Apple-Obsessed Author Fella

Gone Fishing

We here at terribleminds (and by “we” I mean myself and whatever multiple personalities have splintered from the core persona at any given moment in time) have decided to —

*crash of thunder*

Take weekends off from this point forward.

Dry your eyes, pretty ponies. Be still your trembling hearts. Do not wail! Gnash not your teeth. Okay, you can gnash them a little. It makes me feel loved when you tear clumps of hair from your head and punch holes in your dry wall. I will allow you this rage-fed luxury. Just take pictures.

But, yeah. Weekends from now on are, generally speaking, a “no new post” or, rather, “post-free” zone. Reason being, I’m busy as hell. That’s only going to get worse when the Heir to Der Wendighaus — aka “Poop Monster” or “Chubbs McCoy” or any other host of unruly made-up nicknames — is born this spring. Ironically, I’m not actually taking the weekends off so much as I am using some of my weekend time to prep blog posts for the week. As it stands now I tend to tackle a new post the night before I post it, but I’d like a little extra dollop of lead-time whenever possible.

So, that’s the scoop, lords and ladies.