It is time to vote.
We had over 60 entries to the awkward author photo contest.
They are basically amazing.
Here’s how this works.
You can check out the whole gallery at this link.
Each photo is numbered (and hastily captioned by yours truly, if you care).
Find the number of your FAVORITE awkward author photo.
Drop that number in a comment, and post the comment.
You can only vote once.
Voting will be open until Sunday the 28th, noon EST.
I’ll tally ’em up on Monday.
Given the number of great photos, I’m actually going to give a t-shirt / mug combo to two different winners (the top two), in addition to two of you randomly getting #amwritingmotherfuckers Post-It notes.
So, that’s it.
Get to voting.
(Also, a head’s up: a few of you sent in emails with multiple photos, which counts as multiple entries. Given that I don’t know which photo was actually your entry, that regrettably disqualified you from inclusion.)
ashleycapes says:
September 25, 2014 — 9:35 AM
David Thomas Moore says:
September 25, 2014 — 9:36 AM
Stephen McClurg says:
September 25, 2014 — 9:36 AM
sweetsoleah says:
September 25, 2014 — 9:36 AM
Shonnerz says:
If I ever get published I’m duplicating #4. 🙂
September 25, 2014 — 9:37 AM
bassplyr5150 says:
September 25, 2014 — 9:38 AM
GN says:
Ug. Narrowed down to three, going to have to toss a three-sided coin between 27, 12 and 44 …
September 25, 2014 — 9:38 AM
kateran says:
September 25, 2014 — 9:38 AM
Charlotte Copper says:
#13…so normal and yet…
September 25, 2014 — 9:38 AM
Deanna Hoak says:
They’re all wonderful, but I particularly love 13. It has my vote. 🙂
September 25, 2014 — 9:38 AM
Arlene says:
I can relate to #4
September 25, 2014 — 9:39 AM
liisur says:
September 25, 2014 — 9:40 AM
Maxi Blanco says:
September 25, 2014 — 9:41 AM
Kate Copeseeley says:
OMG, so many good entries. It was very hard to pick. But I think my favorite was 14.
September 25, 2014 — 9:41 AM
blue cole says:
September 25, 2014 — 9:41 AM
Sam Neumann says:
So much talent.
September 25, 2014 — 9:42 AM
sarahmanderson says:
Awkward chickens for the win! #13!
September 25, 2014 — 9:42 AM
Nicola Alter says:
September 25, 2014 — 9:42 AM
Terri says:
There were three that made me snort tea out of my nose, my kudos to 13, 14, and 44 . . . but the biggest stain on the front of my shirt came from . . .
:drum roll:
A man for the peeple.
September 25, 2014 — 9:42 AM
mikes75 says:
#52, definitely.
September 25, 2014 — 9:43 AM
Kelly J. Doran says:
September 25, 2014 — 9:43 AM
christophergronlund says:
It sooooooo crushes my entry. Quite a few, do. It’s hard to pick just one, especially when all involving a typewriter are wonderful. Also, bonfires and princess hat with swords…and I may never eat vegetables again! Your captions are also great — this was a lot of fun. Thanks, Chuck!
September 25, 2014 — 9:43 AM
Duncan says:
September 25, 2014 — 9:44 AM
Sarah L says:
#13… Laughing so hard right now. It’s like an awkward family photo.
September 25, 2014 — 9:45 AM
Tom Wells says:
27. That photo is everything I could ever want to see in an author photo.
September 25, 2014 — 9:48 AM
Billy B. says:
#27 – They are all awesome but, 27 brings all the pieces together!
September 25, 2014 — 9:48 AM
Clare Dugmore says:
I vote for 6. 🙂
September 25, 2014 — 9:49 AM
joannehuspek says:
OMG, they are ALL so AWKWARD, it’s difficult to choose one. My question: why do so many authors gravitate to orange cats? <–author/owner of orange cat.
September 25, 2014 — 9:49 AM
Zac says:
14 is awesome
September 25, 2014 — 9:49 AM
Matthew MacNish says:
So many weird and wonderful people here, but I’ve got to go with 25.
September 25, 2014 — 9:50 AM
momsmitty says:
September 25, 2014 — 9:50 AM
C.K. says:
There were some good ones, but 56 gets my vote, because who doesn’t want to sit back and watch the world burn?
September 25, 2014 — 9:50 AM
Chelle Pike says:
Fuck. It’s so hard to choose.
September 25, 2014 — 9:51 AM
Melinda VanLone says:
Wow, this is a tough choice! So much awesomeness here. My choice is #14. OMG, the expression! Perfect, man, absolutely perfect. My eye just kept going back to that one lol.
For the record, #17 – that ain’t awkward, that’s AWESOME! Seriously nice shot. 😀
September 25, 2014 — 9:51 AM
jujuwiz says:
Yep, 13.
September 25, 2014 — 9:53 AM
Ara Trask (@AraTrask) says:
12. Oh my.
September 25, 2014 — 9:54 AM
Amanda Makepeace says:
My choice is #14 sir!
September 25, 2014 — 9:54 AM
Mikey Campling (@mikeycampling) says:
52 – just for the thoughtful addition of the cocktail olive. Aw man – my entry was definitely not awkward enough.
September 25, 2014 — 9:54 AM
erica m. chapman (@ericamchapman) says:
September 25, 2014 — 9:55 AM
tfalbb says:
September 25, 2014 — 9:56 AM
squee1313 says:
It was between 13 and 14, but I had to settle on 13. 13. 13. Cuz chicken.
September 25, 2014 — 9:58 AM
Dave Higgins says:
September 25, 2014 — 9:59 AM
Samantha Warren says:
I should really vote for myself, cause, ya know, it’s myself, but #32 is so accurate it’s scary. That’s also the moment right before she passes out cold at the computer and the cat eats her face.
September 25, 2014 — 10:00 AM
onthewaytothere says:
Oh my gosh!! 23!! That is me right now xD
September 25, 2014 — 10:01 AM
thejbru says:
So hard! I’m going with #32 for the great combination of booze, cat, computer, and past-due bill.
September 25, 2014 — 10:02 AM
Jenni Cornell says:
27. Love the subtlety.
September 25, 2014 — 10:05 AM
JD Savage says:
14. Yup. Awkward.
September 25, 2014 — 10:07 AM
Alexa says:
So many good ones, but I gotta go with 13.
September 25, 2014 — 10:07 AM
bardgirlwahoo says:
Booze *and* chewing on glasses? 14!
September 25, 2014 — 10:09 AM
Nicholas Kaufmann says:
I vote for #2, the cat attack!
September 25, 2014 — 10:09 AM