Apple-Obsessed Author Fella

Flash Fiction Challenge: The Randomized Title Rears Its Head

Last week’s challenge: Holiday Horror!

I love the random title challenge.

I love it so much I wanna hug it.

I wanna hug it so much it explodes.


Way it works is this: you pick one from the two columns of 20 either by using a d20 die or a random number generator, and smooshing the word from Column One with the word from Column Two gets you a title. (You can modify that title slightly by putting “The” in front of it or making the title plural or possessive in some way.) You write the story — we’ll say 1500 words max this time around. Then you post it at your online space and drop a link here so we can all read it. Due by next Friday, noon EST.

Get it? Got it? Great.

Column One

  1. Skyborn
  2. Murderer’s
  3. Cocktail
  4. Night
  5. Dead
  6. Obliterated
  7. Heaven’s
  8. Thirteenth
  9. White
  10. Armored
  11. Wrong
  12. Daniel’s
  13. A Song For
  14. Screaming
  15. The Oathkeeper’s
  16. The Day of the
  17. Bleeding
  18. God’s Own
  19. Ghostly
  20. Endless

Column Two

  1. Inkwell
  2. Treasure
  3. Waitress
  4. Keeper
  5. Bird
  6. Corps
  7. Traveler
  8. Padlock
  9. Comet
  10. Elf
  11. Starfish
  12. Medallion
  13. Absinthe
  14. Rats
  15. Reason
  16. Crusade
  17. Nebula
  18. Screwdriver
  19. Snowflake
  20. Forge