Apple-Obsessed Author Fella

Goodnight, True Detective

[vague, sorta spoiler warning for True Detective]





In the old burned church

there was a flock of birds

and a yellow fear

And a picture of

A girl kneeling dead on the wall

And there was an antler crown and black stars falling down

And two little bird traps and a pair of murder raps

And a little meth house and a cheating spouse

And a gun and a crime and the grit and the grime

And a quiet dead girl in the flat circle of time

Goodnight Rust

Goodnight dust

Goodnight racist thugs on angel dust

Goodnight Lang and the Yellow King

Goodnight traps and murder raps

Goodnight search, goodnight church

Goodnight drugs and goodnight thugs

Goodnight yellow hue, Goodnight LaDoux

Goodnight Dewall, goodnight dance hall

Goodnight Cohle and goodnight dread

Goodnight nobody, goodnight dead

And goodnight to those that are found in the shed

Goodnight black stars, goodnight nobody knows-ya

Goodnight from the voices of lost dim Carcosa