, instilling activism as a family value. I don’t know what is going to happen in coming years, but I was raised to be a thinker and a fighter and I’m thinking of all the children who are going to be watching their parents do the same thing.
January 20, 2017 — 9:10 AM
Pam says:
Thank you, Chuck!
January 20, 2017 — 9:14 AM
sandradny says:
Yours is the only web content I will read today. I will not give one iota of my time or “ratings” to this terrible huckster of a human being. I hope someone has a way to sanitize the Lincoln bible after he touches it.
January 20, 2017 — 9:20 AM
ben says:
Thanks for this, Chuck. Needed it this morning. What a day. I’m a children’s librarian, so I think I’m going to just read picture books about decent people doing and learning decent things all day long.
January 20, 2017 — 9:21 AM
mlhe says:
I love you, Chuck. And I really, really, really love the way you string words together. Thank you.
January 20, 2017 — 9:22 AM
Aura Eadon says:
Don’t lose hope, never lose it. Keep loving, keep making art, keep resisting, keep being a decent human being. Lots of love and hugs.
January 20, 2017 — 9:23 AM
Dave Cushing says:
And the best way to stay together in this situation is not to resort to cannibalism.
January 20, 2017 — 9:24 AM
lcbennettstern says:
Terrific, thought-provoking writing! Can’t stay here long …getting ready to march tomorrow (and as often as necessary, after that!) May I share this, please?
January 20, 2017 — 9:26 AM
terribleminds says:
Of course!
January 20, 2017 — 10:03 AM
lcbennettstern says:
Thanks so much! Will do!
January 27, 2017 — 1:34 PM
Sarah_Madison says:
My social media feeds are schizophrenic these days as I bounce from horrified fear to total outrage, with random placement of otter pix because, as you said, no one can deny the healing power of otters.
But mostly because no one can do sustained rage or fear. It’s not healthy. It’s not productive. It won’t change the fact that yes, we’ve crashed on a deserted island and no one is coming for us. So I will keep expressing outrage, while at the same time writing fluffy romances in which my protagonists are becoming a little tougher and stronger. And of course, I’ll keep posting otter pix. A corgis. Baby otter-corgis. Whatever it takes to get through the day.
January 20, 2017 — 9:32 AM
BABYBOOMER johanna van zanten says:
Well said. One thing is missing that I as an observer from across the line (Canada) noticed:
…it means keeping the lines of communication open with ‘the enemy” with logic and compassion….
January 20, 2017 — 9:51 AM
Patti Rose Bradshaw says:
Yes. There is no enemy, just confused people. We can help them see the light.
January 22, 2017 — 1:57 PM
Cat York says:
January 20, 2017 — 9:54 AM
fangswandsfairy(alt) says:
As the young folks say: Word.
Thank you for being a voice of “Critical Thinking and Empathy, which not coincidentally are also the names of each of Uncle Joe Biden’s malarky-thumpin’ fists.” I would actually consider having that tattooed on my fists if there were enough room. And, if I would get a tattoo which I am probably too scared to do.
Thanks for making me laugh, my heart is a dark hole today. I am thinking I might need to pick up the Russian I learned in HS again because they might be coming. Sounds cray doesn’t it? But, I wouldn’t rule it out.
January 20, 2017 — 9:54 AM
kitpowerwriter says:
Thank you for this, Chuck. More power to your pen.
January 20, 2017 — 9:56 AM
Jo Anne Wilson says:
Thank you, Chuck for reminding us that we still have the power to change things. I live in Canada and have watched in fear as your political “adventure” has unfolded. My fear is a result of two things: what happens in the US affects everyone in the world and, culture tends to creep north across the border. That creep is starting to happen and we have a couple of “lite” versions of your president-elect (writing this before noon, so that is still correct). The divisiveness, nastiness and complete disregard for truth is starting here too in a country that prides itself on being welcoming and civil. So it is time for us to act and, as you so eloquently say, “save ourselves”. I am going to ignore the media for a day or two while the histrionics and the punditry get way more airtime and brain time than they deserve. And in quiet contemplation, I will figure out what small actions I can take. Bless you for this post.
January 20, 2017 — 9:57 AM
Elaine says:
We are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether this nation, or any nation so concieved and so dedicated can long endure.
January 20, 2017 — 9:58 AM
Paula says:
January 20, 2017 — 1:28 PM
jackswanzy1022 says:
I’m with you, Chuck! I’m going to have some fun today. Hope you do too.
January 20, 2017 — 10:18 AM
furyious says:
He has no class. No dignity. No scruples. No compassion. No ethics. No morals. He is supported by bigots,warmongers, and Putin. He has has already lied to the American people, he has cheated, and it’s likely he has broken the law. He enters office under investigation for numerous items, and faces number of lawsuits related to unscrupulous business practices and personal behavior. He is a fool with the temperament of a toddler and his finger on the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. He insults heroes and praises criminals and dictators. If you aren’t frightened you are an idiot or complicit.
January 20, 2017 — 10:33 AM
Rebecca Douglass says:
That sums it up pretty well.
January 20, 2017 — 12:51 PM
OleanderPlume says:
Thank you for not sugar-coating it, Chuck, and I mean that sincerely.
For months, I’ve felt like Roddy Piper in “They Live” shoving my special sunglasses at people, begging them to look through, but hearing “Don’t worry, it’s going to be fine.”
Knowing there are other people who see the shit-show for what it is – well, as crazy as this sounds – is a comfort, and gives me hope.
Not going to lie, I’m freaking terrified, but less so after reading your words. (I might also be drawing up plans to recruit an otter army, but let’s keep that a secret.)
January 20, 2017 — 10:35 AM
annelippin says:
Love to you and your family from Minnesota. You made me laugh and tear up simultaneously. Just what I needed today.
January 20, 2017 — 10:48 AM
Ellen M. Gregg says:
It’s no coincidence, of course, that the card I pulled this morning is Sovereignty, and the message that came with it is being our own sovereigns; remembering “we the people” are we, the people. We hold the true power.
Thanks for the pep talk, Chuck. Yours is a welcome voice of sanity, profanity and hilarity. 🙂
January 20, 2017 — 10:49 AM
Kate Pavelle says:
So that was fun to read. Yes, we are going to a protest tomorrow, us here in Pittsburgh, our daughter in her college town, 25% of her professors off to DC and never mind the classes. I keep writing gay romance, in part, because its existence is a political statement. And yeah, I do let the subtext of our current environment creep in.
Let me get offline and write some more 🙂
January 20, 2017 — 11:07 AM
writing, writing, words words words. says:
Thanks for this. Made me do that thing where you cry and laugh at the same time. Craugh.
January 20, 2017 — 11:13 AM
Jemima Pett says:
Good luck everyone.
January 20, 2017 — 11:18 AM
sewcraftyme says:
Next to finding out that today is Penguin Awareness Day this is the most awesome thing I’ve read thus far and I see no need to look further. My 23 year old daughter, who spent 3 days after he was elected, crying and in total shit fear for both of us, as we are the poorest of the poor, said that she hopes lighting is passing over DC today and is attracted to cheeto colored skin. And though she is an atheist, she even lamented how awful that he would dare to take an oath on a Bible and (shepple) are actually believing he means or actually has any respect for the oath he will take. Nor does he understand the first thing about the laws of this great Nation.
I actually open up my PC each day and look for the headline that he has croaked (no offense to frogs or toads). He’s 70 years old, has a 20 year old wife, and never sleeps according to reports. I’m beginning to think his head is taken off at different times and a back up is put on and that color is not from cheap tanning products but from a chemical that keeps the other head alive when its not on his shoulders and in public. Do we have confirmation that there are no zippers or bolts on his neck?
The world has flipped and I feel we are all hanging onto any root we can grab. It is up to us to do as you say Chuck, not to start grabbing, the otter, penguins and fellow sensible people in order to last the next 4, or heaven save us all, 8 years. Lift each other up with our art, though I do not know what mine is, except for quilts and embroidery, I am not a purveyor of words as you are, but I do share yours everywhere I can. Thank you and your guests for helping all of us keep perspective.
January 20, 2017 — 11:19 AM
Eric Montoya says:
Well-said. Truer words, good sir. Truer words….
January 20, 2017 — 11:34 AM
manifenestration says:
Thank you.
January 20, 2017 — 11:42 AM
Laura says:
I just finished reading Sebastian Junger’s newest book, Tribe, which he didn’t know would be the rallying cry for us today. He writes about PTSD as an ailment of re-integration, not merely one of battle shock. The working together, the compassion, the need to help others before (and above) oneself is what returning soldiers don’t see when they return home. Across cultures, across centuries, it’s what they miss about war. Saddle up, strap on, get out your laptops, adjust your helmets, and come together for battle for each other.
January 20, 2017 — 11:49 AM
Kathleen Moran says:
Thanks, Chuck. I thought I was the only one waiting for something to happen that would take us out of this Reality USA Show. But no… it isn’t happening. We’re going… LIVE!
January 20, 2017 — 11:56 AM
M T McGuire says:
My sympathies to all Americans and a big fuck off to international fascism from this side of the pond too. Good luck with the nylon-haired, carrot-skinned, bampot over the next four years. At least it means we’re in for some comedy gold, those of us and you, who like satire.
January 20, 2017 — 12:01 PM
Jeff W says:
What I hate most, is what this has done to my family. Some have turned into slavering demons from hell. Invasion of the body snatchers or something. Are we headed for a civil war? Maybe we’re at the low plot point of a novel, where things only get better. Riiiiight.
January 20, 2017 — 12:06 PM
lizmonster says:
Thank you for this.
January 20, 2017 — 12:19 PM
decayingorbits says:
I woke up today knowing that the more things change, the more they stay the same.
January 20, 2017 — 12:24 PM
bcre8v2 says:
I feel better already. Thanks for the tough-love wake-up call on this horror-show of a day. I especially related to your advice to be kind to those hunkered down in the trenches with us. We need more of that. And, we will need our open-hearted resolve not to say “I told you so!” when we are joined in that muddy trench by some wounded, bitterly disappointed Trump supporters.
January 20, 2017 — 12:33 PM
fadedglories says:
You are not alone. Over the pond we’re suffering too; some of us are protesting and marching and praying.
Solidarity and Love from us to you.
Tomorrow we do battle for the NHS xxx
January 20, 2017 — 12:37 PM
Rebecca Douglass says:
Good luck with that. I can’t believe anyone would want to dismantle it. I think that only people who have always had plenty of money and comfortable health care can even imagine doing it.
January 20, 2017 — 12:54 PM
ina says:
Chuck – this inauguration makes this one of the worst bdays I’ve had (and I’ve had a lot of them),and I needed the reminder that there are things to do and people – TRULY GOOD people – to do them with. Thank you.
January 20, 2017 — 1:11 PM
Terry Hickman says:
The ACLU has already filed their first FOIA request for The Orange Idiot’s financial information. They’re going to be doing a lot of this, methinks.
January 20, 2017 — 1:24 PM
Caroline Clemens says:
Hi Chuck! Thanks for all your writing tips and outrageous motivating posts these past 4-5 years. I was taught by someone out there on the web to not discuss politics too much, as this will dissuade readers from buying your books.
Honestly, I don’t know who gave me that tip but I try to abide by it. It’s hard, difficult as we writers, or illogically-logical people, desire to be heard, or hammered, not sure which. Now, I think you’ve rubbed off on me or it’s been in me all along. I care deeply about America, so very much, but I differ from many people in my beliefs, however, I am not telling the country to run the other way. I want to give the President Trump a chance, just like we did with our other leaders.
I’ve held a leadership/manager position in my past and someone once told me it makes you a better person because you see all the sides not just one perspective. I know one thing for sure I’d never want to be a single mother; what a tough job! Yet, I care deeply about these people but don’t tell them to not be that, it’s their choice. We must all look at the big picture not just at our own little world. Stop by my post I plan to do about ‘If I Were President’ on my blog theivorytide.com.
January 20, 2017 — 1:26 PM
Paula says:
“No one’s going to save us” — good point. The Donald is a savior to his supporters and I think they’re going to discover there is no such thing. But the upswell of activism that has been happening is encouraging, and the sudden, sharp awareness by so many, of how fragile and precious the American Experiment is, is also good.
January 20, 2017 — 1:37 PM
Awkwardly Alive says:
This is when the work begins. This is when we rise.
Thank you.
January 20, 2017 — 1:41 PM
Angela D'Onofrio says:
“It means harnessing the one-two-punch power of Critical Thinking and Empathy, which not coincidentally are also the names of each of Uncle Joe Biden’s malarky-thumpin’ fists.”
Yes. Precisely. We can fight, and we will, but it is SO important that we do it from a place of empathy, not one of anger. Or fear. We need to say so much NO FUCK YOU to fear.
Because as so many people have analyzed and spouted , our new President (I just threw up in my mouth a lot) is a bully, and when you take away fear, they don’t get what they want.
I read a great piece this morning about how what Trump fears the most is being illegitimized. Let’s make that happen in the best, most Good Human Being way we can. I know I’m gonna do my part.
January 20, 2017 — 1:48 PM
melorajohnson says:
Yes, we do have to save ourselves – from our cities and our community up, and there are things we can do. Today, I’m working on a community garden effort with a seed bank in our local library that will benefit many people and give them tools to better their nutrition and connection with nature. We can help each other.
January 20, 2017 — 2:00 PM
Elizabeth West says:
I’ve been taking walks for exercise even in the cold in my neighborhood, which is kind of poor, kind of Trump-ish, and not all white. I think I’ll be out a lot more, keeping an eye out for shenanigans from EVERYBODY. That includes cops, who are here a lot. In fact, they were here today. Our cops are very good for the most part, but it only takes a couple of jerks to ruin that.
Added bonus: I’ll lose some poundage, and maybe think up some good stuff to write while I’m walking. It worked for Beethoven. 🙂
January 20, 2017 — 2:06 PM
chacha1 says:
“It means harnessing the one-two-punch power of Critical Thinking and Empathy, which not coincidentally are also the names of each of Uncle Joe Biden’s malarky-thumpin’ fists.”
I love this so much. 🙂
January 20, 2017 — 2:34 PM
judithflickinger says:
Thank you. I needed to hear this.
January 20, 2017 — 2:37 PM
Sacha Jones says:
Going to the first of 600+ women’s Trump protest marches in 58 countries across the world today, in Auckland. Watch us roar!
January 20, 2017 — 3:06 PM