I don’t know why they’re on sale — let’s go with serendipity, or maybe time-travelers did it, or maybe it’s the cosmic result of two wizards battling. Either way, it’s a thing, and it’s happening.

Both are on sale for your many e-reading devices.

INVASIVE is about ants and anxiety and will also give you a free trip to Hawaii*, and features Hannah Stander, a futurist consultant for the FBI contending with a horde of killer genetically-modified ants as well as an enigmatic billionaire and a secret atoll laboratory.

Amazon, B&N, iBooks!

ZER0ES is about hackers and trolls scooped up by the government who find out from the inside about a secret wet-wired artificial intelligence that has invaded all our networks and nope, that’s probably not a good thing.

Amazon, B&N, iBooks!

They are fun, I hope.

Despite what many sites will tell you, INVASIVE is not a sequel to ZER0ES, but both take place in the same world and share a few characters. Neither is necessary to understand the other.

If you like this site and you like my rampant shenanigans, here is a chance to show your support and grabby-grab some booky-books. Also, please tell your friends. And your enemies. What, I don’t know who your enemies are, maybe they like to read books, too, jeez.

* I mean, not really, but the book is set there so let’s pretend it’s literally true