Apple-Obsessed Author Fella

What The World Thinks Of Writers, Apparently

I, on a lark, was looking for synonyms or slang terms for writer.

Above was what I found at

That doesn’t speak well for what the world thinks of writers.

(Never mind the faintly racist implication of putting “Gypsy” there.)

It adds up, I suppose. I’ve encountered the attitude quite frequently that we’re a bunch of wifty slugabeds, high from huffing our own delusional dreams — writer as synonymous with lacking good judgment.

Interesting, if a little troubling.

And, of course, at the core of it, a nugget of truth. I’ve met many-a-writer who are basically undisciplined wannabe’s — dilettantes, as the list points out — who claim to be this thing but never really do enough to support that claim. Talk about writing in the same way one might talk about moving to the islands, or building a boat, or learning how to macrame the cat. (Is that a thing?)

They talk about it. But never seem to write.

Not much to say here except:

Hey, let’s go out and prove ’em wrong.

Fuck talking. Start writing.