Apple-Obsessed Author Fella

Search Results: “flash fiction challenge” (page 2 of 62)

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Flash Fiction Challenge: Real Estate

Real estate is fascinating. The buying and selling of houses. The buying and selling of homes — not just a place you rest your head, but for some, your heart. And then there’s the potentially criminal aspect. Or the callous capitalist aspect. And then if you contextualize it across genres — real estate horror, real estate […]

Flash Fiction Challenge: The Complications Of Heroism

Did a big-ass storytelling thread today about people’s complicated reactions to THE LAST JEDI (don’t worry, next week it’ll be Marvel) — and I’m fascinated by the ideas of how we see heroism, and how hero characters are complicated or changed or tarnished — and the costs of sacrifice that have to go into being […]

Flash Fiction Challenge: New Life

Two words: “New life.” Lot of power in those two words, and a lot of ways to interpret them. I want you to take those two words, and use them as the basis for this week’s challenge — write a story using those two words as a springboard. Again, feel free to get creative — […]